[Nagiosplug-checkins] CVS: nagiosplug/plugins-scripts check_oracle.sh,1.8,1.9

Ton Voon tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jul 17 05:15:20 CEST 2003

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv24773

Modified Files:
Log Message:
- Cleanup comments

Index: check_oracle.sh
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins-scripts/check_oracle.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -r1.8 -r1.9
*** check_oracle.sh	2 Jul 2003 16:21:46 -0000	1.8
--- check_oracle.sh	17 Jul 2003 12:14:32 -0000	1.9
*** 4,22 ****
  # 01/06/2000
! #  This Nagios plugin was created to check remote or local TNS
! #  status and check local Database status.
- #  Add the following lines to your object config file (i.e. commands.cfg)
- #         command[check-tns]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ora 1 $ARG$
- #         command[check-oradb]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_ora 2 $ARG$
- #
- #
- # Usage: 
- #      To check TNS Status:  ./check_ora 1 <Oracle Sid or Hostname/IP address>
- #  To Check local database:  ./check_ora 2 <ORACLE_SID>
- #
- # I have the script checking for the Oracle PMON process and 
- # the sgadefORACLE_SID.dbf file.
- # 
  PROGNAME=`basename $0`
--- 4,9 ----
  # 01/06/2000
! #  This Nagios plugin was created to check Oracle status
  PROGNAME=`basename $0`
*** 44,55 ****
    echo ""
!   echo "Check remote or local TNS status and check local Database status"
    echo ""
!   echo "--tns=SID/IP Address"
    echo "   Check remote TNS server"
!   echo "--db=SID"
    echo "   Check local database (search /bin/ps for PMON process) and check"
    echo "   filesystem for sgadefORACLE_SID.dbf"
!   echo "--login=SID"
    echo "   Attempt a dummy login and alert if not ORA-01017: invalid username/password"
    echo "--cache"
--- 31,42 ----
    echo ""
!   echo "Check Oracle status"
    echo ""
!   echo "--tns SID/IP Address"
    echo "   Check remote TNS server"
!   echo "--db SID"
    echo "   Check local database (search /bin/ps for PMON process) and check"
    echo "   filesystem for sgadefORACLE_SID.dbf"
!   echo "--login SID"
    echo "   Attempt a dummy login and alert if not ORA-01017: invalid username/password"
    echo "--cache"
*** 61,65 ****
    echo "       --->  Requires Oracle user/password specified."
    echo "       		--->  Requires select on dba_data_files and dba_free_space"
!   echo "--oranames=Hostname"
    echo "   Check remote Oracle Names server"
    echo "--help"
--- 48,52 ----
    echo "       --->  Requires Oracle user/password specified."
    echo "       		--->  Requires select on dba_data_files and dba_free_space"
!   echo "--oranames Hostname"
    echo "   Check remote Oracle Names server"
    echo "--help"
*** 72,76 ****
    echo "tnsnames.ora file is locatable and is properly configured."
    echo ""
!   echo "When checking Local Database status your ORACLE_SID is case sensitive."
    echo ""
    echo "If you want to use a default Oracle home, add in your oratab file:"
--- 59,63 ----
    echo "tnsnames.ora file is locatable and is properly configured."
    echo ""
!   echo "When checking local database status your ORACLE_SID is case sensitive."
    echo ""
    echo "If you want to use a default Oracle home, add in your oratab file:"

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