[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/contrib check_inodes.pl,NONE,1.1
Ethan Galstad
egalstad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Apr 18 15:04:28 CEST 2002
Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/contrib
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv25020
Added Files:
Log Message:
add check_inodes contrib plugin by John Jolet
--- NEW FILE ---
# This plugin uses df to gather filesystem statistics and check the percent #
# used of inodes. I've put a switch in here since i've got both aix and #
# linux systems...adjust for your syntax's results. #
# Note: the percentages passed in MUST NOT have % after them #
# No warranty is either implied, nor expressed herein. #
# #
$filesystem = $ARGV[0];
$warnpercent = $ARGV[1];
$critpercent = $ARGV[2];
#------Find out what kind of syntax to expect
#------Make sure we got called with the right number of arguments
#------you could also put a check in here to make sure critical level is
#------greater than warning...but what the heck.
die "Usage: check_inodes filesystem warnpercent critpercent" unless @ARGV;
if ($#ARGV < 2) {
die "Usage: check_inodes filesystem warnpercent critpercent";
}#end if
#------This gets the data from the df command
$inputline = `df -i $filesystem|grep -v "Filesystem"`;
#------replaces all spaces with a single :, that way we can use split
$inputline =~ y/ /:/s;
#------different oses give back different sets of columns from the df -i
#------(at least mine do). This way I can use this plugin on all my hosts
#------if neither of these work, add your own in, or if you've got one that
#------just flat out reports something different...well...perl is your friend.
if ($systype eq "Linux") {
($fs,$inodes,$iused,$ifree,$ipercent,$mntpt) = split(/:/,$inputline);
last SWITCH;
}#end if
if ($systype eq "AIX") {
($fs,$blks,$free,$percentused,$iused,$ipercent,$mntpt) = split(/:/,$inputline);
last SWITCH;
}#end if
}#end switch
#------First we check for critical, since that is, by definition and convention
#------going to exceed the warning threshold
$ipercent =~ y/%//ds;
if ($ipercent > $critpercent) {
print "CRITICAL: $filesystem inode use exceeds critical threshold $critpercent ($ipercent)";
exit 1;
}# end if
#------Next we check the warning threshold
if ($ipercent > $warnpercent) {
print "WARNING: $filesystem inode use exceeds warning threshold $warnpercent ($ipercent)";
exit 2;
}# end if
#------thanks to the magic of procedural programming, we figure if we got here,
#------everything MUST be fine.
print "$filesystem inode use within limits ($ipercent)";
exit 0;
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