[nagios-plugins] tools: Remove Drupal/SourceForge scripts

git at nagios-plugins.org git at nagios-plugins.org
Fri Sep 27 23:20:08 CEST 2013

 Module: nagios-plugins
 Branch: master
 Commit: 9ae1cd8f91aa6b53404e66588679d852d3972bcd
 Author: Holger Weiss <holger at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
   Date: Fri Sep 27 23:10:53 2013 +0200

tools: Remove Drupal/SourceForge scripts

We moved our web site away from Drupal and the snapshots/guidelines away
from SourceForge.  The new infrastructure scripts will be maintained in
a separate repository together with the Markdown source of the new web


 tools/mail_error        |   25 ----------
 tools/np_build_from_sf  |   11 -----
 tools/sfsnapshot        |  119 --------------------------------------------
 tools/sfsnapshot-upload |  125 -----------------------------------------------
 tools/sfsnapshotgit     |   77 -----------------------------
 tools/sfupload          |   27 ----------
 tools/sfwebcron         |   35 -------------
 tools/sync_website      |   44 -----------------
 tools/update_man_pages  |   34 -------------
 9 files changed, 497 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/mail_error b/tools/mail_error
deleted file mode 100755
index aabb579..0000000
--- a/tools/mail_error
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# mail_error -o file -m email_address command
-# Runs command from cron and redirects all output to file
-# If command rc != 0, sends output to email_address
-function die { echo $1 ; exit 1; }
-# Must be export so that sfsnapshot uses correct versions
-# of GNU toolchain
-export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/local/bin:$PATH
-while getopts "o:m:" c; do
-	case $c in
-		o) output_file=$OPTARG;;
-		m) email=$OPTARG;;
-		\*) echo "oops";;
-	esac
-shift $(($OPTIND-1))
-[[ -z $1 ]] && die "Must specify command"
-if ! "$@" > $output_file 2>&1 ; then
-	mail -s "mail_error fail: $1" $email < $output_file
diff --git a/tools/np_build_from_sf b/tools/np_build_from_sf
deleted file mode 100755
index 7ba349a..0000000
--- a/tools/np_build_from_sf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-set -xeu
-temp=$(mktemp -d)
-trap "cd $HOME; rm -rf $temp; exit 1" EXIT
-curl -sS http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/snapshot/nagios-plugins-HEAD.tar.gz|tar -C "$temp" --strip-components=1 -xzf -
-cd $temp
-./configure && make
diff --git a/tools/sfsnapshot b/tools/sfsnapshot
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b71219..0000000
--- a/tools/sfsnapshot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# Butchered version of snapshot
-# Can only run on the shell compile farm server
-# Will always create a snapshot of HEAD
-# If want multiple snapshots, just run with "sfsnapshot [branch ...]"
-# Assumes:
-#  ssh setup to send to shell.sf.net and $CF without password prompt
-#  the compile server has all the prerequisites stated at http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html
-# Install in cron with something like:
-#  47 * * * * $HOME/bin/mail_error -o $HOME/sfsnapshot.out -m tonvoon at users.sf.net sfsnapshot r1_3_0
-function die { echo $1; exit 1; }
-# This makes the distribution. Expects $1 as branches/name, otherwise uses trunk
-function make_dist {
-	if [[ -n $1 ]] ; then
-		svn_url_suffix=$1
-		name=${1##*/}
-	else
-		svn_url_suffix="trunk"
-		name="trunk"
-	fi
-	v="$name-"
-	# Get compile server to do the work
-	# Variables will be expanded locally before being run on $CF
-	ssh $CF <<EOF
-	set -x
-	PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
-	[[ ! -d $COMPILE_DIR/$name ]] && mkdir -p $COMPILE_DIR/$name
-	cd $COMPILE_DIR/$name
-	# Cannot use cvs export due to conflicts on second run - think this is better for cvs server
-	svn export https://nagiosplug.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/nagiosplug/nagiosplug/$svn_url_suffix $PROJECT
-	tools/setup
-	./configure
-	# Make the Nagiosplug dist tarball
-	make dist VERSION=$v$DS RELEASE=snapshot
-	# May fail if file not generated - do not trap
-	mv *.gz $IN
-	rm -rf $COMPILE_DIR
-	# End ssh
-# Set working variables
-# This is local to the compile server for faster compile
-#  Needs to be on NFS so gz file can be read on the compile shell server
-# Where to place the generated files
-OUT_SERVER="tonvoon at web.sourceforge.net"
-# Make sure prereqs are satisfied on server!
-DS=`date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M`
-# Setup home directory area
-[[ ! -d $IN ]] && mkdir -p $IN
-# Make dists for HEAD and any others in command parameters
