[Nagiosplug-checkins] Nagios-Plugin/t Nagios-Plugin-01.t, NONE, 1.1 Nagios-Plugin-02.t, NONE, 1.1 Nagios-Plugin-03.t, NONE, 1.1 Nagios-Plugin.t, 1.5, NONE
Gavin Carr
gonzai at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Sep 26 06:11:41 CEST 2006
Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/Nagios-Plugin/t
In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv12327/t
Added Files:
Nagios-Plugin-01.t Nagios-Plugin-02.t Nagios-Plugin-03.t
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Add additional Nagios::Plugin tests.
--- NEW FILE: Nagios-Plugin-01.t ---
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 12;
BEGIN { use_ok('Nagios::Plugin') };
use Nagios::Plugin::Functions;
diag "\nusing Nagios::Plugin revision ". $Nagios::Plugin::VERSION . "\n"
my $p = Nagios::Plugin->new;
isa_ok( $p, "Nagios::Plugin");
is($p->shortname, "PAGESIZE", "shortname set correctly");
$p = Nagios::Plugin->new;
ok(! defined $p->shortname, "shortname should be unset on new");
$p = Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => "SIZE" );
is($p->shortname, "SIZE", "shortname set correctly on new");
diag "warn if < 10, critical if > 25 " if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};
my $t = $p->set_thresholds( warning => "10:25", critical => "~:25" );
label => "size",
value => 1,
uom => "kB",
threshold => $t,
cmp_ok( $p->all_perfoutput, 'eq', "size=1kB;10:25;~:25", "Perfdata correct");
my $expected = {qw(
20 OK
25 OK
foreach (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$expected) {
like $p->die( return_code => $t->get_status($_), message => "page size at http://... was ${_}kB" ),
"Output okay. $_ = $expected->{$_}" ;
--- Nagios-Plugin.t DELETED ---
--- NEW FILE: Nagios-Plugin-03.t ---
# $np->check_messages tests
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 61;
use_ok("Nagios::Plugin::Functions", ":all");
my $plugin = 'NP_CHECK_MESSAGES_03';
my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => $plugin );
is($np->shortname, $plugin, "shortname() is $plugin");
my ($code, $message);
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check codes
my @codes = (
[ [ qw(Critical) ], [ qw(Warning) ], CRITICAL ],
[ [], [ qw(Warning) ], WARNING ],
[ [], [], OK ],
my $i = 0;
for (@codes) {
$code = $np->check_messages( critical => $_->[0], warning => $_->[1] );
is($code, $_->[2], "Code test $i returned $STATUS_TEXT{$_->[2]}");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check messages
my %arrays = (
critical => [ qw(A B C) ],
warning => [ qw(D E F) ],
ok => [ qw(G H I) ],
my %messages = map { $_ => join(' ', @{$arrays{$_}}) } keys %arrays;
# critical, warning
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning},
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(critical, warning) message is $message");
# critical, warning, ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning},
ok => $arrays{ok},
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning, ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(critical, warning, ok) message is $message");
# critical, warning, $ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning},
ok => 'G H I',
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning, \$ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(critical, warning, \$ok) message is $message");
# warning
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning},
is($code, WARNING, "(warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(warning) message is $message");
# warning, ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning}, ok => $arrays{ok},
is($code, WARNING, "(warning, ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(warning, ok) message is $message");
# ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => [], ok => $arrays{ok},
is($code, OK, "(ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{ok}, "(ok) message is $message");
# $ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => [], ok => 'G H I',
is($code, OK, "(\$ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{ok}, "(\$ok) message is $message");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# explicit join
my $join = '+';
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning},
join => $join,
is($message, join($join, @{$arrays{critical}}), "joined '$join' (critical, warning) message is $message");
$join = '';
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning},
join => $join,
is($message, join($join, @{$arrays{warning}}), "joined '$join' (warning) message is $message");
$join = undef;
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => [], ok => $arrays{ok},
join => $join,
is($message, join(' ', @{$arrays{ok}}), "joined undef (ok) message is $message");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# join_all messages
my $join_all = ' :: ';
my $msg_all_cwo = join($join_all, map { join(' ', @{$arrays{$_}}) }
qw(critical warning ok));
my $msg_all_cw = join($join_all, map { join(' ', @{$arrays{$_}}) }
qw(critical warning));
my $msg_all_wo = join($join_all, map { join(' ', @{$arrays{$_}}) }
qw(warning ok));
# critical, warning, ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning}, ok => $arrays{ok},
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning, ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $msg_all_cwo, "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning, ok) message is $message");
# critical, warning, $ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning}, ok => 'G H I',
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning, \$ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $msg_all_cwo, "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning, \$ok) message is $message");
# critical, warning
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => $arrays{critical}, warning => $arrays{warning},
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $msg_all_cw, "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning) message is $message");
# warning, ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning}, ok => $arrays{ok},
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, WARNING, "(warning, ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $msg_all_wo, "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning, ok) message is $message");
# warning, $ok
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning}, ok => 'G H I',
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, WARNING, "(warning, \$ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $msg_all_wo, "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning, \$ok) message is $message");
# warning
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages(
critical => [], warning => $arrays{warning},
join_all => $join_all,
is($code, WARNING, "(warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, 'D E F', "join_all '$join_all' (critical, warning) message is $message");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# add_messages
# Constant codes
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "A B C" );
