[Nagiosplug-checkins] Nagios-Plugin/lib/Nagios Plugin.pm,1.9,1.10

Gavin Carr gonzai at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Sep 26 06:10:38 CEST 2006

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/Nagios-Plugin/lib/Nagios
In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv11863/lib/Nagios

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Update Nagios::Plugin with NP::Function wrapper methods, and extras.

Index: Plugin.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/nagiosplug/Nagios-Plugin/lib/Nagios/Plugin.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- Plugin.pm	26 Sep 2006 01:10:23 -0000	1.9
+++ Plugin.pm	26 Sep 2006 04:10:36 -0000	1.10
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 # This is only because Class::Struct doesn't allow subclasses
 # Trick stolen from Class::DBI
-package Nagios::__::Plugin;
+###package Nagios::__::Plugin;
-use 5.008004;
 use Class::Struct;
 struct "Nagios::__::Plugin" => {
-	perfdata => '@',
-	shortname => '$',
-	};
+    perfdata => '@',
+    shortname => '$',
+    messages => '%',
+    };
 package Nagios::Plugin;
-use Nagios::Plugin::Functions;
+use Nagios::Plugin::Functions qw(:codes %ERRORS %STATUS_TEXT @STATUS_CODES);
 use Nagios::Plugin::Performance;
 use Nagios::Plugin::Threshold;
@@ -22,149 +22,385 @@
 use Exporter;
 our @ISA = qw(Exporter Nagios::__::Plugin);
 our @EXPORT_OK = qw(%ERRORS);
 our $VERSION = $Nagios::Plugin::Functions::VERSION;
 sub add_perfdata {
-	my ($self, %args) = @_;
-	my $perf = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->new(%args);
-	push @{$self->perfdata}, $perf;
+    my ($self, %args) = @_;
+    my $perf = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->new(%args);
+    push @{$self->perfdata}, $perf;
 sub all_perfoutput {
-	my $self = shift;
-	return join(" ", map {$_->perfoutput} (@{$self->perfdata}));
+    my $self = shift;
+    return join(" ", map {$_->perfoutput} (@{$self->perfdata}));
 sub set_thresholds { shift; Nagios::Plugin::Threshold->set_thresholds(@_); }
+# NP::Functions wrappers
+sub nagios_exit {
+    my $self = shift;
+    Nagios::Plugin::Functions::nagios_exit(@_, { plugin => $self });
+sub nagios_die {
+    my $self = shift;
+    Nagios::Plugin::Functions::nagios_die(@_, { plugin => $self });
 sub die {
-	my $self = shift;
-	Nagios::Plugin::Functions::die(@_, { plugin => $self });
+    my $self = shift;
+    Nagios::Plugin::Functions::nagios_die(@_, { plugin => $self });
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# NP::Functions::check_messages helpers and wrappers
+sub add_message {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ($code, @messages) = @_;
+    croak "Invalid error code '$code'"
+        unless defined($ERRORS{uc $code}) || defined($STATUS_TEXT{$code});
+    # Store messages using strings rather than numeric codes
+    $code = $STATUS_TEXT{$code} if $STATUS_TEXT{$code};
+    $code = lc $code; 
+    croak "Error code '$code' not supported by add_message"
+        if $code eq 'unknown' || $code eq 'dependent';
+    $self->messages($code, []) unless $self->messages($code);
+    push @{$self->messages($code)}, @messages;
+sub check_messages {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %args = @_;
+    # Add object messages to any passed in as args
+    for my $code (qw(critical warning ok)) {
+        my $messages = $self->messages($code) || [];
+        if ($args{$code}) {
+            unless (ref $args{$code} eq 'ARRAY') {
+                if ($code eq 'ok') {
+                    $args{$code} = [ $args{$code} ];
+                } else {
+                    croak "Invalid argument '$code'" 
+                }
+            }
+            push @{$args{$code}}, @$messages;
+        }
+        else {
+            $args{$code} = $messages;
+        }
+    Nagios::Plugin::Functions::check_messages(%args);
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 =head1 NAME
-Nagios::Plugin - Object oriented helper routines for your Nagios plugin
+Nagios::Plugin - a family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios plugins
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-  use Nagios::Plugin qw(%ERRORS);
-  $p = Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => "PAGESIZE" );
+    # Constants OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, and UNKNOWN are exported by default
+    # See also Nagios::Plugin::Functions for a functional interface
+    use Nagios::Plugin;
-  $threshold = $p->set_thresholds( warning => "10:25", critical => "~:25" );
-  # Critical if outside -INF to 25, ie > 25. Warn if outside 10-25, ie < 10
+    # Constructor
+    $np = Nagios::Plugin->new;            # OR
+    $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => "PAGESIZE" );
-  # ... collect current metric into $value
-  if ($trouble_getting_metric) {
-	$p->die( return_code => $ERRORS{UNKNOWN}, message => "Could not retrieve page");
-	# Output: PAGESIZE UNKNOWN Could not retrieve page
-	# Return code: 3
-  }
+    # Exit methods - nagios_exit( CODE, MESSAGE ), nagios_die( MESSAGE, [CODE])
+    $page = retrieve_page($page1)
+        or $np->nagios_exit( UNKNOWN, "Could not retrieve page" );
