[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_nt.c,1.13,1.14 check_smtp.c,1.15,1.16
Karl DeBisschop
kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Aug 7 20:52:03 CEST 2003
- Previous message: [Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_real.c,1.8,1.9
- Next message: [Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_by_ssh.c,1.14,1.15 check_disk.c,1.30,1.31 check_nt.c,1.14,1.15 netutils.c,1.12,1.13 netutils.h,1.5,1.6 popen.h,1.1,1.2 utils.h,1.10,1.11
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Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5250
Modified Files:
check_nt.c check_smtp.c
Log Message:
markup for translation
Index: check_nt.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_nt.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -C2 -r1.13 -r1.14
*** check_nt.c 7 Aug 2003 11:51:11 -0000 1.13
--- check_nt.c 8 Aug 2003 03:51:02 -0000 1.14
*** 65,71 ****
int process_arguments(int, char **);
- void print_usage(void);
- void print_help(void);
void preparelist(char *string);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
--- 65,72 ----
int process_arguments(int, char **);
void preparelist(char *string);
+ int strtoularray(unsigned long *array, char *string, char *delim);
+ void print_help(void);
+ void print_usage(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
*** 92,99 ****
int upminutes=0;
! asprintf(&req_password,"None");
! usage("Could not parse arguments\n");
/* initialize alarm signal handling */
--- 93,100 ----
int upminutes=0;
! asprintf(&req_password, _("None"));
! usage(_("Could not parse arguments\n"));
/* initialize alarm signal handling */
*** 117,129 ****
if (check_value_list==TRUE) {
! if (strtolarray(&lvalue_list,value_list,",")==TRUE) {
/* -l parameters is present with only integers */
! asprintf(&temp_string,"CPU Load");
! while (lvalue_list[0+offset]>(unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[0+offset]<=(unsigned long)17280 &&
! lvalue_list[1+offset]>=(unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[1+offset]<=(unsigned long)100 &&
! lvalue_list[2+offset]>=(unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[2+offset]<=(unsigned long)100) {
/* loop until one of the parameters is wrong or not present */
--- 118,130 ----
if (check_value_list==TRUE) {
! if (strtoularray(&lvalue_list,value_list,",")==TRUE) {
/* -l parameters is present with only integers */
! asprintf(&temp_string,_("CPU Load"));
! while (lvalue_list[0+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[0+offset]<=(unsigned long)17280 &&
! lvalue_list[1+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[1+offset]<=(unsigned long)100 &&
! lvalue_list[2+offset]> (unsigned long)0 &&
lvalue_list[2+offset]<=(unsigned long)100) {
/* loop until one of the parameters is wrong or not present */
*** 148,152 ****
! asprintf(&output_message," %lu%% (%lu min average)", utilization, lvalue_list[0+offset]);
offset+=3; /* move across the array */
--- 149,153 ----
! asprintf(&output_message,_(" %lu%% (%lu min average)"), utilization, lvalue_list[0+offset]);
offset+=3; /* move across the array */
*** 157,167 ****
! asprintf(&output_message,"%s","not enough values for -l parameters");
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,"wrong -l parameter.");
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,"missing -l parameters");
--- 158,168 ----
! asprintf(&output_message,"%s",_("not enough values for -l parameters"));
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,_("wrong -l parameter."));
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,_("missing -l parameters"));
*** 182,186 ****
uphours = (uptime % 86400) / 3600;
upminutes = ((uptime % 86400) % 3600) / 60;
! asprintf(&output_message,"System Uptime : %u day(s) %u hour(s) %u minute(s)",updays,uphours, upminutes);
--- 183,187 ----
uphours = (uptime % 86400) / 3600;
upminutes = ((uptime % 86400) % 3600) / 60;
! asprintf(&output_message,_("System Uptime : %u day(s) %u hour(s) %u minute(s)"),updays,uphours, upminutes);
*** 206,210 ****
if (free_disk_space>=0) {
! asprintf(&temp_string,"%s:\\ - total: %.2f Gb - used: %.2f Gb (%.0f%%) - free %.2f Gb (%.0f%%)",
value_list, total_disk_space / 1073741824, (total_disk_space - free_disk_space) / 1073741824, percent_used_space,
free_disk_space / 1073741824, (free_disk_space / total_disk_space)*100);
--- 207,211 ----
if (free_disk_space>=0) {
! asprintf(&temp_string,_("%s:\\ - total: %.2f Gb - used: %.2f Gb (%.0f%%) - free %.2f Gb (%.0f%%)"),
value_list, total_disk_space / 1073741824, (total_disk_space - free_disk_space) / 1073741824, percent_used_space,
free_disk_space / 1073741824, (free_disk_space / total_disk_space)*100);
