[nagiosplug] check_pgsql: Added support for executing queries.

Nagios Plugin Development nagios-plugins at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Aug 17 22:50:35 CEST 2013

 Module: nagiosplug
 Branch: master
 Commit: 912df3ef9b188c82893dace1e9b56c42a558fdba
 Author: Sebastian Harl <sh at teamix.net>
   Date: Wed Apr  6 16:51:37 2011 +0200
    URL: http://nagiosplug.git.sf.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=nagiosplug/nagiosplug;a=commit;h=912df3e

check_pgsql: Added support for executing queries.

The query result (the double value of the first column in the first row, to be
precise) will be checked against threshold ranges specified using the -C and
-W options.

Note that this also allows to query PostgreSQL internal values using the
information available from the database daemon's "statistics collector" -- see
the chapter "Monitoring Database Activity" in the PostgreSQL manual for


 plugins/check_pgsql.c |  126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/plugins/check_pgsql.c b/plugins/check_pgsql.c
index 69edae7..edad116 100644
--- a/plugins/check_pgsql.c
+++ b/plugins/check_pgsql.c
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ void print_usage (void);
 void print_help (void);
 int is_pg_dbname (char *);
 int is_pg_logname (char *);
+int do_query (PGconn *, char *);
 char *pghost = NULL;						/* host name of the backend server */
 char *pgport = NULL;						/* port of the backend server */
@@ -67,12 +68,12 @@ char *pguser = NULL;
 char *pgpasswd = NULL;
 double twarn = (double)DEFAULT_WARN;
 double tcrit = (double)DEFAULT_CRIT;
+char *pgquery = NULL;
+char *query_warning = NULL;
+char *query_critical = NULL;
+thresholds *qthresholds = NULL;
 int verbose = 0;
-PGconn *conn;
-/*PGresult   *res;*/
 The (psuedo?)literate programming XML is contained within \@\@\- <XML> \-\@\@
@@ -117,7 +118,6 @@ Please note that all tags must be lowercase to use the DocBook XML DTD.
 <para>ToDo List</para>
 <listitem>Add option to get password from a secured file rather than the command line</listitem>
-<listitem>Add option to specify the query to execute</listitem>
@@ -132,8 +132,11 @@ Please note that all tags must be lowercase to use the DocBook XML DTD.
 main (int argc, char **argv)
+	PGconn *conn;
 	int elapsed_time;
 	int status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
+	int query_status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
 	/* begin, by setting the parameters for a backend connection if the
 	 * parameters are null, then the system will try to use reasonable
@@ -194,14 +197,18 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
 	else {
 		status = STATE_OK;
-	if (verbose)
-		printf("Closing connection\n");
-	PQfinish (conn);
 	printf (_(" %s - database %s (%d sec.)|%s\n"),
 	        state_text(status), dbName, elapsed_time,
 	        fperfdata("time", elapsed_time, "s",
 	                 (int)twarn, twarn, (int)tcrit, tcrit, TRUE, 0, FALSE,0));
-	return status;
+	if (pgquery)
+		query_status = do_query (conn, pgquery);
+	if (verbose)
+		printf("Closing connection\n");
+	PQfinish (conn);
+	return (query_status > status) ? query_status : status;
@@ -225,12 +232,15 @@ process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
 		{"authorization", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
 		{"port", required_argument, 0, 'P'},
 		{"database", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
+		{"query", required_argument, 0, 'q'},
+		{"query_critical", required_argument, 0, 'C'},
+		{"query_warning", required_argument, 0, 'W'},
 		{"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
 		{0, 0, 0, 0}
 	while (1) {
-		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVt:c:w:H:P:d:l:p:a:v",
+		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVt:c:w:H:P:d:l:p:a:q:C:W:v",
 		                 longopts, &option);
 		if (c == EOF)
@@ -263,6 +273,12 @@ process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
 				twarn = strtod (optarg, NULL);
+		case 'C':     /* critical query threshold */