+        # Return code: 3; output: PAGESIZE UNKNOWN - Could not retrieve page
+    test_page($page)
+        or $np->nagios_exit( CRITICAL, "Bad page found" );
-  $p->add_perfdata( label => "size",
-    value => $value,
-    uom => "kB",
-    threshold => $threshold,
+    # nagios_die() is just like nagios_exit(), but return code defaults to UNKNOWN
+    $page = retrieve_page($page2)
+        or $np->nagios_die( "Could not retrieve page" );
+        # Return code: 3; output: PAGESIZE UNKNOWN - Could not retrieve page
+    # Threshold methods (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - use Nagios::Plugin::Threshold for now)
+    $code = $np->check_threshold(
+        check => $value,
+        warning => $warning_threshold,
+        critical => $critical_threshold,
-  $p->add_perfdata( label => "time", ... );
+    $np->nagios_exit( $code, "Threshold check failed" ) if $code != OK;
+    #   add_message( CODE, $message ); check_messages()
+    for (@collection) {
+        if (m/Error/) {
+            $np->add_message( CRITICAL, $_ );
+        } else {
+            $np->add_message( OK, $_ );
+        }
+    }
+    ($code, $message) = $np->check_message();
+    nagios_exit( $code, $message );
+    # If any items in collection matched m/Error/, returns CRITICAL and the joined 
+    #   set of Error messages; otherwise returns OK and the joined set of ok messages
+    # Perfdata methods
+    $np->add_perfdata( 
+        label => "size",
+        value => $value,
+        uom => "kB",
+        threshold => $threshold,
+    );
+    $np->add_perfdata( label => "time", ... );
+    $np->nagios_exit( OK, "page size at http://... was ${value}kB" );
+    # Return code: 0; output: 
+    #   PAGESIZE OK - page size at http://... was 36kB | size=36kB;10:25;25: time=...
+    # Option handling methods (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - use Nagios::Plugin::Getopt for now)
-  $p->die( return_code => $threshold->get_status($value), message => "page size at http://... was ${value}kB" );
-  # Output: PAGESIZE OK: page size at http://... was 36kB | size=36kB;10:25;25: time=...
-  # Return code: 0
-This is the place for common routines when writing Nagios plugins. The idea is to make it as 
-easy as possible for developers to conform to the plugin guidelines 
+Nagios::Plugin and its associated Nagios::Plugin::* modules are a family of perl modules
+to streamline writing Nagios plugins. The main end user modules are Nagios::Plugin, 
+providing an object-oriented interface to the entire Nagios::Plugin::* collection, and 
+Nagios::Plugin::Functions, providing a simpler functional interface to a useful subset of 
+the available functionality.
+The purpose of the collection is to make it as simple as possible for developers to 
+create plugins that conform the Nagios Plugin guidelines 
-"Enough talk!  Show me where to start!"
+=head2 EXPORTS
-See the file 'check_stuff.pl' in the 't' directory for a complete working example of a plugin script.
+Nagios status code constants are exported by default:
-=head1 DESIGN
+    OK
-To facilitate object oriented classes, there are multiple perl modules, each reflecting a type of data
-(ie, thresholds, ranges, performance). However, a plugin developer does not need to know about the
-different types - a "use Nagios::Plugin" should be sufficient.
+The following variables are also exported on request:
-There is a Nagios::Plugin::Export. This holds all internals variables. You can specify these variables
-when use'ing Nagios::Plugin
+=over 4
-  use Nagios::Plugin qw(%ERRORS)
-  print $ERRORS{WARNING} # prints 1
+=item %ERRORS
+A hash mapping error strings ("CRITICAL", "UNKNOWN", etc.) to the corresponding
+status code.
-Only methods listed in the documentation for each module is public.
-These modules are experimental and so the interfaces may change up until Nagios::Plugin
-hits version 1.0, but every attempt will be made to make backwards compatible.
+A hash mapping status code constants (OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, etc.) to the
+corresponding error string ("OK", "WARNING, "CRITICAL", etc.) i.e. the reverse
+of %ERRORS.
-=head1 STARTING
+    Nagios::Plugin->new;
+    Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => 'PAGESIZE' );
+Instantiates a new Nagios::Plugin object. Accepts the following named arguments:
 =over 4
-=item use Nagios::Plugin qw(%ERRORS)
+=item shortname
-Imports the %ERRORS hash. This is currently the only symbol that can be imported.
+The 'shortname' for this plugin, used as the first token in the plugin output
+by the various exit methods. Default: uc basename $0.
 =over 4
-=item Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => $$ )
+=item nagios_exit( <CODE>, $message )
-Initializes a new Nagios::Plugin object. Can specify the shortname here.
+Exit with return code CODE, and a standard nagios message of the
+form "SHORTNAME CODE - $message".
+=item nagios_die( $message, [<CODE>] )
+Same as nagios_exit(), except that CODE is optional, defaulting
+=item die( $message, [<CODE>] )
+Alias for nagios_die(). Deprecated.
+NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - use Nagios::Plugin::Threshold directly for now.
