[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/contrib check_remote_nagios_status.pl,NONE,1.1 check_wins.pl,NONE,1.1 sched_downtime.pl,NONE,1.1

Subhendu Ghosh sghosh at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Feb 9 06:17:02 CET 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/contrib
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv8045

Added Files:
	check_remote_nagios_status.pl check_wins.pl sched_downtime.pl 
Log Message:
more contribs

--- NEW FILE ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# check_status.pl Nagios Plugin - Version 1.3
# Last Updated: 1/9/2003
# Report any bugs/questions to Russell Scibetti at russell at quadrix.com
# check_status Change Log:
# To do for 1.4
# - Better help and documentation (separate doc?)
# - Take argument (patterns to match) from a separate spec file
# New Addition to 1.3
# - Added ChangeLog information and updated --help output
# - hostdown (hd) argument for how a service check should respond
#   when its host is Down/Unreachable
#   (--hostdown="ok|warning|critical|unknown")
# - Changed name from check_state to check_status
# - Set hostdown to default to OK when the argument isn't specified
# - Number of Hosts checked is now output in OK result
# Version 1.2 additions:
# - Added ability to handle ack'd and downtimed services differently 
#   depending on argument provided 
#   (--ack="ok|warning|critical|unknown|down|unreachable" 
#    --dt="ok|warning|critical|unknown|down|unreachable")
# Version 1.1 additions:
# - Added --host=<regex>, --servhost=<regex> to allow for specific field
#   matching (host for matching hostname in host checks, servhost for
#   matching the hostname in service checks, service for matching the 
#   service name in service checks)
# - Output the number of OK services for an OK output
# Version 1.0 features:
# - Freshness check of status.log (timestamp) 
# - Match service or host checks
# - Can ignore acknowledged or downtimes services/hosts (--ack, --dt)
# - Can output different levels of detail dependent on # of problems
# - Can check for number of critical, warning, or unknowns

use Getopt::Long;
use File::stat;


        ("V"   => \$version, 	"version"       => \$version,
         "h"   => \$help, 	"help"          => \$help,
	 "v"   => \$verbose,	"verbose"	=> \$verbose,
         "w=s" => \$warning, 	"warning=s"     => \$warning,
         "c=s" => \$critical, 	"critical=s"    => \$critical,
	 "u=s" => \$unknown, 	"unknown=s"	=> \$unknown,
	 "p=s" => \$pattern, 	"pattern=s"	=> \$pattern,
	 "S:s" => \$service,	"service:s"	=> \$service,
	 "s=s" => \$status,	"status=s"	=> \$status,
	 "d=s" => \$dir,	"dir=s"		=> \$dir,
	 "D=s" => \$details,	"details=s"	=> \$details,
	 "H:s" => \$host,	"host:s" 	=> \$host,
         "f=s" => \$freshness,  "freshness=s"   => \$freshness,
	 			"servhost=s" 	=> \$servhost,
	 "a:s" => \$ack,	"ack:s"		=> \$ack,
	 "dt:s"=> \$dt,		"downtime:s"	=> \$dt,
	 "hd:s"=> \$hdown,	"hostdown:s"	=> \$hdown,
	 			"ok"  		=> \$ok);

my $OK       = 0;
my $WARNING  = 1;
my $CRITICAL = 2;
my $UNKNOWN  = 3;

my $crit="CRITICAL";
my $warn="WARNING";
my $unk="UNKNOWN";
my $down="DOWN";
my $unreach="UNREACHABLE";