*** 222,233 ****
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,"Free disk space : Invalid drive ");
! asprintf(&output_message,"wrong -l argument");
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,"missing -l parameters");
--- 223,234 ----
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,_("Free disk space : Invalid drive "));
! asprintf(&output_message,_("wrong -l argument"));
} else
! asprintf(&output_message,_("missing -l parameters"));
*** 238,242 ****
preparelist(value_list); /* replace , between services with & to send the request */
asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&%u&%s&%s", req_password,(vars_to_check==CHECK_SERVICESTATE)?5:6,
! (show_all==TRUE)?"ShowAll":"ShowFail",value_list);
--- 239,243 ----
preparelist(value_list); /* replace , between services with & to send the request */
asprintf(&send_buffer,"%s&%u&%s&%s", req_password,(vars_to_check==CHECK_SERVICESTATE)?5:6,
! (show_all==TRUE)?_("ShowAll"):_("ShowFail"),value_list);
*** 252,256 ****
! asprintf(&output_message,"No service/process specified");
--- 253,257 ----
! asprintf(&output_message,_("No service/process specified"));
*** 270,274 ****
percent_used_space = (mem_commitByte / mem_commitLimit) * 100;
! asprintf(&output_message,"Memory usage: total:%.2f Mb - used: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%) - free: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%)",
mem_commitLimit / 1048576, mem_commitByte / 1048567, percent_used_space,
(mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / 1048576, (mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / mem_commitLimit * 100);
--- 271,275 ----
percent_used_space = (mem_commitByte / mem_commitLimit) * 100;
! asprintf(&output_message,_("Memory usage: total:%.2f Mb - used: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%) - free: %.2f Mb (%.0f%%)"),
mem_commitLimit / 1048576, mem_commitByte / 1048567, percent_used_space,
(mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / 1048576, (mem_commitLimit - mem_commitByte) / mem_commitLimit * 100);
*** 326,330 ****
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,"No counter specified");
--- 327,331 ----
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,_("No counter specified"));
*** 369,373 ****
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,"No file specified");
--- 370,374 ----
else {
! asprintf(&output_message,_("No file specified"));
*** 383,386 ****
--- 384,391 ----
/* process command-line arguments */
int process_arguments(int argc, char **argv){
*** 449,453 ****
! die(STATE_UNKNOWN,"Server port an integer (seconds)\nType '%s -h' for additional help\n",progname);
case 'v':
--- 454,458 ----
! die(STATE_UNKNOWN,_("Server port an integer (seconds)\nType '%s -h' for additional help\n"),progname);
case 'v':
*** 506,524 ****
! void print_usage(void)
! {
! printf("Usage: %s -H host -v variable [-p port] [-w warning] [-c critical] [-l params] [-d SHOWALL] [-t timeout]\n",progname);
void print_help(void)
! printf ("\
Copyright (c) 2000 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)\n\n\
This plugin collects data from the NSClient service running on a\n\
! Windows NT/2000/XP server.\n\n");
! printf ("\nOptions:\n\
-H, --hostname=HOST\n\
Name of the host to check\n\
--- 511,561 ----
! int strtoularray(unsigned long *array, char *string, char *delim) {
! /* split a <delim> delimited string into a long array */
! int idx=0;
! char *t1;
! for (idx=0;idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST;idx++)
! array[idx]=0;
! idx=0;
! for(t1 = strtok(string,delim);t1 != NULL; t1 = strtok(NULL, delim)) {
! if (is_numeric(t1) && idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST) {
! array[idx]=strtoul(t1,NULL,10);
! idx++;
! } else
! return FALSE;
! }
! return TRUE;
+ void preparelist(char *string) {
+ /* Replace all , with & which is the delimiter for the request */
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; (size_t)i < strlen(string); i++)
+ if (string[i] == ',') {
+ string[i]='&';
+ }
+ }
void print_help(void)
! printf (_("\
Copyright (c) 2000 Yves Rubin (rubiyz at yahoo.com)\n\n\
This plugin collects data from the NSClient service running on a\n\
! Windows NT/2000/XP server.\n\n"));
! printf (_("\nOptions:\n\
-H, --hostname=HOST\n\
Name of the host to check\n\
*** 536,547 ****
Print this help screen\n\
-V, --version\n\
! Print version information\n",
! printf ("\
-v, --variable=STRING\n\
! Variable to check. Valid variables are:\n");
! printf ("\
! CLIENTVERSION = Get the NSClient version\n");
! printf ("\
CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes.\n\
Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n\
--- 573,584 ----
Print this help screen\n\
-V, --version\n\
! Print version information\n"),
! printf (_("\
-v, --variable=STRING\n\
! Variable to check. Valid variables are:\n"));
! printf (_("\
! CLIENTVERSION = Get the NSClient version\n"));
! printf (_("\
CPULOAD = Average CPU load on last x minutes.\n\
Request a -l parameter with the following syntax:\n\
*** 549,573 ****
<minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n\
Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot.\n\
! ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n");
! printf ("\
UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine.\n\
! No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n");
! printf ("\
USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use.\n\
Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n\
! Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n");
! printf ("\
MEMUSE = Memory use.\n\
! Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n");
! printf ("\
SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services.\n\
Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
-l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...\n\
You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n\
! in the returned string.\n");
! printf ("\
PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running.\n\
! Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n");
! printf ("\
COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.\n\
Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
--- 586,610 ----
<minute range> should be less than 24*60.\n\
Thresholds are percentage and up to 10 requests can be done in one shot.\n\
! ie: -l 60,90,95,120,90,95\n"));
! printf (_("\
UPTIME = Get the uptime of the machine.\n\
! No specific parameters. No warning or critical threshold\n"));
! printf (_("\
USEDDISKSPACE = Size and percentage of disk use.\n\
Request a -l parameter containing the drive letter only.\n\
! Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n"));
! printf (_("\
MEMUSE = Memory use.\n\
! Warning and critical thresholds can be specified with -w and -c.\n"));
! printf (_("\
SERVICESTATE = Check the state of one or several services.\n\
Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
-l <service1>,<service2>,<service3>,...\n\
You can specify -d SHOWALL in case you want to see working services\n\
! in the returned string.\n"));
! printf (_("\
PROCSTATE = Check if one or several process are running.\n\
! Same syntax as SERVICESTATE.\n"));
! printf (_("\
COUNTER = Check any performance counter of Windows NT/2000.\n\
Request a -l parameters with the following syntax:\n\
*** 577,614 ****
Some examples:\n\
\"Paging file usage is %%.2f %%%%\"\n\
! \"%%.f %%%% paging file used.\"\n");
! printf ("Notes:\n\
- The NSClient service should be running on the server to get any information\n\
! - Critical thresholds should be lower than warning thresholds\n");
- int strtolarray(unsigned long *array, char *string, char *delim) {
- /* split a <delim> delimited string into a long array */
- int idx=0;
- char *t1;
- for (idx=0;idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST;idx++)
- array[idx]=-1;
- idx=0;
- for(t1 = strtok(string,delim);t1 != NULL; t1 = strtok(NULL, delim)) {
- if (is_numeric(t1) && idx<MAX_VALUE_LIST) {
- array[idx]=strtoul(t1,NULL,10);
- idx++;
- } else
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void preparelist(char *string) {
- /* Replace all , with & which is the delimiter for the request */
- int i;
! for (i = 0; (size_t)i < strlen(string); i++)
! if (string[i] == ',') {
! string[i]='&';
! }
--- 614,632 ----
Some examples:\n\
\"Paging file usage is %%.2f %%%%\"\n\
! \"%%.f %%%% paging file used.\"\n"));
! printf (_("Notes:\n\
- The NSClient service should be running on the server to get any information\n\
! - Critical thresholds should be lower than warning thresholds\n"));
! void print_usage(void)
! {
! printf(_("\
! Usage: %s -H host -v variable [-p port] [-w warning] [-c critical]\n\
! [-l params] [-d SHOWALL] [-t timeout]\n"), progname);
! printf (_(UT_HLP_VRS), progname, progname);
Index: check_smtp.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_smtp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -C2 -r1.15 -r1.16
*** check_smtp.c 30 Jun 2003 19:47:21 -0000 1.15
--- check_smtp.c 8 Aug 2003 03:51:02 -0000 1.16
*** 1,69 ****
! *
! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
! * (at your option) any later version.
! *
! * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! * GNU General Public License for more details.