-for i in $* ; do
-	make_dist $i
-# Create MD5 sum
-cd $IN
-This is the daily SVN snapshot of nagiosplug, consisting of the SVN trunk
-and any other branches.
-The nagios-plugins-HEAD.tar.gz link will always go to the latest trunk snapshot
-(name kept for existing tinderbox scripts to link correctly).
-The MD5SUM is:
-md5sum *.gz | tee -a README > MD5SUM
-# Check for *.gz files locally (expect NFS between cf shell server and $CF)
-set -x
-cd $IN
-files=$(ls *.gz 2>/dev/null)
-[[ -z $files ]] && die "No files created"
-head_file=$(cd $IN && ls -rt *-trunk-*.gz | head -1 2>/dev/null)
-cat <<-EOF > /tmp/batchfile.$$
-cd $OUT
-rm *.gz
-put *.gz
-ln $head_file nagios-plugins-HEAD.tar.gz
-put MD5SUM
-put README readme
-# Do the actual transfer
-# Have to put README down as readme because SF's apache server appears to block README files
-sftp -b /tmp/batchfile.$$ $OUT_SERVER
-rm -f $files /tmp/batchfile.$$
-# Work out success or failure
-expected=$(($# + 1))
-set -- $files
-[[ $# -ne $expected ]] && die "Expected $expected, got $#"
-exit 0
diff --git a/tools/sfsnapshot-upload b/tools/sfsnapshot-upload
deleted file mode 100755
index d8ebcc5..0000000
--- a/tools/sfsnapshot-upload
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-# sfsnapshot-upload - Snapshot upload script using sfsnapshotgit
-# Original author: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <tguyot at gmail.com>
-# This script uses sfsnapshotgit to update the snapshot is needed and upload
-# it to SourceForge. The branches to create snapshot from can be given as an
-# argument, otherwise the default is master.
-# Handle command errors (-e) and coder sleep deprivation issues (-u)
-set -eu
-trap 'echo "An error occurred in sfsnapshot-upload at line $LINENO"; exit 1' EXIT
-# This can be used to override the default in sfsnapshotgit:
-export SFSNAP_REPO=~/staging/nagiosplugins
-export SFSNAP_ORIGIN=origin
-export SFSNAP_DEST=~/staging/snapshot
-## Some stuff that shouldn't change often...
-# The file we'll use to create the snapshot
-# Retention time for snapshots (in minutes), 0 for no retention.
-# Where to place the generated files
-OUT_SERVER="tonvoon at frs.sourceforge.net"
-# Links to always point to the master branch for backwards-compatibility
-COMPATLINKS="HEAD trunk-`date -u +%Y%m%d%H%M`"
-# And compatibility links to always delete except the last one
-# If one or more argument is given, this is the branches to create the snapshots from
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]
-	HEADS='master'
-	HEADS=$@
-# If we don't keep old snapshots we can clean up all links now
-if [ $CLEAN_TIME -eq 0 ]
-	find $SFSNAP_DEST -type l -name '*.gz' -delete
-for head in $HEADS ; do
-	# This runs the actual snapshot code. It creates new snapshots if needed and always
-	# return the current snapshot file (even if it wasn't modified).
-	file=$($sfsnapshot $head)
-	# Create main head link
-	ln -sf $file $SFSNAP_DEST/nagios-plugins-$head.tar.gz
-	# Keep links by branch name too if we keep old snapshots, so we can keep tracks of them
-	if [ $CLEAN_TIME -gt 0 -a ! -e "$SFSNAP_DEST/nagios-plugins-$head-${file#nagios-plugins-}" ]
-	then
-		ln -s $file $SFSNAP_DEST/nagios-plugins-$head-${file#nagios-plugins-}
-	fi
-	# Cleanup and re-create backward-compatibility links
-	if [ "$head" == "master" ]
-	then
-		for cclean in $COMPATCLEANUP
-		do
-			find $SFSNAP_DEST -type l -name "nagios-plugins-$cclean.tar.gz" -delete
-		done
-		for compat in $COMPATLINKS
-		do
-			ln -sf $file $SFSNAP_DEST/nagios-plugins-$compat.tar.gz
-		done
-	fi
-# Clean up links older than $CLEAN_TIME if needed
-if [ $CLEAN_TIME -gt 0 ]
-	find . -type l -name '*.gz' -mmin +$CLEAN_TIME -delete
-# Now clean up files that we don't need
-# 1. loop over actual snapshots
-for dest in `find . -type f -name '*.gz' |xargs -n 1 basename`
-	# 2. Loop over the list of linked-to files
-	for current in `find . -type l -name '*.gz' |xargs -n 1 readlink | sort | uniq`
-	do
-		if [ "$current" == "$dest" ]
-		then
-			# File is being linked to - don't delete (continue first loop)
-			continue 2
-		fi
-	done
-	# No link to this file, we can drop it
-	rm -f $dest
-# Create MD5 sum
-	This is the latest snapshot of nagiosplug, consisting of the following
-	head(s):
-	        $HEADS
-	The nagios-plugins-<head>.tar.gz link will always point to the latest
-	corresponding snapshot (nagios-plugins-<git-describe>.tar.gz).
-	For backward-compatibility, the nagios-plugins-HEAD.tar.gz and
-	nagios-plugins-trunk-<ts>.tar.gz point to their corresponding "master"
-	head.