+			query_critical = optarg;
+			break;
+		case 'W':     /* warning query threshold */
+			query_warning = optarg;
+			break;
 		case 'H':     /* host */
 			if (!is_host (optarg))
 				usage2 (_("Invalid hostname/address"), optarg);
@@ -291,12 +307,17 @@ process_arguments (int argc, char **argv)
 		case 'a':
 			pgpasswd = optarg;
+		case 'q':
+			pgquery = optarg;
+			break;
 		case 'v':
+	set_thresholds (&qthresholds, query_warning, query_critical);
 	return validate_arguments ();
@@ -448,6 +469,13 @@ print_help (void)
+	printf (" %s\n", "-q, --query=STRING");
+	printf ("    %s\n", _("SQL query to run. Only first column in first row will be read"));
+	printf (" %s\n", "-W, --query-warning=RANGE");
+	printf ("    %s\n", _("SQL query value to result in warning status (double)"));
+	printf (" %s\n", "-C, --query-critical=RANGE");
+	printf ("    %s\n", _("SQL query value to result in critical status (double)"));
 	printf (UT_VERBOSE);
 	printf ("\n");
@@ -458,6 +486,15 @@ print_help (void)
 	printf (" %s\n", _("connects to the template1 database, which is present in every functioning"));
 	printf (" %s\n\n", _("PostgreSQL DBMS."));
+	printf (" %s\n", _("If a query is specified using the -q option, it will be executed after"));
+	printf (" %s\n", _("connecting to the server. The result from the query has to be numeric."));
+	printf (" %s\n", _("Multiple SQL commands, separated by semicolon, are allowed but the result "));
+	printf (" %s\n", _("of the last command is taken into account only. The value of the first"));
+	printf (" %s\n\n", _("column in the first row is used as the check result."));
+	printf (" %s\n", _("See the chapter \"Monitoring Database Activity\" of the PostgreSQL manual"));
+	printf (" %s\n\n", _("for details about how to access internal statistics of the database server."));
 	printf (" %s\n", _("The plugin will connect to a local postmaster if no host is specified. To"));
 	printf (" %s\n", _("connect to a remote host, be sure that the remote postmaster accepts TCP/IP"));
 	printf (" %s\n\n", _("connections (start the postmaster with the -i option)."));
@@ -476,5 +513,72 @@ print_usage (void)
 	printf ("%s\n", _("Usage:"));
 	printf ("%s [-H <host>] [-P <port>] [-c <critical time>] [-w <warning time>]\n", progname);
-	printf (" [-t <timeout>] [-d <database>] [-l <logname>] [-p <password>]\n");
+	printf (" [-t <timeout>] [-d <database>] [-l <logname>] [-p <password>]\n"
+			"[-q <query>] [-C <critical query range>] [-W <warning query range>]\n");
+do_query (PGconn *conn, char *query)
+	PGresult *res;
+	char *val_str;
+	double value;
+	char *endptr = NULL;
+	int my_status = STATE_UNKNOWN;
+	if (verbose)
+		printf ("Executing SQL query \"%s\".\n");
+	res = PQexec (conn, query);
+	if (PGRES_TUPLES_OK != PQresultStatus (res)) {
+		printf (_("QUERY %s - %s: %s.\n"), _("CRITICAL"), _("Error with query"),
+					PQerrorMessage (conn));
+	}
+	if (PQntuples (res) < 1) {
+		printf ("QUERY %s - %s.\n", _("WARNING"), _("No rows returned"));
+		return STATE_WARNING;
+	}
+	if (PQnfields (res) < 1) {
+		printf ("QUERY %s - %s.\n", _("WARNING"), _("No columns returned"));
+		return STATE_WARNING;
+	}
+	val_str = PQgetvalue (res, 0, 0);
+	if (! val_str) {
+		printf ("QUERY %s - %s.\n", _("CRITICAL"), _("No data returned"));
+	}
+	value = strtod (val_str, &endptr);
+	if (verbose)
+		printf ("Query result: %f\n", value);
+	if (endptr == val_str) {
+		printf ("QUERY %s - %s: %s\n", _("CRITICAL"), _("Is not a numeric"), val_str);
+	}
+	else if ((endptr != NULL) && (*endptr != '\0')) {
+		if (verbose)
+			printf ("Garbage after value: %s.\n", endptr);
+	}
+	my_status = get_status (value, qthresholds);
+	printf ("QUERY %s - ",
+			(my_status == STATE_OK)
+				? _("OK")
+				: (my_status == STATE_WARNING)
+					? _("WARNING")
+					: (my_status == STATE_CRITICAL)
+						? _("CRITICAL")
+						: _("UNKNOWN"));
+	printf (_("'%s' returned %f"), query, value);
+	printf ("|query=%f;%s;%s;0\n", value, query_warning, query_critical);
+	return my_status;

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