! *
! * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
! * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
! *
! *****************************************************************************/
const char *progname = "check_smtp";
const char *revision = "$Revision$";
! const char *copyright = "1999-2003";
! const char *authors = "Nagios Plugin Development Team";
const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net";
! const char *summary = "\
! This plugin will attempt to open an SMTP connection with the host.\n";
! const char *description = "\
! Successul connects return STATE_OK, refusals and timeouts return\n\
! STATE_CRITICAL, other errors return STATE_UNKNOWN. Successful\n\
! connects, but incorrect reponse messages from the host result in\n\
! STATE_WARNING return values.\n";
! const char *option_summary = "\
! -H host [-p port] [-e expect] [-C command] [-f from addr]\n\
! [-w warn] [-c crit] [-t timeout] [-n] [-v] [-4|-6]";
! const char *options = "\
! -H, --hostname=STRING or IPADDRESS\n\
! Check server on the indicated host\n\
! -4, --use-ipv4\n\
! Use IPv4 protocol\n\
! -6, --use-ipv6\n\
! Use IPv6 protocol\n\
! -p, --port=INTEGER\n\
! Make connection on the indicated port (default: %d)\n\
! -e, --expect=STRING\n\
! String to expect in first line of server response (default: '%s')\n\
! -n, nocommand\n\
! Suppress SMTP command\n\
! -C, --command=STRING\n\
! SMTP command (default: '%s')\n\
! -f, --from=STRING\n\
! FROM-address to include in MAIL command, required by Exchange 2000\n\
! (default: '%s')\n\
! -w, --warning=INTEGER\n\
! Seconds necessary to result in a warning status\n\
! -c, --critical=INTEGER\n\
! Seconds necessary to result in a critical status\n\
! -t, --timeout=INTEGER\n\
! Seconds before connection attempt times out (default: %d)\n\
! -v, --verbose\n\
! Print extra information (command-line use only)\n\
! -h, --help\n\
! Print detailed help screen\n\
! -V, --version\n\
! Print version information\n\n";
enum {
--- 1,28 ----
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
! ******************************************************************************/
const char *progname = "check_smtp";
const char *revision = "$Revision$";
! const char *copyright = "2000-2003";
const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net";
! #include "common.h"
! #include "netutils.h"
! #include "utils.h"
enum {
*** 74,82 ****
const char *SMTP_QUIT = "QUIT\r\n";
- #include "config.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include "netutils.h"
- #include "utils.h"
int process_arguments (int, char **);
int validate_arguments (void);
--- 33,36 ----
*** 96,99 ****
--- 50,58 ----
int verbose = 0;
main (int argc, char **argv)
*** 108,112 ****
if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK)
! usage ("Invalid command arguments supplied\n");
/* initialize the HELO command with the localhostname */
--- 67,71 ----
if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK)
! usage (_("Invalid command arguments supplied\n"));
/* initialize the HELO command with the localhostname */
*** 142,146 ****
/* return a WARNING status if we couldn't read any data */
if (recv (sd, buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, 0) == -1) {
! printf ("recv() failed\n");
--- 101,105 ----
/* return a WARNING status if we couldn't read any data */
if (recv (sd, buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, 0) == -1) {
! printf (_("recv() failed\n"));
*** 151,157 ****
if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
if (server_port == SMTP_PORT)
! printf ("Invalid SMTP response received from host\n");
! printf ("Invalid SMTP response received from host on port %d\n",
--- 110,116 ----
if (!strstr (buffer, server_expect)) {
if (server_port == SMTP_PORT)
! printf (_("Invalid SMTP response received from host\n"));
! printf (_("Invalid SMTP response received from host on port %d\n"),
*** 183,187 ****
if (verbose)
! printf("DUMMYCMD: %s\n%s\n",from_str,buffer);
} /* smtp_use_dummycmd */
--- 142,146 ----
if (verbose)
! printf(_("DUMMYCMD: %s\n%s\n"),from_str,buffer);
} /* smtp_use_dummycmd */
*** 205,212 ****
if (verbose)
! printf ("SMTP %s - %.3f sec. response time, %s|time=%.3f\n",
