[Nagiosplug-checkins] SF.net SVN: nagiosplug:[2055] nagiosplug/trunk/doc

tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Sep 25 10:01:29 CEST 2008

Revision: 2055
Author:   tonvoon
Date:     2008-09-25 08:01:27 +0000 (Thu, 25 Sep 2008)

Log Message:
Moving project administration documents to nagiosplugins.org site

Removed Paths:

Deleted: nagiosplug/trunk/doc/LEAVERS
--- nagiosplug/trunk/doc/LEAVERS	2008-09-02 12:28:04 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/doc/LEAVERS	2008-09-25 08:01:27 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-These are the steps for someone leaving the team.
-Leaver has to:
-  - Update all current tracker items
-Administration tasks:
-  - Reassign leaver's tracker items to project lead
-  - Remove from Sourceforge's list of developers. This will include CVS access. Do not
-    need to remove from CVS avail file
-  - If applicable, remove from mailing list administrators
-  - Keep on nagiosplug-team mailing list, unless specifically requested to be removed

Deleted: nagiosplug/trunk/doc/NEW_STARTERS
--- nagiosplug/trunk/doc/NEW_STARTERS	2008-09-02 12:28:04 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/doc/NEW_STARTERS	2008-09-25 08:01:27 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-These are the steps for adding someone to the team.
-Need to know:
-  - Name
-  - Primary email for nagiosplug-team mailings
-  - Sourceforge id
-  - Type of member (translator, developer, release manager, project administrator)
-1. Add member to nagiosplug-team mailing list (https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/admin/nagiosplug-team)
-   and to the nagiosplug-checkins mailing list (https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/admin/nagiosplug-checkins,
-   add sourceforge email address via Privacy Options->Sender filters)
-2. Add Sourceforge access:
-  - Translator: CVS access, Shell access, Release Tech (no)
-  - Developer: Project role: Developer, CVS access, Shell access, Release Tech (no), Task Manager (A&T),
-               Forums (Moderator), Doc Manager (Editor)
-               Update Developer Permissions.
-	       For each tracker, set to Technician (need to add all trackers first, then change to 
-		technician for each one)
-3. Add to CVS avail file:
-  - Translator: Add member to translation files
-  - Developer: Add member to CVSROOT/avail for all files
-4. Send email to nagiosplug-team introducing new member

Deleted: nagiosplug/trunk/doc/RELEASING
--- nagiosplug/trunk/doc/RELEASING	2008-09-02 12:28:04 UTC (rev 2054)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/doc/RELEASING	2008-09-25 08:01:27 UTC (rev 2055)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-svn update in main area
-. tools/devmode, if feeling adventurous
-check compilation, check tinderbox screens
-Update BUGS, NEWS file
-Update AUTHORS if new members
-Update configure.in and package.def with version
-Run svn2cl (get from http://ch.tudelft.nl/~arthur/svn2cl):
-svn2cl.sh --break-before-msg --reparagraph -i http://nagiosplug.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/trunk
-commit BUGS NEWS configure.in package.def ChangeLog
-svn copy http://nagiosplug.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/trunk 
-checkout new version:
-cd /tmp
-rm -fr nagiosplug
-svn export http://nagiosplug.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/tags/release-1.4.10 nagiosplug
-cd nagiosplug
-make dist
-sftp upload.sf.net
-cd uploads
-put file
-SF -> Submit News about release. Make sure it is called "Nagios Plugins" (with those caps)
-Link to download at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=29880
-Include contents of NEWS for this release
-List all people on team involved. 
-Add acknowledgement to contributors
-Submit. Get URL to news item
-SF -> Admin -> File Releases
-Add a release to nagiosplug and create a file release
-Name: 1.4.1 
-Create release
-Step 1: Add release notes pointing to news item
-Step 2: add file
-Step 3: *.tar.gz, Platform Independent, Source .gz
-Step 4: Send notice
-Send email to nagiosplug-help, nagios-announce with the news text
-Add a news item to http://nagiosplugins.org

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