[nagiosplug] Fix Debian bug #478942: Fragile argument passing
Holger Weiss
hweiss at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Apr 11 10:58:05 CEST 2010
Module: nagiosplug
Branch: master
Commit: 614e9dec5e3f4059c8eb5e4ea11bf92e66c3c76f
Author: Holger Weiss <holger at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Date: Sun Apr 11 10:54:44 2010 +0200
URL: http://nagiosplug.git.sf.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=nagiosplug/nagiosplug;a=commit;h=614e9de
Fix Debian bug #478942: Fragile argument passing
Fix some problems regarding the way check_disk_smb passes command line
arguments to smbclient(1).
| It runs:
| $res = qx/$smbclient "\/\/$host\/$share" $pass -W $workgroup \
| -U $user $smbclientoptions -I $address -c ls/;
| [...]
| The documentation says that if the password is not passed, it
| defaults to "". That is not true above, as $pass expands to
| nothing which leaves no argument at all (instead of an empty
| argument) so is different from providing with an empty password
| or with the -N option.
| Also, if the password starts with "-", you're in trouble, that's
| why -U $user%$pass may be prefered.
| Also, the doc says that if $user is not provided, then it
| defaults to "guest" but the problem is that if it is provided
| but empty, it is changed to "guest" as well, which prevents us
| from querying hosts that don't do user authentication.
[ http://bugs.debian.org/478942 ]
(Fixed by Stephane Chazelas, forwarded by Jan Wagner.)
plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
1 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl b/plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl
index ca593d4..7c81fc2 100755
--- a/plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl
+++ b/plugins-scripts/check_disk_smb.pl
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ if ($opt_V) {
if ($opt_h) {print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'};}
-my $smbclient= "$utils::PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT " ;
-my $smbclientoptions= $opt_P ? "-p $opt_P " : "";
+my $smbclient = $utils::PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT;
# Options checking
@@ -72,13 +70,12 @@ my $host = $1 if ($opt_H =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9 ]+\$?)$/);
my $share = $1 if ($opt_s =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9]+\$?)$/);
($share) || usage("Invalid share: $opt_s\n");
-($opt_u) || ($opt_u = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_u = "guest");
-my $user = $1 if ($opt_u =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9\\]+)$/);
-($user) || usage("Invalid user: $opt_u\n");
+defined($opt_u) || ($opt_u = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_u = "guest");
+my $user = $1 if ($opt_u =~ /^([-_.A-Za-z0-9\\]*)$/);
+defined($user) || usage("Invalid user: $opt_u\n");
-($opt_p) || ($opt_p = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_p = "");
+defined($opt_p) || ($opt_p = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_p = "");
my $pass = $1 if ($opt_p =~ /(.*)/);
-$pass = "-N" if ($opt_p eq "");
($opt_w) || ($opt_w = shift @ARGV) || ($opt_w = 85);
my $warn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])$/);
@@ -88,6 +85,24 @@ my $warn = $1 if ($opt_w =~ /^([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])$/);
my $crit = $1 if ($opt_c =~ /^([0-9]{1,2}\%?|100\%?|[0-9]+[kMG])$/);
($crit) || usage("Invalid critical threshold: $opt_c\n");
+# Execute the given command line and return anything it writes to STDOUT and/or
+# STDERR. (This might be useful for other plugins, too, so it should possibly
+# be moved to utils.pm.)
+sub output_and_error_of {
+ local *CMD;
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $pid = open CMD, "-|";
+ if (defined($pid)) {
+ if ($pid) {
+ return <CMD>;
+ } else {
+ open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" and exec @_;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
# split the type from the unit value
#Check $warn and $crit for type (%/M/G) and set up for tests
#P = Percent, K = KBytes
@@ -162,23 +177,19 @@ alarm($TIMEOUT);
# Execute an "ls" on the share using smbclient program
# get the results into $res
-if (defined($workgroup)) {
- if (defined($address)) {
- print "$smbclient " . "\/\/$host\/$share" ." $pass -W $workgroup -U $user $smbclientoptions -I $address -c ls\n" if ($verbose);
- $res = qx/$smbclient "\/\/$host\/$share" $pass -W $workgroup -U $user $smbclientoptions -I $address -c ls/;
- } else {
- print "$smbclient " . "\/\/$host\/$share" ." $pass -W $workgroup -U $user $smbclientoptions -c ls\n" if ($verbose);
- $res = qx/$smbclient "\/\/$host\/$share" $pass -W $workgroup -U $user $smbclientoptions -c ls/;
- }
-} else {
- if (defined($address)) {
- print "$smbclient " . "\/\/$host\/$share" ." $pass -U $user $smbclientoptions -I $address -c ls\n" if ($verbose);
- $res = qx/$smbclient "\/\/$host\/$share" $pass -U $user $smbclientoptions -I $address -c ls/;
- } else {
- print "$smbclient " . "\/\/$host\/$share" ." $pass -U $user $smbclientoptions -c ls\n" if ($verbose);
- $res = qx/$smbclient "\/\/$host\/$share" $pass -U $user $smbclientoptions -c ls/;
- }
+my @cmd = (
+ $smbclient,
+ "//$host/$share",
+ "-U", "$user%$pass",
+ defined($workgroup) ? ("-W", $workgroup) : (),
+ defined($address) ? ("-I", $address) : (),
+ defined($opt_P) ? ("-p", $opt_P) : (),
+ "-c", "ls"
+print join(" ", @cmd) . "\n" if ($verbose);
+$res = output_and_error_of(@cmd) or exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
#Turn off alarm
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