# Print out Help information
if ($help) {

# Print out version information
if ($version) {

# Check for status log or directory argument or print usage
if (!$status) {
  if (!$dir) {
    print "Usage: $0 -s <status file> | -d <Nagios log dir>\n";
    print "Use the --help option for full list of arguments\n";
  elsif ($dir =~ m#[^/]/$#) {
    $status = $dir . "status.log";
  else {
    $status = $dir . "/status.log";

if (defined $host) {
  if (!$host) {

if (!$host && !$servhost) {

if (!$host && !$service) {

if (defined $ack) {
  if (!$ack) {
  elsif (!($ack =~ "ok|critical|warning|unknown|down|unreachable")) {
    print "Invalid value for ack\n";

if (defined $dt) {
  if (!$dt) {
  elsif (!($dt =~ "ok|critical|warning|unknown|down|unreachable")) {
    print "Invalid value for dt\n";

if (defined $hdown) {
  if (!$hdown) {
  elsif (!($hdown =~ "ok|critical|warning|unknown|down|unreachable")) {
    print "Invalid value for hostdown\n";

my $much_details = 0;


my %numprob = ("WARNING",0,"CRITICAL",0,"UNKNOWN",0,"DOWN",0,"UNREACHABLE",0);

my $CritOnly = 0;
my $WarnOnly = 0;
my $UnkOnly  = 0;

my @wlev;
my @clev;
my @ulev;
my %warnlevel = ("WARNING",0,"CRITICAL",0,"UNKNOWN",0);
my %critlevel = ("WARNING",0,"CRITICAL",0,"UNKNOWN",0);
my %unklevel = ("WARNING",0,"CRITICAL",0,"UNKNOWN",0);
my %hostlevel = ("DOWN",0,"UNREACHABLE",0);

# Store Hosts in downtime
my @hostdowntime;
my $numdowntime = 0;

# Store Hosts in a Down/Unreachable state
my @hostdown;
my $numdown = 0;

# Hash for storing state-change to OK times for hosts:
my %hostoktimes;

# Number of matches in parsing
my $nummatch = 0;

if ($warning) {
  if ($warning =~ /,/) {
    @wlev = split /,/,$warning;
    $warnlevel{"WARNING"} = $wlev[0];
    $warnlevel{"CRITICAL"} = $wlev[1];
    if ($wlev[2] ) {
      $warnlevel{"UNKNOWN"} = $wlev[2];
  else {
    $WarnOnly = $warning;
else {
  $WarnOnly = 1;

if ($critical) {
  if ($critical =~ /,/) {
    @clev = split /,/,$critical;
    $critlevel{"WARNING"} = $clev[0];
    $critlevel{"CRITICAL"} = $clev[1];
    if ($clev[2] ) {
      $critlevel{"UNKNOWN"} = $clev[2];
  else {
    $CritOnly = $critical;
else {
  $CritOnly = 1;
if ($unknown) {
  if ($unknown =~ /,/) {
    @ulev = split /,/,$unknown;
    $unklevel{"WARNING"} = $ulev[0];
    $unklevel{"CRITICAL"} = $ulev[1];
    if ($ulev[2] ) {
      $unklevel{"UNKNOWN"} = $ulev[2];
  else {
    $UnkOnly = $unknown;
else {
  $UnkOnly = 1;

if (!$freshness) {
  $freshness = 30 * 60;
else {
  $freshness = $freshness * 60;

my %much_ct = ("CRITICAL",0,"WARNING",0,"UNKNOWN",0,"DOWN",0,"UNREACHABLE",0);

my %output = ("CRITICAL","","WARNING","","UNKNOWN","","DOWN","","UNREACHABLE","");
my %much_output = ("CRITICAL","","WARNING","","UNKNOWN","","DOWN","","UNREACHABLE","");

if ($details) {
  if ($details =~ /,/) {
    my @tempv = split /,/,$details;
    $much_details = $tempv[0];
    $details = $tempv[1]; 

open("sta","$status") || die "Cannot open status file $status!";

$curr_time = time;
$file_time = stat($status)->mtime;

if ($curr_time - $file_time > $freshness) {
  printf "State CRITICAL - Status file is stale!!!\n";

while(<sta>) {
  if (/^[^\s]+[\s]+HOST;/) {
    @hdata = split /;/,$_;
# If you care about matching hosts (not services):
    if ($host && $hdata[1] =~ /$host/) {
      if ( $hdata[2] =~ /$HostNotOK/ ) {

