[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins-scripts check_ntp.pl,1.10,1.11 utils.pm.in,1.5,1.6

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 3 13:35:21 CET 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv21279/plugins-scripts

Modified Files:
	check_ntp.pl utils.pm.in 
Log Message:
change ntpdc to ntpq (Jonathan Rozes,Thomas Schimpke, bug-656237 )

Index: check_ntp.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts/check_ntp.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -r1.10 -r1.11
*** check_ntp.pl	3 Feb 2003 15:47:21 -0000	1.10
--- check_ntp.pl	3 Feb 2003 20:29:55 -0000	1.11
*** 59,64 ****
  use strict;
  use Getopt::Long;
! use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_H $opt_w $opt_c $verbose $PROGNAME);
! use lib utils.pm ;
  use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
--- 59,64 ----
  use strict;
  use Getopt::Long;
! use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_H $opt_w $opt_c $opt_j $opt_k $verbose $PROGNAME);
! use lib utils.pm; 
  use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support);
*** 72,82 ****
  	("V"   => \$opt_V, "version"    => \$opt_V,
  	 "h"   => \$opt_h, "help"       => \$opt_h,
! 	 "v" => \$verbose, "verbose"  => \$verbose,
  	 "w=f" => \$opt_w, "warning=f"  => \$opt_w,   # offset|adjust warning if above this number
  	 "c=f" => \$opt_c, "critical=f" => \$opt_c,   # offset|adjust critical if above this number
  	 "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
--- 72,90 ----
+ # defaults in millisec
+ my $DEFAULT_OFFSET_WARN =  60000; 
+ my $DEFAULT_OFFSET_CRIT = 120000; 
+ my $DEFAULT_JITTER_WARN =   5000;
+ my $DEFAULT_JITTER_CRIT =  10000; 
  	("V"   => \$opt_V, "version"    => \$opt_V,
  	 "h"   => \$opt_h, "help"       => \$opt_h,
! 	 "v" => \$verbose, "verbose"  	=> \$verbose,
  	 "w=f" => \$opt_w, "warning=f"  => \$opt_w,   # offset|adjust warning if above this number
  	 "c=f" => \$opt_c, "critical=f" => \$opt_c,   # offset|adjust critical if above this number
+ 	 "j=s" => \$opt_j, "jwarn=s"    => \$opt_j,   # jitter warning if above this number
+ 	 "k=s" => \$opt_k, "jcrit=s"    => \$opt_k,   # jitter critical if above this number
  	 "H=s" => \$opt_H, "hostname=s" => \$opt_H);
*** 99,114 ****
! ($opt_w) || ($opt_w = 60);
! my $warning = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9.]+)/);
! ($opt_c) || ($opt_c = 120);
! my $critical = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9.]+)/);
! if ($critical < $warning ) {
  	print "Critical offset should be larger than warning offset\n";
  	exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
  my $stratum = -1;
--- 107,132 ----
! ($opt_w) || ($opt_w = $DEFAULT_OFFSET_WARN);
! my $owarn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /([0-9.]+)/);
! ($opt_c) || ($opt_c = $DEFAULT_OFFSET_CRIT);
! my $ocrit = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /([0-9.]+)/);
! ($opt_j) || ($opt_j = $DEFAULT_JITTER_WARN);
! my $jwarn = $1 if ($opt_j =~ /([0-9]+)/);
+ ($opt_k) || ($opt_k = $DEFAULT_JITTER_CRIT);
+ my $jcrit = $1 if ($opt_k =~ /([0-9]+)/);
! if ($ocrit < $owarn ) {
  	print "Critical offset should be larger than warning offset\n";
  	exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+ if ($opt_k < $opt_j) {
+ 	print "Critical jitter should be larger than warning jitter\n";
+ 	print_usage();
+ 	exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
  my $stratum = -1;
*** 116,132 ****
  my $answer = undef;
  my $offset = undef;
  my $msg; # first line of output to print if format is invalid
  my $state = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
  my $ntpdate_error = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
! my $dispersion_error = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
! my $key = undef;
! # some systems don't have a proper ntpdc/xntpdc
! my $have_ntpdc = undef;
! if ($utils::PATH_TO_NTPDC && -x $utils::PATH_TO_NTPDC ) {
! 	$have_ntpdc = 1;  
! 	$have_ntpdc = 0;
--- 134,152 ----
  my $answer = undef;
  my $offset = undef;
+ my $jitter = undef;
+ my $syspeer = undef;
+ my $candidates = 0;
  my $msg; # first line of output to print if format is invalid
  my $state = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
  my $ntpdate_error = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
! my $jitter_error = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
! # some systems don't have a proper ntpq  (migrated from ntpdc)
! my $have_ntpq = undef;
! if ($utils::PATH_TO_NTPQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_NTPQ ) {
