[nagiosplug] tests: only write cache file if it changed

Nagios Plugin Development nagios-plugins at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Sep 18 11:30:25 CEST 2013

    Module: nagiosplug
    Branch: master
    Commit: 843bbfb75adf888b1cb0ee3b0dc8f98d70ff6dda
    Author: Sven Nierlein <Sven.Nierlein at consol.de>
 Committer: Sven Nierlein <sven at consol.de>
      Date: Wed Sep 18 11:03:00 2013 +0200
       URL: http://nagiosplug.git.sf.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=nagiosplug/nagiosplug;a=commit;h=843bbfb

tests: only write cache file if it changed

Tests sometimes fila when running multiple parallel tests using the
same cache file because it is written everytime a test parameter
is read. Since there is no locking, this might fail from time to time.


 NPTest.pm |   36 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NPTest.pm b/NPTest.pm
index 0713b5e..9b85617 100644
--- a/NPTest.pm
+++ b/NPTest.pm
@@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ sub LoadCache
   return if exists( $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} );
+  my $fileContents = "";
   if ( -f $CACHEFILENAME )
     my( $fileHandle ) = new IO::File;
@@ -432,44 +433,45 @@ sub LoadCache
-    my( $fileContents ) = join( "\n", <$fileHandle> );
+    $fileContents = join("", <$fileHandle>);
+    chomp($fileContents);
     my( $contentsRef ) = eval $fileContents;
     %CACHE = %{$contentsRef};
-  $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} = 1;
+  $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'}  = 1;
+  $CACHE{'_original_cache'} = $fileContents;
 sub SaveCache
   delete $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'};
+  my $oldFileContents = delete $CACHE{'_original_cache'};
-  my( $fileHandle ) = new IO::File;
-  if ( ! $fileHandle->open( "> ${CACHEFILENAME}" ) )
-  {
-    print STDERR "NPTest::LoadCache() : Problem saving ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  my( $dataDumper ) = new Data::Dumper( [ \%CACHE ] );
+  my($dataDumper) = new Data::Dumper([\%CACHE]);
   my $data = $dataDumper->Dump();
   $data =~ s/^\s+/  /gmx; # make sure all systems use same amount of whitespace
   $data =~ s/^\s+}/}/gmx;
-  print $fileHandle $data;
+  chomp($data);
-  $fileHandle->close();
+  if($oldFileContents ne $data) {
+    my($fileHandle) = new IO::File;
+    if (!$fileHandle->open( "> ${CACHEFILENAME}")) {
+      print STDERR "NPTest::LoadCache() : Problem saving ${CACHEFILENAME} : $!\n";
+      return;
+    }
+    print $fileHandle $data;
+    $fileHandle->close();
+  }
-  $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'} = 1;
+  $CACHE{'_cache_loaded_'}  = 1;
+  $CACHE{'_original_cache'} = $data;

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