[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_http.c,1.30,1.31 check_hpjd.c,1.10,1.11 check_nt.c,1.11,1.12

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Apr 8 20:47:04 CEST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv13345/plugins

Modified Files:
	check_http.c check_hpjd.c check_nt.c 
Log Message:
cleanup to suppress various strict compiler warnings

Index: check_http.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_http.c,v
retrieving revision 1.30
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -C2 -r1.30 -r1.31
*** check_http.c	7 Apr 2003 11:39:04 -0000	1.30
--- check_http.c	9 Apr 2003 03:46:25 -0000	1.31
*** 1063,1069 ****
  print_usage (void)
! 	printf ("Usage:\n" " %s %s\n"
! 	        " %s (-h | --help) for detailed help\n"
! 	        " %s (-V | --version) for version information\n",
  	progname, OPTIONS, progname, progname);
--- 1063,1071 ----
  print_usage (void)
! 	printf ("\
! Usage:\n\
!  %s %s\n\
!  %s (-h | --help) for detailed help\n\
!  %s (-V | --version) for version information\n",
  	progname, OPTIONS, progname, progname);

Index: check_hpjd.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_hpjd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -r1.10 -r1.11
*** check_hpjd.c	8 Apr 2003 20:37:12 -0000	1.10
--- check_hpjd.c	9 Apr 2003 03:46:26 -0000	1.11
*** 1,49 ****
- *
- * Program: HP printer plugin for Nagios
- * License: GPL
- * Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad (nagios at nagios.org)
- *
- * Last Modified: $Date$
- *
- * Command line: CHECK_HPJD <ip_address> [community]
- *
- * Description:
- *
- * This plugin will attempt to check the status of an HP printer.  The
- * printer must have a JetDirect card installed and TCP/IP protocol
- * stack enabled.  This plugin has only been tested on a few printers
- * and may not work well on all models of JetDirect cards.  Multiple
- * port JetDirect devices must have an IP address assigned to each
- * port in order to be monitored.
- *
- * Dependencies:
- *
- * This plugin used the 'snmpget' command included with the UCD-SNMP
- * package.  If you don't have the package installed you will need to
- * download it from http://ucd-snmp.ucdavis.edu before you can use
- * this plugin.
- *
- * Return Values:
- *
- * UNKNOWN	= The plugin could not read/process the output from the printer
- * OK		= Printer looks normal
- * WARNING	= Low toner, paper jam, intervention required, paper out, etc.
- * CRITICAL	= The printer could not be reached (it's probably turned off)
- *
- * Acknowledgements:
- *
- * The idea for the plugin (as well as some code) were taken from Jim
- * Trocki's pinter alert script in his "mon" utility, found at
- * http://www.kernel.org/software/mon
- *
- * Notes:
- * 'JetDirect' is copyrighted by Hewlett-Packard.  
- *                    HP, please don't sue me... :-)
- *
- * License Information:
- *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--- 1,4 ----
*** 67,72 ****
  const char *progname = "check_hpjd";
! #define REVISION "$Revision$"
! #define COPYRIGHT "2000-2002"
  #define HPJD_LINE_STATUS		"."
--- 22,45 ----
  const char *progname = "check_hpjd";
! const char *revision = "$Revision$";
! const char *authors = "Nagios Plugin Development Team";
! const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net";
! const char *copyright = "2000-2003";
! const char *summary = "\
! This plugin tests the STATUS of an HP printer with a JetDirect card.\n\
! Net-snmp must be installed on the computer running the plugin.\n\n";
! const char *option_summary = "-H host [-C community]\n";
! const char *options = "\
!  -H, --hostname=STRING or IPADDRESS\n\
!    Check server on the indicated host\n\
!  -C, --community=STRING\n\
!    The SNMP community name (default=%s)\n\
!  -h, --help\n\
!    Print detailed help screen\n\
!  -V, --version\n\
!    Print version information\n\n";
  #define HPJD_LINE_STATUS		"."
*** 426,430 ****
  		case 'V':									/* version */
! 			print_revision (progname, REVISION);
  			exit (STATE_OK);
  		case 'h':									/* help */
--- 399,403 ----
  		case 'V':									/* version */
! 			print_revision (progname, revision);
  			exit (STATE_OK);
  		case 'h':									/* help */
*** 470,502 ****
  print_help (void)
! 	print_revision (progname, REVISION);
! 	printf
! 		("Copyright (c) 2000 Ethan Galstad/Karl DeBisschop\n\n"
! 		 "This plugin tests the STATUS of an HP printer with a JetDirect card.\n"
! 		 "Net-snmp must be installed on the computer running the plugin.\n\n");
  	print_usage ();
! 	printf
! 		("\nOptions:\n"
! 		 " -H, --hostname=STRING or IPADDRESS\n"
! 		 "   Check server on the indicated host\n"
! 		 " -C, --community=STRING\n"
! 		 "   The SNMP community name (default=%s)\n"
! 		 " -h, --help\n"
! 		 "   Print detailed help screen\n"
! 		 " -V, --version\n" "   Print version information\n\n",DEFAULT_COMMUNITY);
  	support ();
  print_usage (void)
! 	printf
! 		("Usage: %s -H host [-C community]\n"
! 		 "       %s --help\n"
! 		 "       %s --version\n", progname, progname, progname);
--- 443,464 ----
  print_help (void)
! 	print_revision (progname, revision);
! 	printf ("Copyright (c) %s %s\n\t<%s>\n\n", copyright, authors, email);
! 	printf (summary);
  	print_usage ();
! 	printf ("\nOptions:\n");
! 	printf (options, DEFAULT_COMMUNITY);
  	support ();
  print_usage (void)
! 	printf ("\
! Usage:\n\
!  %s %s\n\
!  %s (-h | --help) for detailed help\n\
!  %s (-V | --version) for version information\n",
! 	        progname, option_summary, progname, progname);
*** 505,527 ****
  	printf("Incorrect number of arguments supplied\n");
- 	printf("\n");
  	printf("Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad (nagios at nagios.org)\n");
  	printf("License: GPL\n");
- 	printf("\n");
  	printf("Usage: %s <ip_address> [community]\n",argv[0]);
- 	printf("\n");
  	printf(" <ip_address>     = The IP address of the JetDirect card\n");
  	printf(" [community]      = An optional community string used for SNMP communication\n");
  	printf("                    with the JetDirect card.  The default is 'public'.\n");
- 	printf("\n");
  	return STATE_UNKNOWN;
! 	/* get the IP address of the JetDirect device */
! 	/* get the community name to use for SNMP communication */
--- 467,483 ----
  	printf("Incorrect number of arguments supplied\n");
  	printf("Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad (nagios at nagios.org)\n");
  	printf("License: GPL\n");
  	printf("Usage: %s <ip_address> [community]\n",argv[0]);
  	printf(" <ip_address>     = The IP address of the JetDirect card\n");
  	printf(" [community]      = An optional community string used for SNMP communication\n");
  	printf("                    with the JetDirect card.  The default is 'public'.\n");
  	return STATE_UNKNOWN;
! 	// get the IP address of the JetDirect device
! 	// get the community name to use for SNMP communication