$np->add_message( WARNING, "D E F" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, CRITICAL, "(CRITICAL, WARNING) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(CRITICAL, WARNING) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( CRITICAL, "A B C" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, CRITICAL, "(CRITICAL) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(CRITICAL) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( WARNING, "D E F" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, WARNING, "(WARNING) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(WARNING) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( WARNING, "D E F" );
$np->add_message( OK, "G H I" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, WARNING, "(WARNING, OK) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(WARNING, OK) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( OK, "G H I" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, OK, "(OK) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{ok}, "(OK) message is $message");
# String codes
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( critical => "A B C" );
$np->add_message( warning => "D E F" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical, warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(critical, warning) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( critical => "A B C" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, CRITICAL, "(critical) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{critical}, "(critical) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( warning => "D E F" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, WARNING, "(warning) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(warning) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( warning => "D E F" );
$np->add_message( ok => "G H I" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, WARNING, "(warning, ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{warning}, "(warning, ok) message is $message");
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
$np->add_message( ok => "G H I" );
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, OK, "(ok) code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, $messages{ok}, "(ok) message is $message");
# No add_message
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
is($code, OK, "() code is $STATUS_TEXT{$code}");
is($message, '', "() message is ''");
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Error conditions
# add_message errors
$np = Nagios::Plugin->new;
ok(! defined eval { $np->add_message( foobar => 'hi mum' ) },
'add_message dies on invalid code');
ok(! defined eval { $np->add_message( OKAY => 'hi mum' ) },
'add_message dies on invalid code');
# UNKNOWN and DEPENDENT error codes
ok(! defined eval { $np->add_message( unknown => 'hi mum' ) },
'add_message dies on UNKNOWN code');
ok(! defined eval { $np->add_message( dependent => 'hi mum' ) },
'add_message dies on DEPENDENT code');
--- NEW FILE: Nagios-Plugin-02.t ---
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 101;
BEGIN { use_ok("Nagios::Plugin") }
require Nagios::Plugin::Functions;
# Hardcoded checks of constants
my %ERRORS = %Nagios::Plugin::Functions::ERRORS;
is(OK, $ERRORS{OK}, "OK => $ERRORS{OK}");
my $plugin = 'TEST_PLUGIN';
my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new( shortname => $plugin );
is($np->shortname, $plugin, "shortname() is $plugin");
# Test nagios_exit( CONSTANT, $msg ), nagios_exit( $string, $msg )
my $r;
my @ok = (
[ OK, "OK", 'test the first', ],
[ WARNING, "WARNING", 'test the second', ],
[ CRITICAL, "CRITICAL", 'test the third', ],
[ UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN", 'test the fourth', ],
[ DEPENDENT, "DEPENDENT", 'test the fifth', ],
for (@ok) {
$r = $np->nagios_exit($_->[0], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$plugin\b.*$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$plugin . ' ' . $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string
$r = $np->nagios_exit($_->[1], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$plugin\b.*$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$plugin . ' ' . $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$plugin\b.*$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit("%s", $msg) stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$plugin . ' ' . $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# nagios_exit code corner cases
my @ugly1 = (
[ -1, 'testing code -1' ],
[ 7, 'testing code 7' ],
[ undef, 'testing code undef' ],
[ '', qq(testing code '') ],
[ 'string', qq(testing code 'string') ],
for (@ugly1) {
$r = $np->nagios_exit($_->[0], $_->[1]);
my $display = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : 'undef';
is($r->return_code, UNKNOWN, "nagios_exit($display, \$msg) returned ". UNKNOWN);
like($r->message, qr/UNKNOWN\b.*\b$_->[1]$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$display, 'UNKNOWN.*' . $_->[1]));
# nagios_exit message corner cases
my @ugly2 = (
[ '' ],
[ undef ],
for (@ugly2) {
$r = $np->nagios_exit(CRITICAL, $_->[0]);
my $display1 = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : "undef";
my $display2 = defined $_->[0] ? $_->[0] : '';
like($r->message, qr/CRITICAL\b.*\b$display2$/,
sprintf('nagios_exit(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$display1, "CRITICAL.*$display2"));
# Test nagios_die( $msg )
my @msg = (
[ 'die you dog' ],
[ '' ],
[ undef ],
for (@msg) {
$r = $np->nagios_die($_->[0]);
my $display1 = defined $_->[0] ? "'$_->[0]'" : "undef";
my $display2 = defined $_->[0] ? $_->[0] : '';
is($r->return_code, UNKNOWN,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s) returned UNKNOWN', $display1));
like($r->message, qr/UNKNOWN\b.*\b$display2$/,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s) output matched "%s"', $display1,
# Test nagios_die( CONSTANT, $msg ), nagios_die( $msg, CONSTANT ),
# nagios_die( $string, $msg ), and nagios_die( $msg, $string )
@ok = (
[ OK, "OK", 'test the first', ],
[ WARNING, "WARNING", 'test the second', ],
[ CRITICAL, "CRITICAL", 'test the third', ],
[ UNKNOWN, "UNKNOWN", 'test the fourth', ],
[ DEPENDENT, "DEPENDENT", 'test the fifth', ],
for (@ok) {
# CONSTANT, $msg
$r = $np->nagios_die($_->[0], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die(%s, $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die(%s, $msg) output matched "%s"',
$_->[1], $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $msg, CONSTANT
$r = $np->nagios_die($_->[2], $_->[0]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, %s) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, %s) output matched "%s"',
$_->[1], $_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string, $msg
$r = $np->nagios_die($_->[1], $_->[2]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die("%s", $msg) stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
# $string, $msg
$r = $np->nagios_die($_->[2], $_->[1]);
is($r->return_code, $_->[0],
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") returned %s', $_->[1], $_->[0]));
like($r->message, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") output matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
like($r, qr/$_->[1]\b.*\b$_->[2]$/,
sprintf('nagios_die($msg, "%s") stringified matched "%s"', $_->[1],
$_->[1] . '.*' . $_->[2]));
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