# If you are matching services, gather host information:
    else {
      if ( $hdata[2] =~ /$HostNotOK/ ) {
	$hostdown[$numdown] = $hdata[1];
      else {
	$hostoktimes{$hdata[1]} = $hdata[4];
      if ( $hdata[17] ne "0" ) {
	$hostdowntime[$numdowntime] = $hdata[1];
  elsif (!$host && /^[^\s]+[\s]+SERVICE;/) {
    @servdata = split /;/,$_;
    if ( ( $pattern                     && ($_ =~ /$pattern/)) ||
	 (($servdata[1] =~ /$servhost/) && ($servdata[2] =~ /$service/)) ){
      if (($servdata[5] eq "HARD") && ($servdata[3] =~ /$ServiceNotOK/)) {


if ($nummatch==0) {
  print "Nothing Matches your criteria!\n";

# Count the number of problems (for reference):
if ($host) {
  $total = $numprob{"DOWN"} + $numprob{"UNREACHABLE"};
else {
  $total = $numprob{"WARNING"} + $numprob{"CRITICAL"} +  $numprob{"UNKNOWN"};

my $numok = $nummatch - $total;

# If this is a host state check:
if ($host) {
  if ($numprob{"DOWN"}>0 || $numprob{"UNREACHABLE"}>0 ) {
    if  ($details && ($total <= $details)) {
      print "State CRITICAL - $total Host Problems: $output{$down} $output{$unreach}\n";
    else {
      print "State CRITICAL - $numprob{$down} Hosts Down, $numprob{$unreach} Hosts Unreachable\n";
  else {
    print "State OK - $numok Hosts Up, $total Problems\n";

#If you only defined a Critical level in terms of # of criticals...
elsif ($CritOnly && ($numprob{"CRITICAL"} >= $CritOnly)) {

#Critical in terms on # criticals and # warnings...
elsif (!$CritOnly && ($numprob{"WARNING"}  >= $critlevel{"WARNING"}  || 
		      $numprob{"CRITICAL"} >= $critlevel{"CRITICAL"} ||
		      $numprob{"UNKNOWN"}  >= $critlevel{"UNKNOWN"} )) {

#Warning in terms of # warnings only...
elsif ($WarnOnly && ($numprob{"WARNING"} >= $WarnOnly)) {

#Warning in terms of # warnings and # criticals...
elsif (!$WarnOnly && ($numprob{"WARNING"}  >= $warnlevel{"WARNING"} || 
		      $numprob{"CRITICAL"} >= $warnlevel{"CRITICAL"} ||
		      $numprob{"UNKNOWN"}  >= $warnlevel{"UNKNOWN"})) {

#Unknown in terms on # unknown only...
elsif ( $UnkOnly && ($numprob{"UNKNOWN"}>=$UnkOnly) ) {

#Unknown in terms of # warning, critical, and unknown...
elsif (!$UnkOnly && ($numprob{"WARNING"}  >= $unklevel{"WARNING"} ||
                     $numprob{"CRITICAL"} >= $unklevel{"CRITICAL"} ||
                     $numprob{"UNKNOWN"}  >= $unklevel{"UNKNOWN"})) {

# Everything is OK!
else {
  print "State OK -  $numok OK, $total problems\n";

# Subroutines

# Return the proper exit code for Critical, Warning, Unknown, or OK
sub exitcheck {
  if ($ok) {
    exit 0;
  else {
    exit $_[0];

# Decide what to print for services:
sub countAndPrint {
  my $state = $_[0];
  my $count = $_[1];
  my $alltypes = $_[2];
  my $output = "State $state - ";

  if ($details) {
    if ($count<=$much_details) {
      if ($alltypes) {
        $output .= "$count problems: $much_output{$crit} $much_output{$warn} $much_output{$unk}";
      else {
        $output .= "$count \L$state\E: $much_output{$state}";
    elsif ($count<=$details) {
      if ($alltypes) {
        $output .= "$count problems: $output{$crit} $output{$warn} $output{$unk}";
      else {
        $output .= "$count \L$state\E: $output{$state}";
    else {
      if ($alltypes) {
        $output .= "$numprob{$crit} critical, $numprob{$warn} warning, $numprob{$unk} unknown";
      else {
        $output .= "$count \L$state\E"; 
  else {
    $output .= "$count problems";

  print "$output\n";

