[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins check_disk.c,1.37,1.38

Karl DeBisschop kdebisschop at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Aug 27 20:23:32 CEST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv9578

Modified Files:
Log Message:
add perf data

Index: check_disk.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/check_disk.c,v
retrieving revision 1.37
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -C2 -r1.37 -r1.38
*** check_disk.c	22 Aug 2003 06:22:37 -0000	1.37
--- check_disk.c	28 Aug 2003 03:22:01 -0000	1.38
*** 143,146 ****
--- 143,148 ----
  	char *output;
  	char *details;
+ 	char *perf;
+ 	uintmax_t psize;
  	float free_space, free_space_pct, total_space;
*** 149,154 ****
  	struct name_list *temp_list;
! 	output = strdup ("");
  	details = strdup ("");
  	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
--- 151,157 ----
  	struct name_list *temp_list;
! 	output = strdup (" - free space:");
  	details = strdup ("");
+ 	perf = strdup ("");
  	setlocale (LC_ALL, "");
*** 186,189 ****
--- 189,200 ----
  			disk_result = check_disk (usp, fsp.fsu_bavail);
  			result = max_state (disk_result, result);
+ 			psize = fsp.fsu_blocks*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
+ 			asprintf (&perf, "%s %s", perf,
+ 			          perfdata ((!strcmp(file_system, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
+ 			                    fsp.fsu_bavail*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult, units,
+ 			                    TRUE, min ((uintmax_t)psize-(uintmax_t)w_df, (uintmax_t)((1.0-w_dfp/100.0)*psize)),
+ 			                    TRUE, min ((uintmax_t)psize-(uintmax_t)c_df, (uintmax_t)((1.0-c_dfp/100.0)*psize)),
+ 			                    TRUE, 0,
+ 			                    TRUE, psize));
  			if (disk_result==STATE_OK && erronly && !verbose)
*** 193,202 ****
  			total_space = (float)fsp.fsu_blocks*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
  			if (disk_result!=STATE_OK || verbose>=0)
! 				asprintf (&output, ("%s [%.0f %s (%.0f%%) free on %s]"),
! 				          free_space_pct,
! 				          (!strcmp(file_system, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir);
  			asprintf (&details, _("%s\n\
  %.0f of %.0f %s (%.0f%%) free on %s (type %s mounted on %s) warn:%lu crit:%lu warn%%:%.0f%% crit%%:%.0f%%"),
--- 204,213 ----
  			total_space = (float)fsp.fsu_blocks*fsp.fsu_blocksize/mult;
  			if (disk_result!=STATE_OK || verbose>=0)
! 				asprintf (&output, ("%s %s %.0f %s (%.0f%%);"),
+ 				          (!strcmp(file_system, "none") || display_mntp) ? me->me_devname : me->me_mountdir,
! 									free_space_pct);
  			asprintf (&details, _("%s\n\
  %.0f of %.0f %s (%.0f%%) free on %s (type %s mounted on %s) warn:%lu crit:%lu warn%%:%.0f%% crit%%:%.0f%%"),
*** 208,211 ****
--- 219,224 ----
+ 	asprintf (&output, "%s|%s", output, perf);
  	if (verbose > 2)
  		asprintf (&output, "%s%s", output, details);
*** 221,226 ****
! 	die (result, "DISK %s%s%s\n", state_text (result), output, details);
! 	return STATE_UNKNOWN;
--- 234,239 ----
! 	printf ("DISK %s%s\n", state_text (result), output);
! 	return result;
*** 508,516 ****
  	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  	/* check the percent used space against thresholds */
! 	if (usp >= 0.0 && usp >= (100.0 - c_dfp))
  		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
  	else if (c_df > 0 && free_disk <= c_df)
  		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
! 	else if (usp >= 0.0 && usp >= (100.0 - w_dfp))
  		result = STATE_WARNING;
  	else if (w_df > 0 && free_disk <= w_df)
--- 521,529 ----
  	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
  	/* check the percent used space against thresholds */
! 	if (usp >= 0.0 && c_dfp >=0.0 && usp >= (100.0 - c_dfp))
  		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
  	else if (c_df > 0 && free_disk <= c_df)
  		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
! 	else if (usp >= 0.0 && w_dfp >=0.0 && usp >= (100.0 - w_dfp))
  		result = STATE_WARNING;
  	else if (w_df > 0 && free_disk <= w_df)

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