[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_http.c,,1.2

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jun 24 14:30:03 CEST 2002

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv480

Modified Files:
Log Message:
ignore return status codes if user specified status line check

Index: check_http.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_http.c,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -r1.1.1.1 -r1.2
*** check_http.c	28 Feb 2002 06:42:57 -0000
--- check_http.c	24 Jun 2002 21:29:06 -0000	1.2
*** 55,59 ****
     IP address or name (use numeric address if possible to bypass DNS lookup).\n\
   -e, --expect=STRING\n\
!    String to expect in first line of server response (default: %s)\n\
   -s, --string=STRING\n\
     String to expect in the content\n\
--- 55,60 ----
     IP address or name (use numeric address if possible to bypass DNS lookup).\n\
   -e, --expect=STRING\n\
!    String to expect in first (status) line of server response (default: %s)\n\
!    If specified skips all other status line logic (ex: 3xx, 4xx, 5xx processing)\n\
   -s, --string=STRING\n\
     String to expect in the content\n\
*** 187,190 ****
--- 188,192 ----
  char *server_url = NULL;
  int server_url_length = 0;
+ int server_expect_yn = 0;
  char server_expect[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = HTTP_EXPECT;
  char string_expect[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = "";
*** 384,387 ****
--- 386,391 ----
  			if (!strcmp (optarg, "critical"))
  				onredirect = STATE_CRITICAL;
+ 			if (verbose)
+ 				printf("option f:%d \n", onredirect);  
  		/* Note: H, I, and u must be malloc'd or will fail on redirects */
*** 417,420 ****
--- 421,425 ----
  			strncpy (server_expect, optarg, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1);
  			server_expect[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1] = 0;
+ 			server_expect_yn = 1;
  		case 'R': /* regex */
*** 616,619 ****
--- 621,626 ----
  		sprintf (buffer, "%s %s HTTP/1.0\r\n", http_method, server_url);
  		send (sd, buffer, strlen (buffer), 0);
  		/* optionally send the host header info */
*** 717,817 ****
- 	/* check the return code */
- 	/* server errors result in a critical state */
- 	if (strstr (status_line, "500") ||
- 	    strstr (status_line, "501") ||
- 	    strstr (status_line, "502") ||
- 	    strstr (status_line, "503")) {
- 		msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP CRITICAL: %s\n", status_line);
- 		terminate (STATE_CRITICAL, msg);
- 	}
! 	/* client errors result in a warning state */
! 	if (strstr (status_line, "400") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "401") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "402") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "403") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "404")) {
! 		msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP WARNING: %s\n", status_line);
! 		terminate (STATE_WARNING, msg);
! 	/* check redirected page if specified */
! 	if (strstr (status_line, "300") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "301") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "302") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "303") ||
! 	    strstr (status_line, "304")) {
! 		if (onredirect == STATE_DEPENDENT) {
! 			pos = header;
! 			while (pos) {
! 				server_address = realloc (server_address, MAX_IPV4_HOSTLENGTH);
! 				if (server_address == NULL)
! 					terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN,
! 										 "HTTP UNKNOWN: could not allocate server_address");
! 				if (strspn (pos, "\r\n") > server_url_length) {
! 					server_url = realloc (server_url, strspn (pos, "\r\n"));
! 					if (server_url == NULL)
  						terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN,
  											 "HTTP UNKNOWN: could not allocate server_url");
! 					server_url_length = strspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 				}
! 				if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PORT URI_PATH, server_type, server_address, server_port_text, server_url) == 4) {
! 					host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 					use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 					server_port = atoi (server_port_text);
! 					check_http ();
! 				}
! 				else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PATH, server_type, server_address, server_url) == 3) {
! 					host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 					use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 					server_port = server_port_check (use_ssl);
! 					check_http ();
! 				}
! 				else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PORT, server_type, server_address, server_port_text) == 3) {
! 					host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 					strcpy (server_url, "/");
! 					use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 					server_port = atoi (server_port_text);
! 					check_http ();
! 				}
! 				else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST, server_type, server_address) == 2) {
! 					host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 					strcpy (server_url, "/");
! 					use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 					server_port = server_port_check (use_ssl);
! 					check_http ();
! 				}
! 				else if	(sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_PATH, server_url) == 1) {
! 					check_http ();
! 				}
! 				pos += (size_t) strcspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 				pos += (size_t) strspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 			} /* end while (pos) */
! 			printf ("HTTP UNKNOWN: Could not find redirect location - %s%s",
! 			        status_line, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
! 			exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 		} /* end if (onredirect == STATE_DEPENDENT) */
! 		else if (onredirect == STATE_UNKNOWN)
! 			printf ("HTTP UNKNOWN");
! 		else if (onredirect == STATE_OK)
! 			printf ("HTTP ok");