# Add-in the problem found in the status log
sub addproblem {

  $test = 1;
  $type = $_[1];
  my $diffout = "";

  my @values = split /;/,$_[0];

  if (!$host) {
    my $namehold = $values[1];
    if ($ack && ($values[13] eq "1")) {
      if ($ack =~ "ok") {
        $test = 0;
      else {
        $type = "\U$ack";
    elsif ($hdown && grep /$namehold/, @hostdown) {
      if ($hdown =~ "ok") {
        $test = 0;
      else {
        $type = "\U$hdown";
	$diffout = "$values[1] is down";
    elsif ($dt && (($values[27] ne "0") || (grep /$namehold/, @hostdowntime))){
      if ($dt =~ "ok") {
        $test = 0;
      else {
        $type = "\U$dt";
    elsif (exists $hostoktimes{$namehold}) {
      # If the state change time of the host is more recent than the last
      # service check, must wait until the next service check runs!
      if ($hostoktimes{$namehold} > $values[6]) {
	$test = 0;
  else {
    if ($ack && $values[5]) { 
      if ($ack =~ "ok") {
        $test = 0;
      else {
        $type = "\U$ack";
    elsif ($dt && ($values[17] ne "0")) {
      if ($dt =~ "ok") {
        $test = 0;
      else {
        $type = "\U$dt";

  if ($details && $test) {
    if (!$host) {
      if ($diffout) {
        $much_output{$type} .= " $diffout;";
	$output{$type} .= "$diffout;";
      else {
        if ($much_details && $much_ct{$type}<$much_details) {
          $much_output{$type} .= " $values[2] on $values[1] $values[31];";
        if ($ct{$type} < $details) {
          $output{$type} .= " $values[2] on $values[1];";
    else {
        $much_output{$type} .= " $values[1] $_[1] $values[20],";
        $output{$type} .= " $values[1] HOST $_[1],";
  if ($test) {

# Version and Help Information

sub printVersion {
  printf <<EndVersion;
$0 (nagios-plugins) 1.3
The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute
copies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.

sub printHelp {
  printf <<EOF;

This plugin parses through the Nagios status log and will return a 
Critical, Warning, or Unknown state depending on the number of 
Critical, Warning, and/or Unknown services found in the log
(or Down/Unreachable hosts when matching against hosts)  

Usage: $0 -s <Status File> | -d <Nagios Log Directory> 
	[-w #[,#][,#]] [-c #[,#][,#]] [-u #[,#][,#]]
        [--service=<RegEx> | --servhost=<RegEx> | --pattern=<RegEx> |
	 --host            | --host=<RegEx>]
        [--ack[=string]]  [--dt[=string]]  [--hostdown[=string]]
        [-D #[,#]]  [--ok]  [-f <Log freshness in # minutes>]
       $0 --help
       $0 --version
NOTE: One of -s and -d must be specified