Index: check_nt.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_nt.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -C2 -r1.11 -r1.12
*** check_nt.c	8 Apr 2003 20:37:13 -0000	1.11
--- check_nt.c	9 Apr 2003 03:46:26 -0000	1.12
*** 71,81 ****
  int main(int argc, char **argv){
  	int result;
! 	int return_code;
  	char *send_buffer=NULL;
  	char recv_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
  	char *output_message=NULL;
- 	char *temp_buffer=NULL;
  	char *temp_string=NULL;
- 	char *sep_string=NULL;
  	char *description=NULL;
--- 71,79 ----
  int main(int argc, char **argv){
  	int result;
! 	int return_code = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  	char *send_buffer=NULL;
  	char recv_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
  	char *output_message=NULL;
  	char *temp_string=NULL;
  	char *description=NULL;
*** 85,94 ****
  	double mem_commitLimit=0;
  	double mem_commitByte=0;
- 	unsigned long current_connections=0;
  	unsigned long utilization;
  	unsigned long uptime;
- 	unsigned long cache_hits;
- 	unsigned long cache_buffers;
- 	unsigned long lru_time;
  	unsigned long age_in_minutes;
  	double counter_value;
--- 83,88 ----
*** 97,100 ****
--- 91,95 ----
  	int uphours=0;
  	int upminutes=0;
*** 109,113 ****
  	if (vars_to_check==CHECK_CLIENTVERSION) {
--- 104,108 ----
  	if (vars_to_check==CHECK_CLIENTVERSION) {
*** 116,120 ****
--- 111,117 ----
  	else if(vars_to_check==CHECK_CPULOAD){
*** 124,130 ****
  				asprintf(&temp_string,"CPU Load");
! 				while (lvalue_list[0+offset]>0 && lvalue_list[0+offset]<=17280 && 
! 							lvalue_list[1+offset]>=0 && lvalue_list[1+offset]<=100 && 
! 							lvalue_list[2+offset]>=0 && lvalue_list[2+offset]<=100) {
  					/* loop until one of the parameters is wrong or not present */
--- 121,130 ----
  				asprintf(&temp_string,"CPU Load");
! 				while (lvalue_list[0+offset]>(unsigned long)0 &&
! 				       lvalue_list[0+offset]<=(unsigned long)17280 && 
! 				       lvalue_list[1+offset]>=(unsigned long)0 &&
! 				       lvalue_list[1+offset]<=(unsigned long)100 && 
! 				       lvalue_list[2+offset]>=(unsigned long)0 &&
! 				       lvalue_list[2+offset]<=(unsigned long)100) {
  					/* loop until one of the parameters is wrong or not present */
*** 515,563 ****
! 	printf
! 		("Copyright (c) 2000 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)\n\n"
! 		 "This plugin attempts to contact the NSClient service running on a Windows NT/2000/XP server to\n"
! 		 "gather the requested system information.\n\n");
!   printf
! 		("\nOptions:\n"
! 		 "-H, --hostname=HOST\n"
! 		 "   Name of the host to check\n"
! 		 "-p, --port=INTEGER\n"
! 		 "   Optional port number (default: %d)\n"
! 		 "-s <password>\n"
! 		 "   Password needed for the request\n"
! 		 "-v, --variable=STRING\n"
! 		 "   Variable to check.  Valid variables are:\n"
! 		 "      CLIENTVERSION = Get the NSClient version\n"
! 		 "      CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes. Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n"
! 		 "        -l <minutes range>,<warning threshold>,<critical threshold>. <minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n"
! 		 "        Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot. ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n"
! 		 "      UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine. No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n"
! 		 "      USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use. Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n"
! 		 "                      Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n"
! 		 "      MEMUSE = Memory use. Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n" 
! 		 "      SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services. Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n"
! 		 "        -l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,... You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n"
! 		 "        in the returned string.\n"
! 		 "      PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running. Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n"
! 		 "      COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000. Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n"
