[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins-scripts check_disk_smb.pl,1.3,1.4

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jun 19 21:28:02 CEST 2002

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv18160

Modified Files:
Log Message:
logic fix for disk space thresholds

Index: check_disk_smb.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** check_disk_smb.pl	27 May 2002 01:55:41 -0000	1.3
--- check_disk_smb.pl	20 Jun 2002 04:27:38 -0000	1.4
*** 62,65 ****
--- 62,67 ----
+ # Options checking
  ($opt_H) || ($opt_H = shift) || usage("Host name not specified\n");
  my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /([-_.A-Za-z0-9]+)/);
*** 78,90 ****
  ($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = 85);
! my $warn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kmKM])+/);
  ($warn) || usage("Invalid warning threshold: $opt_w\n");
  ($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = 95);
! my $crit = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kmKM])/);
  ($crit) || usage("Invalid critical threshold: $opt_c\n");
  my $workgroup = $1 if (defined($opt_W) && $opt_W =~ /(.*)/);
  my $state = "OK";
  my $answer = undef;
--- 80,111 ----
  ($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift) || ($opt_w = 85);
! my $warn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])/);
  ($warn) || usage("Invalid warning threshold: $opt_w\n");
  ($opt_c) || ($opt_c = shift) || ($opt_c = 95);
! my $crit = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])/);
  ($crit) || usage("Invalid critical threshold: $opt_c\n");
+ # check if both warning and critical are percentage or size
+ unless( ( ($opt_w =~ /([0-9]){1,2}$/ ) && ($opt_c =~ /([0-9]){1,2}$/ )  )|| (( $opt_w =~ /[kMG]/ ) && ($opt_c =~ /[kMG]/) )  ){
+ 	usage("Both warning and critical should be same type- warning: $opt_w critical: $opt_c \n");
+ }
+ # verify warning is less than critical
+ if ( $opt_w =~ /[kMG]/) {
+ 	unless ( $warn > $crit) {
+ 		usage("Disk size: warning ($opt_w) should be greater than critical ($opt_c) \n");
+ 	}
+ }else{
+ 	unless ( $warn < $crit) {
+ 		usage("Percentage: warning ($opt_w) should be less than critical ($opt_c) \n");
+ 	}
+ }
  my $workgroup = $1 if (defined($opt_W) && $opt_W =~ /(.*)/);
+ # end of options checking
  my $state = "OK";
  my $answer = undef;
*** 130,154 ****
  	my $warn_type;
  	my $crit_type;
! 	if ($warn =~ /^([0-9]+$)/) {
  		$warn_type = "P";
! 	} elsif ($warn =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
! 		my ($warn_type) = "K";
  		$warn = $1;
! 	} elsif ($warn =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
  		$warn_type = "K";
  		$warn = $1 * 1024;
! 	} elsif ($warn =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
  		$warn_type = "K";
  		$warn = $1 * 1048576;
! 	if ($crit =~ /^([0-9]+$)/) {
  		$crit_type = "P";
! 	} elsif ($crit =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1;
! 	} elsif ($crit =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1 * 1024;
! 	} elsif ($crit =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1 * 1048576;
--- 151,176 ----
  	my $warn_type;
  	my $crit_type;
! 	if ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+$)/) {
  		$warn_type = "P";
! 	} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
! 		$warn_type = "K";
  		$warn = $1;
! 	} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
  		$warn_type = "K";
  		$warn = $1 * 1024;
! 	} elsif ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
  		$warn_type = "K";
  		$warn = $1 * 1048576;
! 	if ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+$)/) {
  		$crit_type = "P";
! 	} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)k$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1;
! 	} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)M$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1 * 1024;
! 	} elsif ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]+)G$/) {
  		$crit_type = "K";
  		$crit = $1 * 1048576;
*** 159,168 ****
  		if (int($avail /1024) > 0) {
  			$avail = (int(($avail / 1024)*100))/100;
! 			$avail = $avail."G";
  		} else {
! 			$avail = $avail."M";
  	} else {
! 		$avail = $avail."K";
--- 181,190 ----
  		if (int($avail /1024) > 0) {
  			$avail = (int(($avail / 1024)*100))/100;
! 			$avail = $avail ."G";
  		} else {
! 			$avail = $avail ."M";
  	} else {
! 		$avail = $avail ."K";
*** 170,181 ****
  #print ":$crit:$crit_type:\n";
  #print ":$avail:$avail_bytes:$capper:$mountpt:\n";
  	if ((($warn_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $warn) || (($warn_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $warn))) { 
  		$answer = "Disk ok - $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  	} elsif ((($crit_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $crit) || (($crit_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $crit))) {
  		$state = "WARNING";
! 		$answer = "Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  	} else {
  		$state = "CRITICAL";
! 		$answer = "Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  } else {
--- 192,204 ----
  #print ":$crit:$crit_type:\n";
  #print ":$avail:$avail_bytes:$capper:$mountpt:\n";
  	if ((($warn_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $warn) || (($warn_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $warn))) { 
  		$answer = "Disk ok - $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  	} elsif ((($crit_type eq "P") && (100 - $capper) < $crit) || (($crit_type eq "K") && ($avail_bytes > $crit))) {
  		$state = "WARNING";
! 		$answer = "WARNING: Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  	} else {
  		$state = "CRITICAL";
! 		$answer = "CRITICAL: Only $avail ($capper%) free on $mountpt\n";
  } else {
*** 189,193 ****
  		if (/(Unknown host \w*)/) {
! 			$answer = "$1\n";
  			$state = "CRITICAL";
--- 212,217 ----
  		if (/(Unknown host \w*)/) {
! 			$answer = "$1\n";_
  			$state = "CRITICAL";
*** 230,239 ****
  -p, --password=STRING
     Password to log in to server. (Defaults to \"guest\")
! -w, --warning=INTEGER
     Percent of used space at which a warning will be generated (Default: 85%)
! -c, --critical=INTEGER
     Percent of used space at which a critical will be generated (Defaults: 95%)
--- 254,268 ----
  -p, --password=STRING
     Password to log in to server. (Defaults to \"guest\")
! -w, --warning=INTEGER or INTEGER[kMG]
     Percent of used space at which a warning will be generated (Default: 85%)
! -c, --critical=INTEGER or INTEGER[kMG]
     Percent of used space at which a critical will be generated (Defaults: 95%)
+    If thresholds are followed by either a k, M, or G then check to see if that
+    much disk space is available (kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes)
+    Warning percentage should be less than critical
+    Warning (remaining) disk space should be greater than critical.

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