 -s, --status=FILE_NAME
   Location and name of status log (e.g. /usr/local/nagios/var/status.log)
   Directory that contains the nagios logs (e.g. /usr/local/nagios/var/)
 -w, --warning=INTEGER[,INTEGER][,INTEGER]
   #:     Number of warnings to result in a WARNING state
   #,#:   Warning,Criticals to result in a WARNING state
   #,#,#: Warning,Critical,Unknown to result in a WARNING state 
   Default: -w=1
 -c, --critical=INTEGER[,INTEGER][,INTEGER]
   #:     Number of criticals to result in a CRITICAL state
   #,#:   Warning,Criticals to result in a CRITICAL state
   #,#,#: Warning,Critical,Unknown to result in a CRITICAL state
   Default: -c=1
 -u, --unknown=INTEGER[,INTEGER][,INTEGER]
   #:     Number of unknowns to result in a UNKNOWN state
   #,#:   Warning,Criticals to result in a UNKNOWN state
   #,#,#: Warning,Critical,Unknown to result in a UNKNOWN state
   Default: -u=1
 -r, --service[=REGEX]
   Only match services [that match the RegEx]
   (--service is default setting if no other matching arguments provided)
   Only match services whose host match the RegEx
 -p, --pattern=REGEX
   Only parse for this regular expression (services only, not hosts)
   Report on the state of hosts (whose name matches the RegEx if provided)
 -a, --ack[=ok|warning|critical|unknown|down|unreachable]
   Handle Acknowledged problems [--ack defaults to ok]
 --dt, --downtime[=ok|warning|critical|unknown|down|unreachable]
   Handle problems in scheduled downtime [--dt defaults to ok]
 --hd, --hostdown[=ok|warning|critical|unknown|down|unreachable]
   Handle services whose Host is down [--hd defaults to ok]
 -D, --details=INTEGER[,INTEGER]
   Amount of verbosity to output
   If # problems: 
    <= 1st integer, return full details (each plugin's output) 
    <= 2nd integer, return some details (list each service host pair)
    >  2nd integer, return the # of problems
 -f, --freshness=INTEGER
   Number of minutes old the log can be to make sure Nagios is running
   (Default = 30 minutes)
   Return an OK exit code, regardless of number of problems found
 -h, --help
   Print detailed help screen
 -V, --version
   Print version information 

For service checking (use --service and/or --servhost): 
1.  The values of warning, critical, and unknown default to 1, i.e.
$0 will return CRITICAL if there is at least 1 critical service, 
WARNING if there is at least 1 warning service, and UNKNOWN if there is
at least one unknown service.

2.  If a service's host is DOWN or UNREACHABLE, $0 will use the 
value of --hostdown to determine how to treat the service.  Without that
argument, $0 will count the service as OK.

3.  If a service's host is OK, but the last host-state change occurred more 
recently than the last service check, $0 will ignore that service
(want to wait until the service has been checked after a host has recovered
or you may get service alert for services that still need to be checked)

4.  If the --dt, --ack, or --hd tags are used, $0 will use the value
of the arguments to determine how to handle services in downtime, acknowledged,
or with down hosts (default=OK). For service checks, --dt will also check
if the service's host is in a downtime.

For host checking (use --host):
1.  Using the --host argument, $0 will look for DOWN and UNREACHABLE
hosts.  If any are found, $0 will return a CRITICAL.  You can provide
an REGEX for --host to only check hosts with matching host names. 

2.  If the --dt or --ack tags are used, $0 will use the value of the
--dt/--ack arguments to determine the state of the host (default is OK)


--- NEW FILE ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# $Id: check_wins.pl,v 1.1 2003/02/09 14:16:28 sghosh Exp $

# $Log: check_wins.pl,v $
# Revision 1.1  2003/02/09 14:16:28  sghosh
# more contribs

use strict ;

use Getopt::Long ;
use vars qw($opt_H $opt_D $opt_W $opt_T $debug @my_dcs);

use lib '/usr/local/netsaint/libexec/' ;
use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);

my $PROGNAME = 'check_wins' ;

use constant SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL	=> 2 ;
use constant MY_DCS 		=> ('dc1','dc2') ;
# use constant MY_DCS 		=> qw(ipa01 ipa02 ipa03) ;

my $NMBLOOKUP_PATH		= '/usr/bin/nmblookup' ;
my $NMBLOOKUP			= sub { return `$NMBLOOKUP_PATH $_[2] -R -U $_[0] $_[1]` } ;

sub print_help ();
sub print_usage ();
sub help ();
sub version ();

delete @ENV{'PATH', 'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};