! 		else if (onredirect == STATE_WARNING)
! 			printf ("HTTP WARNING");
! 		else if (onredirect == STATE_CRITICAL)
! 			printf ("HTTP CRITICAL");
! 		time (&end_time);
! 		msg = ssprintf (msg, ": %s - %d second response time %s%s\n",
  		                status_line, (int) (end_time - start_time),
  		                timestamp, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
! 		terminate (onredirect, msg);
! 	} /* end if (strstr (status_line, "30[0-4]") */
  	/* check elapsed time */
  	time (&end_time);
  	msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP problem: %s - %d second response time %s%s\n",
! 	                status_line, (int) (end_time - start_time),
! 	                timestamp, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
  	if (check_critical_time == TRUE && (end_time - start_time) > critical_time)
  		terminate (STATE_CRITICAL, msg);
--- 724,840 ----
! 	/* Exit here if server_expect was set by user and not default */
! 	if ( server_expect_yn  )  {
! 		msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP OK: Status line output matched \"%s\"\n",server_expect);
! 		if (verbose)
! 			printf ("%s\n",msg);
+ 	else {
! 		/* check the return code */
! 		/* server errors result in a critical state */
! 		if (strstr (status_line, "500") ||
! 	  	  strstr (status_line, "501") ||
! 	    	strstr (status_line, "502") ||
! 		    strstr (status_line, "503")) {
! 			msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP CRITICAL: %s\n", status_line);
! 			terminate (STATE_CRITICAL, msg);
! 		}
! 		/* client errors result in a warning state */
! 		if (strstr (status_line, "400") ||
! 	  	  strstr (status_line, "401") ||
! 	    	strstr (status_line, "402") ||
! 		    strstr (status_line, "403") ||
! 		    strstr (status_line, "404")) {
! 			msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP WARNING: %s\n", status_line);
! 			terminate (STATE_WARNING, msg);
! 		}
! 		/* check redirected page if specified */
! 		if (strstr (status_line, "300") ||
! 	  	  strstr (status_line, "301") ||
! 	    	strstr (status_line, "302") ||
! 		    strstr (status_line, "303") ||
! 		    strstr (status_line, "304")) {
! 			if (onredirect == STATE_DEPENDENT) {
! 				pos = header;
! 				while (pos) {
! 					server_address = realloc (server_address, MAX_IPV4_HOSTLENGTH);
! 					if (server_address == NULL)
  						terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN,
+ 										 "HTTP UNKNOWN: could not allocate server_address");
+ 					if (strspn (pos, "\r\n") > server_url_length) {
+ 						server_url = realloc (server_url, strspn (pos, "\r\n"));
+ 						if (server_url == NULL)
+ 							terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN,
  											 "HTTP UNKNOWN: could not allocate server_url");
! 						server_url_length = strspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 					}
! 					if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PORT URI_PATH, server_type, server_address, server_port_text, server_url) == 4) {
! 						host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 						use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 						server_port = atoi (server_port_text);
! 						check_http ();
! 					}
! 					else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PATH, server_type, server_address, server_url) == 3 ) { 
! 						host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 						use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 						server_port = server_port_check (use_ssl);
! 						check_http ();
! 					}
! 					else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST URI_PORT, server_type, server_address, server_port_text) == 3) {
! 						host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 						strcpy (server_url, "/");
! 						use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 						server_port = atoi (server_port_text);
! 						check_http ();
! 					}
! 					else if (sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_HTTP URI_HOST, server_type, server_address) == 2) {
! 						host_name = strscpy (host_name, server_address);
! 						strcpy (server_url, "/");
! 						use_ssl = server_type_check (server_type);
! 						server_port = server_port_check (use_ssl);
! 						check_http ();
! 					}
! 					else if	(sscanf (pos, HDR_LOCATION URI_PATH, server_url) == 1) {
! 						check_http ();
! 					}	
! 					pos += (size_t) strcspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 					pos += (size_t) strspn (pos, "\r\n");
! 				} /* end while (pos) */
! 				printf ("HTTP UNKNOWN: Could not find redirect location - %s%s",
! 				        status_line, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
! 				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
! 			} /* end if (onredirect == STATE_DEPENDENT) */
! 			else if (onredirect == STATE_UNKNOWN)
! 				printf ("HTTP UNKNOWN");
! 			else if (onredirect == STATE_OK)
! 				printf ("HTTP ok");
! 			else if (onredirect == STATE_WARNING)
! 				printf ("HTTP WARNING");
! 			else if (onredirect == STATE_CRITICAL)
! 				printf ("HTTP CRITICAL");
! 			time (&end_time);
! 			msg = ssprintf (msg, ": %s - %d second response time %s%s\n",
  		                status_line, (int) (end_time - start_time),
  		                timestamp, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
! 			terminate (onredirect, msg);
! 		} /* end if (strstr (status_line, "30[0-4]") */
+ 	} /* end else (server_expect_yn)  */
  	/* check elapsed time */
  	time (&end_time);
  	msg = ssprintf (msg, "HTTP problem: %s - %d second response time %s%s\n",
! 	               status_line, (int) (end_time - start_time),
! 	               timestamp, (display_html ? "</A>" : ""));
  	if (check_critical_time == TRUE && (end_time - start_time) > critical_time)
  		terminate (STATE_CRITICAL, msg);
*** 866,875 ****
  	return STATE_UNKNOWN;
  #ifdef HAVE_SSL
! int
! connect_SSL (void)
  	SSL_METHOD *meth;
--- 889,897 ----
  	return STATE_UNKNOWN;
  #ifdef HAVE_SSL
! int connect_SSL (void)
  	SSL_METHOD *meth;

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