[Nagiosplug-checkins] nagiosplug NPTest.pm,1.3,1.4

Ton Voon tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Nov 9 08:44:16 CET 2005

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv25303

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added new NPTest->testCmd which returns objects back for testing
at the test script level. Updated check_swap and check_imap to this
new format

Index: NPTest.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/NPTest.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- NPTest.pm	3 Nov 2005 15:04:16 -0000	1.3
+++ NPTest.pm	9 Nov 2005 16:40:11 -0000	1.4
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 This modules provides convenience functions to assist in the testing
 of Nagios Plugins, making the testing code easier to read and write;
-hopefully encouraging the development of more complete test suite for
+hopefully encouraging the development of a more complete test suite for
 the Nagios Plugins. It is based on the patterns of testing seen in the
 1.4.0 release, and continues to use the L<Test> module as the basis of
@@ -80,8 +80,17 @@
 no mechanism to edit existing cache entries, save the use of text
 editor or removing the cache file completely.
+=item C<testCmd($command)>
+Call with NPTest->testCmd("./check_disk ...."). This returns a NPTest object
+which you can then run $object->return_code or $object->output against.
+Testing of results would be done in your test script, not in this module.
 =item C<checkCmd(...)>
+This function is obsolete. Use C<testCmd()> instead.
 This function attempts to encompass the majority of test styles used
 in testing Nagios Plugins. As each plug-in is a separate command, the
 typical tests we wish to perform are against the exit status of the
@@ -213,21 +222,14 @@
   my( $command, $desiredExitStatus, $desiredOutput, %exceptions ) = @_;
-  my $output     = `${command}`;
-  my $exitStatus = $? >> 8;
+  my $result = NPTest->testCmd($command);
+  my $output     = $result->output;
+  my $exitStatus = $result->return_code;
   $output = "" unless defined( $output );
   chomp( $output );
-  if ( exists( $ENV{'NPTEST_DEBUG'} ) && $ENV{'NPTEST_DEBUG'} )
-  {
-    my( $pkg, $file, $line ) = caller(0);
-    print "checkCmd: Called from line $line in $file\n";
-    print "Testing : ${command}\n";
-    print "Result  : ${exitStatus} AND '${output}'\n";
-  }
   my $testStatus;
   my $testOutput = "continue";
@@ -547,7 +549,53 @@
   return @tests;
+# All the new object oriented stuff below
+sub new { 
+	my $type = shift;
+	my $self = {};
+	return bless $self, $type;
+# Accessors
+sub return_code {
+	my $self = shift;
+	if (@_) {
+		return $self->{return_code} = shift;
+	} else {
+		return $self->{return_code};
+	}
+sub output {
+	my $self = shift;
+	if (@_) {
+		return $self->{output} = shift;
+	} else {
+		return $self->{output};
+	}
+sub testCmd {
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $command = shift or die "No command passed to testCmd";
+	my $object = $class->new;
+	my $output = `$command`;
+	chomp $output;
+	$object->output($output);
+	$object->return_code($? >> 8);
+	if ($ENV{'NPTEST_DEBUG'}) {
+		my ($pkg, $file, $line) = caller(0);
+		print "testCmd: Called from line $line in $file", $/;
+		print "Testing: $command", $/;
+		print "Output:  ", $object->output, $/;
+		print "Return code: ", $object->return_code, $/;
+	}
+	return $object;

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