$SIG{"ALRM"} = sub { die "Alarm clock restart" } ;

Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling', 'no_ignore_case');
        ("V|version"     => \&version,
         "h|help"        => \&help,
         "d|debug"       => \$debug,
	 "C|controllers:s" => \@my_dcs,
         "T|timeout:i"	 => \$opt_T,
         "W|wins=s"	 => \$opt_W,
         "D|domain=s"    => \$opt_D);

($opt_D) || usage("MS Domain name not specified\n");
my $domain = $1 if $opt_D =~ m#(\w+)# ;                # NetBIOS names allow __any__ characters (more than \w)
($domain) || usage("Invalid MS D name: $opt_D\n");

($opt_W) || usage("WINS hostname or address not specified\n");
my $wins = $1 if $opt_W =~ m#((?:^\w+$)|(?:\d+(?:\.\d+){3,3}$))# ;
($wins) || usage("Invalid WINS hostname or address: $opt_W\n");

usage("You must provide the names of your domain controllers by updating MY_DCS in the text or use -C dc_name1 -C dc_name2 ..\n")
  unless (@my_dcs or MY_DCS) ;

@my_dcs = MY_DCS	unless defined $my_dcs[0] ;
$TIMEOUT = $opt_T	if defined $opt_T ;

my ($netbios_name, @dcs_of_domain, @dc_addresses) ;
my (@addr_dcs_of_domain, @found_dcs, %address2dc) ;
my (@dc_query) ;

# tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipa01
# Sending queries to
# ipa01<00>

eval {
  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
  @dc_query = $debug ? map { $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL) } @my_dcs :
		       map { ( $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, "$_#20", '') )[1] } @my_dcs ;
  alarm(0) ;
} ;

if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from  (one of) "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;

if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins @my_dcs"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;

chomp @dc_query ;
if ( scalar grep(/name_query failed/, @dc_query) ) {
  print qq(Failed. WINS "$wins" failed to resolve), scalar @my_dcs > 1 ? ' at least one of ' : ' ', qq("@my_dcs", the domain controller(s) of "$domain". Got "@dc_query"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;

# the results of looking up the DCs (by their name) in the WINS 

# ipa01<20>
# ipa02<20>
# ipa03<20>

@dc_addresses = () ;
foreach (@dc_query) {
  next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+?)<\S+?>$/ ;
  $address2dc{$1} = $2 ;
  push @dc_addresses, $1 ;

$netbios_name = "$domain#1C"  ;

eval {
  alarm($TIMEOUT) ;
  @dcs_of_domain = $NMBLOOKUP->($wins, $netbios_name, defined $debug ? '-d ' . SAMBA_DEBUG_LVL : '') ;
  alarm(0) ;

} ;

if ($@ and $@ =~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
  print qq(Failed. Timeout while waiting for response from "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;

if ($@ and $@ !~ /Alarm clock restart/) {
  print qq(Failed. "$@" in response to "$NMBLOOKUP_CMD $wins $netbios_name"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} ;

shift @dcs_of_domain ;
chomp @dcs_of_domain ;
@addr_dcs_of_domain = map /^(\S+)/, @dcs_of_domain ;

# tsitc> /usr/local/samba/bin/nmblookup -R -U wins ipaustralia#1c
# Sending queries to
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
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# ipaustralia<1c>
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# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# ipaustralia<1c>
# tsitc> 

my %x ;
@found_dcs = grep { ! $x{$_}++ } @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
# @found_dcs = grep { defined $_} @address2dc{ grep exists $address2dc{$_}, @addr_dcs_of_domain} ;
								# Gotcha.
								# 'exists' is necessary to prevent autovivificatiton
								# of keys in %address2dc