! 		 "        -l \"\\\\<performance object>\\\\counter\",\"<description>\"  The <description> parameter is optional and \n"
! 		 "        is given to a printf output command which require a float parameters. Some examples:\n"
! 		 "          \"Paging file usage is %%.2f %%%%\" or \"%%.f %%%% paging file used.\"\n"
! 		 " -w, --warning=INTEGER\n"
! 		 "   Threshold which will result in a warning status\n"
! 		 " -c, --critical=INTEGER\n"
! 		 "   Threshold which will result in a critical status\n"
! 		 " -t, --timeout=INTEGER\n"
! 		 "   Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: %d)\n"
! 		 "-h, --help\n"
! 		 "   Print this help screen\n"
! 		 "-V, --version\n"
! 		 "   Print version information\n\n"
! 		 "Notes:\n"
! 		 " - The NSClient service should be running on the server to get any information\n"
! 		 "   (http://nsclient.ready2run.nl).\n"
! 		 " - Critical thresholds should be lower than warning thresholds\n", PORT, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
--- 515,585 ----
! 	printf ("\
! Copyright (c) 2000 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)\n\n\
! This plugin collects data from the NSClient service running on a\n\
! Windows NT/2000/XP server.\n\n");
!   printf ("\nOptions:\n\
! -H, --hostname=HOST\n\
!   Name of the host to check\n\
! -p, --port=INTEGER\n\
!   Optional port number (default: %d)\n\
! -s <password>\n\
!   Password needed for the request\n\
! -w, --warning=INTEGER\n\
!   Threshold which will result in a warning status\n\
! -c, --critical=INTEGER\n\
!   Threshold which will result in a critical status\n\
! -t, --timeout=INTEGER\n\
!   Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: %d)\n\
! -h, --help\n\
!   Print this help screen\n\
! -V, --version\n\
!   Print version information\n",
!   printf ("\
! -v, --variable=STRING\n\
!   Variable to check.  Valid variables are:\n");
!   printf ("\
!    CLIENTVERSION = Get the NSClient version\n");
!   printf ("\
!    CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes.\n\
!      Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n\
!      -l <minutes range>,<warning threshold>,<critical threshold>.\n\
!      <minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n\
!      Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot.\n\
!      ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n");
!   printf ("\
!    UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine.\n\
!      No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n");
!   printf ("\
!    USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use.\n\
!      Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n\
!      Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n");
!   printf ("\
!    MEMUSE = Memory use.\n\
!      Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n");
!   printf ("\
!    SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services.\n\
!      Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
!      -l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...\n\
!      You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n\
! 		 in the returned string.\n");
!   printf ("\
!    PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running.\n\
!      Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n");
!   printf ("\
!    COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.\n\
!      Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
! 		 -l \"\\\\<performance object>\\\\counter\",\"<description>\n\
!      The <description> parameter is optional and \n\
!      is given to a printf output command which require a float parameters.\n\
!      Some examples:\n\
!        \"Paging file usage is %%.2f %%%%\"\n\
!        \"%%.f %%%% paging file used.\"\n");
! 	printf ("Notes:\n\
!  - The NSClient service should be running on the server to get any information\n\
!    (http://nsclient.ready2run.nl).\n\
!  - Critical thresholds should be lower than warning thresholds\n");
*** 585,589 ****
  	int i;
! 	for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
  		if (string[i] == ',') {
--- 607,611 ----
  	int i;
! 	for (i = 0; (size_t)i < strlen(string); i++)
  		if (string[i] == ',') {

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