[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_by_ssh.c,1.3,1.4
Karl DeBisschop
kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 6 23:08:05 CET 2002
Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv14552/plugins
Modified Files:
Log Message:
remove call_getopt, add [] arougn time
Index: check_by_ssh.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_by_ssh.c,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -C2 -r1.3 -r1.4
*** check_by_ssh.c 18 Aug 2002 18:03:10 -0000 1.3
--- check_by_ssh.c 7 Nov 2002 07:07:17 -0000 1.4
*** 44,54 ****
! int commands;
! char *remotecmd = NULL;
! char *comm = NULL;
char *hostname = NULL;
char *outputfile = NULL;
char *host_shortname = NULL;
! char *servicelist = NULL;
int passive = FALSE;
int verbose = FALSE;
--- 44,55 ----
! int commands = 0;
! int services = 0;
! char *remotecmd = "";
! char *comm = SSH_COMMAND;
char *hostname = NULL;
char *outputfile = NULL;
char *host_shortname = NULL;
! char **service;
int passive = FALSE;
int verbose = FALSE;
*** 60,66 ****
char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = "";
! char *result_text = NULL;
char *status_text;
! char *output = NULL;
char *eol = NULL;
char *srvc_desc = NULL;
--- 61,68 ----
char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER] = "";
! char *result_text = "";
char *status_text;
! char *output = "";
! char *summary = "";
char *eol = NULL;
char *srvc_desc = NULL;
*** 105,112 ****
/* get results from remote command */
- result_text = realloc (result_text, 1);
- result_text[0] = 0;
while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
! result_text = strscat (result_text, input_buffer);
--- 107,112 ----
/* get results from remote command */
while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
! asprintf (&result_text, "%s%s", result_text, input_buffer);
*** 132,137 ****
time (&local_time);
! srvc_desc = strtok (servicelist, ":");
! while (result_text != NULL) {
status_text = (strstr (result_text, "STATUS CODE: "));
if (status_text == NULL) {
--- 132,137 ----
time (&local_time);
! commands = 0;
! while (result_text && strlen(result_text) > 0) {
status_text = (strstr (result_text, "STATUS CODE: "));
if (status_text == NULL) {
*** 139,153 ****
return result;
! output = result_text;
result_text = strnl (status_text);
eol = strpbrk (output, "\r\n");
if (eol != NULL)
eol[0] = 0;
! if (srvc_desc && status_text
&& sscanf (status_text, "STATUS CODE: %d", &cresult) == 1) {
! fprintf (fp, "%d PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%d;%s\n",
! (int) local_time, host_shortname, srvc_desc, cresult,
- srvc_desc = strtok (NULL, ":");
--- 139,152 ----
return result;
! asprintf (&output, "%s", result_text);
result_text = strnl (status_text);
eol = strpbrk (output, "\r\n");
if (eol != NULL)
eol[0] = 0;
! if (service[commands] && status_text
&& sscanf (status_text, "STATUS CODE: %d", &cresult) == 1) {
! fprintf (fp, "[%d] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%d;%s\n",
! (int) local_time, host_shortname, service[commands++], cresult,
*** 157,168 ****
/* print the first line from the remote command */
else {
! eol = strpbrk (result_text, "\r\n");
! if (eol)
! eol[0] = 0;
! printf ("%s\n", result_text);
/* return error status from remote command */
return result;
--- 156,165 ----
/* print the first line from the remote command */
else {
! eol = strpbrk (result_text, "\r\n");
! if (eol)
! eol[0] = 0;
! printf ("%s\n", result_text);
/* return error status from remote command */
return result;
*** 177,234 ****
process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
! int c;
! if (argc < 2)
! return ERROR;
! remotecmd = realloc (remotecmd, 1);
! remotecmd[0] = 0;
! for (c = 1; c < argc; c++)
! if (strcmp ("-to", argv[c]) == 0)
! strcpy (argv[c], "-t");
! comm = strscpy (comm, SSH_COMMAND);
! c = 0;
! while (c += (call_getopt (argc - c, &argv[c]))) {
! if (argc <= c)
! break;
! if (hostname == NULL) {
! if (!is_host (argv[c]))
! terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s: Invalid host name %s\n", PROGNAME,