if ( &set_eq( \@found_dcs, [ values %address2dc ] ) ) {
  print $debug ? qq(Ok. WINS named "$wins" resolved addresses of "@my_dcs" as "@dc_query" and controllers of domain "$domain" as "@dcs_of_domain"\n) :
		 qq(Ok. Found controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" name query from WINS named "$wins".\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"OK"} ;
} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs == 0 ) {
  print qq(Failed. Found __no__ controllers named "@my_dcs" in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Got "@dcs_of_domain"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
} elsif ( scalar @found_dcs < scalar keys %address2dc ) {
  print qq(Warning. Not all domain controllers found in response to "$domain#1C" query from WINS named "$wins". Expected "@my_dcs", got "@found_dcs"\n) ;
  exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;

sub set_eq {

  return 0 unless scalar @{$_[0]} == scalar @{$_[1]} ;
  foreach my $a ( @{$_[0]} ) {
    return 0 unless scalar grep { $a eq $_ } @{$_[1]} ;
  return 1 ;


sub print_usage () {
	print "Usage: $PROGNAME -W <wins> -D <domain>\n";

sub print_help () {
	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $ ');
	print "Copyright (c) 2001 Karl DeBisschop/S Hopcroft

Perl Check WINS plugin for NetSaint.

Returns OK if the addresses of domain controllers are found in the list of domain controllers returned in the WINS response to a 'domain controllers query' 

Why would you want to do this ?

MS File server clients insist on connecting to file servers using NetBIOS names.
If they __don't__ resolve NetBIOS names with a WINS (NBNS) then they'll either fail to logon and  connect to shares or they will
broadcast requsts for names.
Both problems are eliminated by a healthy WINS.
Also, you may have a MS domain spanning a  number of WAN connected sites, with domain controllers far away from powerful local
domain controllers.
In this case, you want your local clients to have their logon requests validated by the local controllers.

The plugin works by
  asking the WINS to resolve the addresses of the domain controllers (supplied by -C or from the constant MY_DCS)
  asking the WINS to return the list of addresses of the domain controllers able to validate requests for the domain
   whose name is given by -D
  returning Ok		if all controller addresses are in that list (of addresses of domain controllers) or
  returning WARNING	if not all the controller addresses are in the list or
  returning CRITICAL	if there is no reply from the WINS or the list contains none of the contoller addresses

	print '
-W, --wins=STRING
   Hostname or address of the WINS (Either Samba/nmbd or MS product)
-D, --domain=STRING
   MS Domain name to find the Domain controllers of.
-C, --controllers:STRING
   Optional __name(s)__ of domain controller that __must__ be found in the response to a domain controller name query.
   If not defined, then use the constant value MY_DCS. You must use either -C or make sure that MY_DCS contains the names 
   of __your__ domain controllers.
-T, --timeout:INTEGER
-d, --debug
   Debugging output.
-h, --help
   This stuff.


sub version () {
	print_revision($PROGNAME,'$Revision: 1.1 $ ');
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

sub help () {
	exit $ERRORS{'OK'};

--- NEW FILE ---
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Marko Riedel, EDV Neue Arbeit gGmbH, mriedel at neuearbeit.de 
use POSIX qw(strtol);

my $command_file = '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.cmd';

my $hour = (60*60);
my $next_day = (24*60*60);

my $downtimes = 
    host => 'somehost',
    service => 'SERVICE',
    times => [ ["00:00", 9], ["18:00", 6] ]

foreach my $entry (@$downtimes) {
  my ($secstart, $secend, $cmd, $current);

  $current = `/bin/date +"%s"`;
  chomp $current;

  foreach my $tperiod (@{ $entry->{times} }){
    $secstart = strtol(`/bin/date -d "$tperiod->[0]" +"%s"`);
    $secend   = $secstart+$tperiod->[1]*$hour;

    $secstart += $next_day;
    $secend   += $next_day;

    $cmd  = "[$current] SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME;";
    $cmd .= "$entry->{host};$entry->{service};";
    $cmd .= "$secstart;$secend;";
    $cmd .= "1;0;$0;automatically scheduled;\n";

    print STDERR $cmd;

    system "echo \"$cmd\" >> $command_file";

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