 =over 4
-=item set_thresholds( warning => "10:25", critical => "~:25" )
+=item check_threshold( check => $value, warning => $warn, critical => $crit )
-Sets the thresholds, based on the range specification at 
-Returns a Nagios::Plugin::Threshold object, which can be used to input a value to see which threshold
-is crossed.
-=item add_perfdata( label => "size", value => $value, uom => "kB", threshold => $threshold )
-Adds to an array a Nagios::Plugin::Performance object with the specified values.
-This needs to be done separately to allow multiple perfdata output.
-=item die( return_code => $ERRORS{CRITICAL}, message => "Output" )
+add_messages and check_messages are higher-level convenience methods to add
+and then check a set of messages, returning an appropriate return code and/or 
+result message.
-Exits the plugin and prints to STDOUT a Nagios plugin compatible output. Exits with the specified
-return code. Also prints performance data if any have been added in.
+=over 4
+=item add_message( <CODE>, $message )
+Add a message with CODE status to the object. May be called multiple times. The messages
+added are checked by check_messages, following.
+Only CRITICAL, WARNING, and OK are accepted as valid codes.
+=item check_messages()
+Check the current set of messages and return an appropriate nagios return code and/or a
+result message. In scalar context, returns only a return code; in list context returns
+both a return code and an output message, suitable for passing directly to nagios_exit()
+    $code = $np->check_messages;
+    ($code, $message) = $np->check_messages;
+check_messages returns CRITICAL if any critical messages are found, WARNING if any 
+warning messages are found, and OK otherwise. The message returned in list context defaults
+to the joined set of error messages; this may be customised using the arguments below.
+check_messages accepts the following named arguments (none are required):
+=over 4
+=item join => SCALAR
+A string used to join the relevant array to generate the message 
+string returned in list context i.e. if the 'critical' array @crit
+is non-empty, check_messages would return:
+    join( $join, @crit )
+as the result message. Default: ' ' (space).
+=item join_all => SCALAR
+By default, only one set of messages are joined and returned in the
+result message i.e. if the result is CRITICAL, only the 'critical'
+messages are included in the result; if WARNING, only the 'warning' 
+messages are included; if OK, the 'ok' messages are included (if
+supplied) i.e. the default is to return an 'errors-only' type 
+If join_all is supplied, however, it will be used as a string to
+join the resultant critical, warning, and ok messages together i.e.
+all messages are joined and returned.
+=item critical => ARRAYREF
+Additional critical messages to supplement any passed in via add_message().
+=item warning => ARRAYREF
+Additional warning messages to supplement any passed in via add_message().
+=item ok => ARRAYREF | SCALAR
+Additional ok messages to supplement any passed in via add_message().
+=over 4
+=item add_perfdata( label => "size", value => $value, uom => "kB", threshold => $threshold )
+Add a set of performance data to the object. May be called multiple times. The performance
+data is included in the standard plugin output messages by the various exit methods.
+See the Nagios::Plugin::Performance documentation for more information on performance data
+and the various field definitions, as well as the relevant section of the Nagios Plugin
+guidelines (http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html#AEN202).
+NOT YET IMPLEMENTED - use Nagios::Plugin::Getopt directly for now.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+"Enough talk!  Show me some examples!"
+See the file 'check_stuff.pl' in the 't' directory for a complete working example of a 
+plugin script.
+The Nagios::Plugin::* modules are currently experimental and so the interfaces may 
+change up until Nagios::Plugin hits version 1.0, although every attempt will be made to 
+keep them as backwards compatible as possible.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
+See Nagios::Plugin::Functions for a simple functional interface to a subset
+of the available Nagios::Plugin functionality.
+See also Nagios::Plugin::Getopt, Nagios::Plugin::Range, Nagios::Plugin::Performance, 
+Nagios::Plugin::Range, and Nagios::Plugin::Threshold.
+The Nagios Plugin project page is at http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net.
+=head1 BUGS
+Please report bugs in these modules to the Nagios Plugin development team:
+nagiosplug-devel at lists.sourceforge.net.
 =head1 AUTHOR
-Maintained by the Nagios Plugin development team - http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net
+Maintained by the Nagios Plugin development team - http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net.
-Originally by Ton Voon, E<lt>ton.voon at altinity.comE<gt>
+Originally by Ton Voon, E<lt>ton.voon at altinity.comE<gt>.
 Nathan Vonnahme added extra tests and subsequent fixes.
-Gavin Carr contributed the Nagios::Plugin::GetOpt module.

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