! argv[c]);
! hostname = argv[c];
! }
! else if (remotecmd == NULL) {
! remotecmd = strscpy (remotecmd, argv[c++]);
! for (; c < argc; c++)
! remotecmd = ssprintf (remotecmd, "%s %s", remotecmd, argv[c]);
! }
! }
! if (commands > 1)
! remotecmd = strscat (remotecmd, ";echo STATUS CODE: $?;");
! if (remotecmd == NULL || strlen (remotecmd) <= 1)
! usage ("No remotecmd\n");
! comm = ssprintf (comm, "%s %s '%s'", comm, hostname, remotecmd);
! return validate_arguments ();
! }
! /* Call getopt */
! int
! call_getopt (int argc, char **argv)
! {
! int c, i = 1;
--- 174,180 ----
process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
! int c, i;
! char *p1, *p2;
! size_t len;
*** 255,258 ****
--- 201,211 ----
+ if (argc < 2)
+ return ERROR;
+ for (c = 1; c < argc; c++)
+ if (strcmp ("-to", argv[c]) == 0)
+ strcpy (argv[c], "-t");
while (1) {
*** 267,284 ****
- i++;
- switch (c) {
- case 't':
- case 'H':
- case 'O':
- case 'p':
- case 'i':
- case 'u':
- case 'l':
- case 'n':
- case 's':
- i++;
- }
switch (c) {
case '?': /* help */
--- 220,223 ----
*** 307,311 ****
if (!is_integer (optarg))
usage2 ("port must be an integer", optarg);
! comm = ssprintf (comm,"%s -p %s", comm, optarg);
case 'O': /* output file */
--- 246,250 ----
if (!is_integer (optarg))
usage2 ("port must be an integer", optarg);
! asprintf (&comm,"%s -p %s", comm, optarg);
case 'O': /* output file */
*** 314,318 ****
case 's': /* description of service to check */
! servicelist = optarg;
case 'n': /* short name of host in nagios configuration */
--- 253,265 ----
case 's': /* description of service to check */
! service = realloc (service, ++services);
! p1 = optarg;
! while (p2 = index (p1, ':')) {
! *p2 = '\0';
! asprintf (&service[services-1], "%s", p1);
! service = realloc (service, ++services);
! p1 = p2 + 1;
! }
! asprintf (&service[services-1], "%s", p1);
case 'n': /* short name of host in nagios configuration */
*** 323,341 ****
case 'l': /* login name */
case 'i': /* identity */
! comm = ssprintf (comm, "%s -%c %s", comm, c, optarg);
case '4': /* Pass these switches directly to ssh */
case '6': /* -4 for IPv4, -6 for IPv6 */
case 'f': /* fork to background */
! comm = ssprintf (comm, "%s -%c", comm, c);
case 'C': /* Command for remote machine */
if (commands > 1)
! remotecmd = strscat (remotecmd, ";echo STATUS CODE: $?;");
! remotecmd = strscat (remotecmd, optarg);
! return i;
--- 270,309 ----
case 'l': /* login name */
case 'i': /* identity */
! asprintf (&comm, "%s -%c %s", comm, c, optarg);
case '4': /* Pass these switches directly to ssh */
case '6': /* -4 for IPv4, -6 for IPv6 */
case 'f': /* fork to background */
! asprintf (&comm, "%s -%c", comm, c);
case 'C': /* Command for remote machine */
if (commands > 1)
! asprintf (&remotecmd, "%s;echo STATUS CODE: $?;", remotecmd);
! asprintf (&remotecmd, "%s%s", remotecmd, optarg);
! c = optind;
! if (hostname == NULL) {
! if (!is_host (argv[c]))
! terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s: Invalid host name %s\n", PROGNAME, argv[c]);
! hostname = argv[c++];
! }
! if (strlen(remotecmd) == 0) {
! for (; c < argc; c++)
! asprintf (&remotecmd, "%s %s", remotecmd, argv[c]);
! }
! if (commands > 1)
! remotecmd = strscat (remotecmd, ";echo STATUS CODE: $?;");
! if (remotecmd == NULL || strlen (remotecmd) <= 1)
! usage ("No remotecmd\n");
! asprintf (&comm, "%s %s '%s'", comm, hostname, remotecmd);
! return validate_arguments ();
*** 349,352 ****
--- 317,327 ----
if (remotecmd == NULL || hostname == NULL)
return ERROR;
+ if (passive && commands != services)
+ terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s: In passive mode, you must provide a service name for each command.\n", PROGNAME);
+ if (passive && host_shortname == NULL)
+ terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "%s: In passive mode, you must provide the host short name from the nagios configs.\n", PROGNAME);
return OK;
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