! 	$have_ntpq = 1;  
! 	$have_ntpq = 0;
*** 195,220 ****
! ### Then scan xntpdc/ntpdc if it exists
! ### and look in the 8th column for dispersion (ntpd v4) or jitter (ntpd v3)
! if ($have_ntpdc) {
! 	if ( open(NTPDC,"$utils::PATH_TO_NTPDC -s $host 2>&1 |") ) {
! 		while (<NTPDC>) {
  			print $_ if ($verbose);
! 			if (/([^\s]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)/) {
! 				if ($8 gt $critical) {
! 					print "Dispersion_crit = $8 :$critical\n" if ($verbose);
! 					$dispersion_error = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 				} elsif ($8 gt $warning ) {
! 					print "Dispersion_warn = $8 :$warning \n" if ($verbose);
! 					$dispersion_error = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
  				} else {
! 					$dispersion_error = $ERRORS{'OK'};
! 		close NTPDC;
--- 215,266 ----
! ### Then scan xntpq/ntpq if it exists
! ### and look in the 11th column for jitter 
+ # Field 1: Tally Code ( Space, 'x','.','-','+','#','*','o')
+ #           Only match for '*' which implies sys.peer 
+ #           or 'o' which implies pps.peer
+ #           If both exist, the last one is picked. 
+ # Field 2: address of the remote peer
+ # Field 3: Refid of the clock ( if unknown)
+ # Field 4: stratum (0-15)
+ # Field 5: Type of the peer: local (l), unicast (u), multicast (m) 
+ #          broadcast (b); not sure about multicast/broadcast
+ # Field 6: last packet receive (in seconds)
+ # Field 7: polling interval
+ # Field 8: reachability resgister (octal) 
+ # Field 9: delay
+ # Field 10: offset
+ # Field 11: dispersion/jitter
+ # 
! if ($have_ntpq) {
! 	if ( open(NTPQ,"$utils::PATH_TO_NTPQ -np $host 2>&1 |") ) {
! 		while (<NTPQ>) {
  			print $_ if ($verbose);
! 			# number of candidates on <host> for sys.peer
! 			if (/^(\*|\+|\#|o])/) {
! 				++$candidates;
! 				print "Candiate count= $candidates\n" if ($verbose);
! 			}
! 			# match sys.peer or pps.peer
! 			if (/^(\*|o)([-0-9.\s]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([lumb]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)\s+([-0-9.]+)/) {
! 				$syspeer = $2;				
! 				$jitter = $11;
! 				print "match $_ \n" if $verbose;
! 				if ($jitter > $jcrit) {
! 					print "Jitter_crit = $11 :$jcrit\n" if ($verbose);
! 					$jitter_error = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 				} elsif ($jitter > $jwarn ) {
! 					print "Jitter_warn = $11 :$jwarn \n" if ($verbose);
! 					$jitter_error = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
  				} else {
! 					$jitter_error = $ERRORS{'OK'};
! 		close NTPQ;
*** 230,269 ****
! 	if (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $critical) {
  		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 		$answer = "Server Error and time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $critical sec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $warning) {
! 		$answer = "Server error and time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $warning sec\n";
! } elsif ($have_ntpdc && $dispersion_error != $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
! 	$state = $dispersion_error;
! 	$answer = "Dispersion too high\n";
! 	if (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $critical) {
  		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 		$answer = "Dispersion error and time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $critical sec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $warning) {
! 		$answer = "Dispersion error and time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $warning sec\n";
! 	}
! } else { # no errors from ntpdate or xntpdc
! 	if (defined $offset) {
! 		if (abs($offset) > $critical) {
! 			$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 			$answer = "Time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $critical sec\n";
! 		} elsif (abs($offset) > $warning) {
! 			$state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
! 			$answer = "Time difference $offset seconds greater than +/- $warning sec\n";
! 		} elsif (abs($offset) <= $warning) {
! 			$state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
! 			$answer = "Time difference $offset seconds\n";
! 		}
! 	} else { # no offset defined
! 		$state = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
! 		$answer = "Invalid format returned from ntpdate ($msg)\n";
! foreach $key (keys %ERRORS) {
  	if ($state==$ERRORS{$key}) {
  		print ("$key: $answer");
--- 276,331 ----
! 	if (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $ocrit) {
