[Nagiosplug-checkins] SF.net SVN: nagiosplug:[2175] nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/tests/check_http.t

dermoth at users.sourceforge.net dermoth at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Mar 20 06:22:16 CET 2009

Revision: 2175
Author:   dermoth
Date:     2009-03-20 05:22:16 +0000 (Fri, 20 Mar 2009)

Log Message:
tests/check_http.t: Add various timeout-related tests

From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <dermoth at aei.ca>

Modified Paths:

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/tests/check_http.t
--- nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/tests/check_http.t	2009-03-19 21:06:14 UTC (rev 2174)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/tests/check_http.t	2009-03-20 05:22:16 UTC (rev 2175)
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@
 my $port_https = $port_http + 1;
 my $port_https_expired = $port_http + 2;
+# This array keeps sockets around for implementing timeouts
+my @persist;
 # Start up all servers
 my @pids;
 my $pid = fork();
@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@
 # Run the same server on http and https
 sub run_server {
 	my $d = shift;
-	while (my $c = $d->accept ) {
+	MAINLOOP: while (my $c = $d->accept ) {
 		while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
 			if ($r->method eq "GET" and $r->url->path =~ m^/statuscode/(\d+)^) {
@@ -121,10 +124,19 @@
 			} elsif ($r->url->path eq "/redirect") {
 				$c->send_redirect( "/redirect2" );
+			} elsif ($r->url->path eq "/redir_external") {
+				$c->send_redirect( "" );
 			} elsif ($r->url->path eq "/redirect2") {
+			} elsif ($r->url->path eq "/redir_timeout") {
+				$c->send_redirect( "/timeout" );
+			} elsif ($r->url->path eq "/timeout") {
+				# Keep $c from being destroyed, but prevent severe leaks
+				unshift @persist, $c;
+				delete($persist[1000]);
+				next MAINLOOP;
 			} else {
@@ -141,11 +153,11 @@
 if ($ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] eq "-d") {
 	while (1) {
-		`sleep 100`
+		sleep 100;
-my $common_tests = 51;
+my $common_tests = 55;
 my $ssl_only_tests = 6;
 if (-x "./check_http") {
 	plan tests => $common_tests * 2 + $ssl_only_tests;
@@ -315,4 +327,40 @@
 	is( $result->return_code, 0, $cmd);
 	like( $result->output, '/^HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - \d+ bytes in [\d\.]+ second/', "Output correct: ".$result->output );
+  # These tests may block
+	print "ALRM\n";
+	$cmd = "$command -f sticky -u /redir_external -t 5";
+	eval {
+		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+		alarm(2);
+		$result = NPTest->testCmd( $cmd );
+		alarm(0);	};
+	isnt( $@, "alarm\n", $cmd);
+	# Will this one work everywhere???
+	$cmd = "$command -f follow -u /redir_external -t 5";
+	eval {
+		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+		alarm(2);
+		$result = NPTest->testCmd( $cmd );
+		alarm(0); };
+	is( $@, "alarm\n", $cmd);
+	$cmd = "$command -u /timeout -t 5";
+	eval {
+		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+		alarm(2);
+		$result = NPTest->testCmd( $cmd );
+		alarm(0); };
+	is( $@, "alarm\n", $cmd);
+	$cmd = "$command -f follow -u /redir_timeout -t 2";
+	eval {
+		local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+		alarm(5);
+		$result = NPTest->testCmd( $cmd );
+		alarm(0); };
+	isnt( $@, "alarm\n", $cmd);

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