[Nagiosplug-checkins] nagiosplug/plugins/t check_jabber.t, NONE, 1.1

Thomas Guyot dermoth at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 31 07:18:39 CET 2007

Update of /cvsroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/plugins/t
In directory sc8-pr-cvs7.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv10384/plugins/t

Added Files:
Log Message:
Add check_jabber test. Will ask for a jabber host (default should be OK)

--- NEW FILE: check_jabber.t ---
#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I ..
# Jabber Server Tests via check_jabber
# $Id: check_jabber.t,v 1.1 2007/01/31 06:18:37 dermoth Exp $

use strict;
use Test;
use NPTest;

use vars qw($tests);
BEGIN {$tests = 10; plan tests => $tests}

my $host_tcp_jabber = getTestParameter( 
			"A host providing the Jabber Service",

my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter(
			"The hostname of system not responsive to network requests",

my $hostname_invalid   = getTestParameter( 
			"An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname",

my %exceptions = ( 2 => "No Jabber Server present?" );

my $jabberOK = '/JABBER OK\s-\s\d+\.\d+\ssecond response time on port 5222/';

my $jabberUnresponsive = '/CRITICAL\s-\sSocket timeout after\s\d+\sseconds/';

my $jabberInvalid = '/check_JABBER: Invalid hostname, address or socket\s-\s.+/';

my $t;

$t += checkCmd( "./check_jabber $host_tcp_jabber", 0, $jabberOK );

$t += checkCmd( "./check_jabber -H $host_tcp_jabber -w 9 -c 9 -t 10", 0, $jabberOK );

$t += checkCmd( "./check_jabber $host_tcp_jabber -wt 9 -ct 9 -to 10", 0, $jabberOK );

$t += checkCmd( "./check_jabber $host_nonresponsive", 2, $jabberUnresponsive );

$t += checkCmd( "./check_jabber $hostname_invalid", 2, $jabberInvalid );

exit(0) if defined($Test::Harness::VERSION);
exit($tests - $t);

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