state_text (result), elapsed_time, buffer, elapsed_time);
! printf ("SMTP %s - %.3f second response time|time=%.3f\n",
state_text (result), elapsed_time, elapsed_time);
--- 164,171 ----
if (verbose)
! printf (_("SMTP %s - %.3f sec. response time, %s|time=%.3f\n"),
state_text (result), elapsed_time, buffer, elapsed_time);
! printf (_("SMTP %s - %.3f second response time|time=%.3f\n"),
state_text (result), elapsed_time, elapsed_time);
*** 218,222 ****
/* process command-line arguments */
--- 177,181 ----
/* process command-line arguments */
*** 269,282 ****
else {
! usage ("Invalid host name\n");
case 'p': /* port */
! if (is_intpos (optarg)) {
server_port = atoi (optarg);
! }
! else {
! usage ("Server port must be a positive integer\n");
! }
case 'f': /* from argument */
--- 228,239 ----
else {
! usage (_("Invalid host name\n"));
case 'p': /* port */
! if (is_intpos (optarg))
server_port = atoi (optarg);
! else
! usage (_("Server port must be a positive integer\n"));
case 'f': /* from argument */
*** 299,303 ****
else {
! usage ("Critical time must be a nonnegative integer\n");
--- 256,260 ----
else {
! usage (_("Critical time must be a nonnegative integer\n"));
*** 308,312 ****
else {
! usage ("Warning time must be a nonnegative integer\n");
--- 265,269 ----
else {
! usage (_("Warning time must be a nonnegative integer\n"));
*** 319,323 ****
else {
! usage ("Time interval must be a nonnegative integer\n");
--- 276,280 ----
else {
! usage (_("Time interval must be a nonnegative integer\n"));
*** 329,333 ****
address_family = AF_INET6;
! usage ("IPv6 support not available\n");
--- 286,290 ----
address_family = AF_INET6;
! usage (_("IPv6 support not available\n"));
*** 339,343 ****
exit (STATE_OK);
case '?': /* help */
! usage ("Invalid argument\n");
--- 296,300 ----
exit (STATE_OK);
case '?': /* help */
! usage (_("Invalid argument\n"));
*** 349,353 ****
server_address = argv[c];
! usage ("Invalid host name");
else {
--- 306,310 ----
server_address = argv[c];
! usage (_("Invalid host name"));
else {
*** 376,390 ****
print_help (void)
print_revision (progname, revision);
! printf ("Copyright (c) %s %s\n\t<%s>\n\n%s\n",
! copyright, authors, email, summary);
print_usage ();
! printf ("\nOptions:\n");
! printf (options, SMTP_PORT, SMTP_EXPECT, mail_command, from_arg,
! support ();
--- 333,383 ----
print_help (void)
+ char *myport;
+ asprintf (&myport, "%d", SMTP_PORT);
print_revision (progname, revision);
! printf (_("Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Ethan Galstad <nagios at nagios.org>\n"));
! printf (_(COPYRIGHT), copyright, email);
! printf(_("\
! This plugin will attempt to open an SMTP connection with the host.\n\n"));
print_usage ();
! printf (_(UT_HELP_VRSN));
! printf (_(UT_HOST_PORT), 'p', myport);
! printf (_(UT_IPv46));
! printf (_("\
! -e, --expect=STRING\n\
! String to expect in first line of server response (default: '%s')\n\
! -n, nocommand\n\
! Suppress SMTP command\n\
! -C, --command=STRING\n\
! SMTP command (default: '%s')\n\
! -f, --from=STRING\n\
! FROM-address to include in MAIL command, required by Exchange 2000\n\
! (default: '%s')\n"), SMTP_EXPECT, mail_command, from_arg);
! printf (_(UT_WARN_CRIT));
! printf (_(UT_VERBOSE));
! printf(_("\n\
! Successul connects return STATE_OK, refusals and timeouts return\n\
! STATE_CRITICAL, other errors return STATE_UNKNOWN. Successful\n\
! connects, but incorrect reponse messages from the host result in\n\
! STATE_WARNING return values.\n"));
! printf (_(UT_SUPPORT));
*** 396,402 ****
print_usage (void)
! printf ("Usage: %s %s\n"
! " %s --help\n"
! " %s --version\n",
! progname, option_summary, progname, progname);
--- 389,398 ----
print_usage (void)
! printf ("\
! Usage: %s -H host [-p port] [-e expect] [-C command] [-f from addr]\n\
! [-w warn] [-c crit] [-t timeout] [-n] [-v] [-4|-6]\n", progname);
! printf (_(UT_HLP_VRS), progname, progname);
- Previous message: [Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_real.c,1.8,1.9
- Next message: [Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_by_ssh.c,1.14,1.15 check_disk.c,1.30,1.31 check_nt.c,1.14,1.15 netutils.c,1.12,1.13 netutils.h,1.5,1.6 popen.h,1.1,1.2 utils.h,1.10,1.11
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