[Nagiosplug-checkins] SF.net SVN: nagiosplug:[2258] nagiosplug/trunk

dermoth at users.sourceforge.net dermoth at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Oct 22 09:27:23 CEST 2009

Revision: 2258
Author:   dermoth
Date:     2009-10-22 07:27:23 +0000 (Thu, 22 Oct 2009)

Log Message:
Fix usage of repeated -o options in check_snmp

From: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <dermoth at aei.ca>

Modified Paths:

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/NEWS
--- nagiosplug/trunk/NEWS	2009-10-16 02:15:16 UTC (rev 2257)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/NEWS	2009-10-22 07:27:23 UTC (rev 2258)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 	Fix check_ircd binding to wrong interface (#668778)
 	Add proxy-authorization option to check_http (Marcel Kuiper - #1323230, Bryan Irvine - #2863925)
 	check_icmp now increment the sequence counter in each packet
+	Fix usage of repeated -o options in check_snmp
 	Updated developer documentation to say that performance labels should not have an equals sign or
 	single quote in the label

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/check_snmp.c
--- nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/check_snmp.c	2009-10-16 02:15:16 UTC (rev 2257)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/check_snmp.c	2009-10-22 07:27:23 UTC (rev 2258)
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
 					needmibs = TRUE;
-			oids = calloc(MAX_OIDS, sizeof (char *));
+			if (!oids) oids = calloc(MAX_OIDS, sizeof (char *));
 			for (ptr = strtok(optarg, ", "); ptr != NULL && j < MAX_OIDS; ptr = strtok(NULL, ", "), j++) {
 				oids[j] = strdup(ptr);

Modified: nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/t/check_snmp.t
--- nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/t/check_snmp.t	2009-10-16 02:15:16 UTC (rev 2257)
+++ nagiosplug/trunk/plugins/t/check_snmp.t	2009-10-22 07:27:23 UTC (rev 2258)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 use Test::More;
 use NPTest;
-my $tests = 46;
+my $tests = 8+38+2+2;
 plan tests => $tests;
 my $res;
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
 	like( $res->output, "/check_snmp: Invalid SNMP version - 3c/" );
 	SKIP: {
-		skip "no snmp host defined", 34 if ( ! $host_snmp );
+		skip "no snmp host defined", 38 if ( ! $host_snmp );
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying uptime" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying uptime" );
 		like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - (\d+)/', "String contains SNMP OK");
 		$res->output =~ /^SNMP OK - (\d+)/;
 		my $value = $1;
@@ -59,19 +59,27 @@
 		like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - \d+/', "String contains SNMP OK");
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysDescr.0");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying sysDescr" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying sysDescr" );
 		unlike($res->perf_output, '/sysDescr/', "Perfdata doesn't contain string values");
+		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysDescr.0,system.sysDescr.0");
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying two string OIDs, comma-separated" );
+		like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - /', "String contains SNMP OK");
+		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysDescr.0 -o system.sysDescr.0");
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying two string OIDs, repeated option" );
+		like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - /', "String contains SNMP OK");
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w 1:1 -c 1:1");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying hrSWRunIndex.1" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying hrSWRunIndex.1" );
 		like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - 1\s.*$/', "String fits SNMP OK and output format");
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w 0   -c 1:");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 1, "Exit WARNING when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and warn-th doesn't apply " ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 1, "Exit WARNING when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and warn-th doesn't apply " );
 		like($res->output, '/^SNMP WARNING - \*1\*\s.*$/', "String matches SNMP WARNING and output format");
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w  :0 -c 0");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "Exit CRITICAL when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and crit-th doesn't apply" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "Exit CRITICAL when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and crit-th doesn't apply" );
 		like($res->output, '/^SNMP CRITICAL - \*1\*\s.*$/', "String matches SNMP CRITICAL and output format");
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o ifIndex.2,ifIndex.1 -w 1:2 -c 1:2");
@@ -123,14 +131,14 @@
 	SKIP: {
 		skip "no non responsive host defined", 2 if ( ! $host_nonresponsive );
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_nonresponsive -C np_foobar -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" );
 		like($res->output, '/External command error: Timeout: No Response from /', "String matches timeout problem");
 	SKIP: {
 		skip "no non invalid host defined", 2 if ( ! $hostname_invalid );
 		$res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $hostname_invalid   -C np_foobar -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:");
-		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" ); 
+		cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" );
 		like($res->output, '/External command error: .*(nosuchhost|Name or service not known|Unknown host)/', "String matches invalid host");

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