  		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 		$answer = "Server Error and offset $offset msec > +/- $ocrit msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $owarn) {
! 		$answer = "Server error and offset $offset msec > +/- $owarn msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($jitter) && abs($jitter) > $jcrit) {
! 		$answer = "Server error and jitter $jitter msec > +/- $jcrit msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($jitter) && abs($jitter) > $jwarn) {
! 		$answer = "Server error and jitter $jitter msec > +/- $jwarn msec\n";
! } elsif ($have_ntpq && $jitter_error != $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
! 	$state = $jitter_error;
! 	$answer = "Jitter $jitter too high\n";
! 	if (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $ocrit) {
  		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
! 		$answer = "Jitter error and offset $offset msec > +/- $ocrit msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($offset) && abs($offset) > $owarn) {
! 		$answer = "Jitter error and offset $offset msec > +/- $owarn msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($jitter) && abs($jitter) > $jcrit) {
! 		$answer = "Jitter error and jitter $jitter msec > +/- $jcrit msec\n";
! 	} elsif (defined($jitter) && abs($jitter) > $jwarn) {
! 		$answer = "Jitter error and jitter $jitter msec > +/- $jwarn msec\n";
+ } else { # no errors from ntpdate or ntpq
+ 	if (abs($offset) > $ocrit) {
+ 		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ 		$answer = "Offset $offset msec > +/- $ocrit msec, jitter $jitter msec\n";
+ 	} elsif (abs($jitter) > $jcrit ) {
+ 		$state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ 		$answer = "Jitter $jitter msec> +/- $jcrit msec, offset $offset msec \n";
+ 	} elsif (abs($offset) > $owarn) {
+ 		$state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ 		$answer = "Offset $offset msec > +/- $owarn msec, jitter $jitter msec\n";
+ 	} elsif (abs($jitter) > $jwarn ) {
+ 		$state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ 		$answer = "Jitter $jitter msec> +/- $jwarn msec, offset $offset msec \n";
+ 	} else {
+ 		$state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ 		$answer = "Offset $offset msecs, jitter $jitter msec\n";
+ 	}
+ #	 else { # no offset defined
+ #		$state = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ #		$answer = "Invalid format returned from ntpdate ($msg)\n";
+ #	}
! foreach my $key (keys %ERRORS) {
  	if ($state==$ERRORS{$key}) {
  		print ("$key: $answer");
*** 273,278 ****
  exit $state;
  sub print_usage () {
! 	print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-w <warn>] [-c <crit>] [-v verbose]\n";
--- 335,344 ----
  exit $state;
+ ####
+ #### subs
  sub print_usage () {
! 	print "Usage: $PROGNAME -H <host> [-w <warn>] [-c <crit>] [-j <warn>] [-k <crit>] [-v verbose]\n";
*** 282,290 ****
  	print "\n";
! 	print "\n";
! 	print "<warn> = Clock offset in seconds at which a warning message will be generated.\n	Defaults to 60.\n";
! 	print "<crit> = Clock offset in seconds at which a critical message will be generated.\n	Defaults to 120.\n\n";
! 	print "The same warning and critical values are used to check against the dispersion \n";
! 	print "column of ntpdc/xntpdc for the host being queried.\n\n";
--- 348,362 ----
  	print "\n";
! 	print "
! Checks the local timestamp offset versus <host> with ntpdate
! Checks the jitter/dispersion of clock signal between <host> and its sys.peer with ntpq\n
! -w ( --warning)
!      Clock offset in milliseconds at which a warning message will be generated.\n	Defaults to $DEFAULT_OFFSET_WARN.
! -c (--critical) 
!      Clock offset in milliseconds at which a critical message will be generated.\n	Defaults to $DEFAULT_OFFSET_CRIT.
! -j (--jwarn)
!      Clock jitter in milliseconds at which a warning message will be generated.\n	Defaults to $DEFAULT_JITTER_WARN.
! -k (--jcrit)
!     Clock jitter in milliseconds at which a warning message will be generated.\n	Defaults to $DEFAULT_JITTER_CRIT.\n";

Index: utils.pm.in
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts/utils.pm.in,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -r1.5 -r1.6
*** utils.pm.in	30 Oct 2002 05:07:29 -0000	1.5
--- utils.pm.in	3 Feb 2003 20:29:55 -0000	1.6
*** 3,6 ****
--- 3,9 ----
  # $Log$
+ # Revision 1.6  2003/02/03 20:29:55  sghosh
+ # change ntpdc to ntpq (Jonathan Rozes,Thomas Schimpke, bug-656237 )
+ #
  # Revision 1.5  2002/10/30 05:07:29  sghosh
  # monitor mailq
*** 33,36 ****
--- 36,40 ----

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