-	The tarballs will only be updated when a change has been made. The
-	MD5SUM file is updated every time the snapshot script runs.
-	The MD5SUMs are:
-md5sum *.gz | tee -a README > MD5SUM
-# Sync the files
-rsync -a --exclude=.htaccess --exclude=HEADER.html --delete "$SFSNAP_DEST/" "$OUT_SERVER$OUT_PATH"
-trap - EXIT
diff --git a/tools/sfsnapshotgit b/tools/sfsnapshotgit
deleted file mode 100755
index 8bc19fc..0000000
--- a/tools/sfsnapshotgit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# sfsnapshotgit - Snapshot script for Git repository
-# Original author: Thomas Guyot-Sionnest <tguyot at gmail.com>
-# Given an optional branch name (master by default), this script creates
-# a snapshot from the tip of the branch and move it to ~/staging/.
-# The repository, origin and destination directory can be overridden
-# with environment variable (see below)
-# Handle command errors (-e) and coder sleep deprivation issues (-u)
-set -eu
-trap 'echo "An error occurred in sfsnapshotgit at line $LINENO"; exit 1' EXIT
-# Send all command output to STDERR while allowing us to write to STDOUT
-# using fd 3
-exec 3>&1 1>&2
-# Git repository, origin and destination directory can be overridden by
-# setting SFSNAP_REPO, SFSNAP_ORIGIN and SFSNAP_DEST respectively from the
-# caller The defaults are:
-# If one argument is given, this is the branch to create the snapshot from
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]
-	HEAD='master'
-elif [ $# -eq 1 ]
-	if [ -z "$1" ]
-	then
-		echo "If specified, the refspec must not be empty"
-		exit
-	fi
-	HEAD="$1"
-	echo "Too many arguments"
-	exit
-# Clean up and pull
-# Sometimes "make dist" can modify versioned files so we must reset first
-git reset --hard
-git clean -qfdx
-# Any branch used to create snapshots must already exist and be properly configured
-git checkout "$HEAD"
-# Get the remote tracking branch from config
-origin=$(git config branch.$HEAD.remote)
-ref=$(git config branch.$HEAD.merge |sed -e 's|^refs/heads/||')
-git fetch "$origin"
-git reset --hard "$origin/$ref"
-# Tags are important for git-describe, but take only the ones from the hard-coded origin
-git fetch --tags "$SFSNAP_ORIGIN"
-# Write our snapshot version string (similar to NP-VERSION-GEN) to "release"
-VS=$(git describe --abbrev=4 HEAD)
-# Configure and dist only if needed
-if [ ! -e "$SFSNAP_DEST/nagios-plugins-$VS.tar.gz" ]
-	tools/setup
-	./configure
-	make dist VERSION=$VS RELEASE=snapshot
-	cp nagios-plugins-$VS.tar.gz "$SFSNAP_DEST/"
-# fd 3 goes to STDOUT; print the generated filename
-echo "nagios-plugins-$VS.tar.gz" 1>&3
-trap - EXIT
diff --git a/tools/sfupload b/tools/sfupload
deleted file mode 100755
index 8925fcb..0000000
--- a/tools/sfupload
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#	sfupload {version} [username]
-# Quick script to upload new nagiosplug tarball to SF
-# Expects $1 = version number of tarball
-# $2 to be username on SF, defaults to $USER
-# Expects to be run from top level dir
-function die { echo $1; exit 1; }
-if [[ ! -e $tarball ]]; then
-	die "No tarball found: $tarball";
-md5sum $tarball > $tarball.md5sum
-echo "Logging in as $user"
-cat <<EOF | sftp $user at frs.sourceforge.net || die "Cannot upload to SF"
-cd uploads
-put $tarball
-put $tarball.md5sum
-echo "Finished uploading files to SF"
diff --git a/tools/sfwebcron b/tools/sfwebcron
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f31fcf..0000000
--- a/tools/sfwebcron
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# sfwebcron
-# To update the developers-guidelines.html and put in html area
-# Install in cron with something like:
-#  47 7 * * * $HOME/bin/sfwebcron >/tmp/sfwebcron.log 2>&1 || cat /tmp/sfwebcron.log
-set -eu
-trap 'echo "Command failed at line $LINENO"' ERR
-# Set working variables
-OUT_SERVER="tonvoon at frs.sourceforge.net"
-# Get latest dev guildelines
-[[ ! -d $IN ]] && mkdir $IN
-cd $IN
-if [[ ! -d nagios-plugins ]]
-	git clone https://github.com/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins.git nagios-plugins
-cd nagios-plugins/doc
-git pull
-if [[ ! -e $PROBE || developer-guidelines.html -nt $PROBE ]]
-	rsync -av developer-guidelines.{html,sgml} $OUT_SERVER:$OUT_PATH/
-	touch $PROBE
diff --git a/tools/sync_website b/tools/sync_website
deleted file mode 100755
index 8489bc5..0000000
--- a/tools/sync_website
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use DBI;
-#$ENV{PERL5LIB}="plugins-scripts"; # Needed for utils.pm
-	die "Must set envvar for DRUPAL_PASSWORD";
-my $pid = open(F, "-|", qw(ssh -n -N -L 25555: nagiosplugins.org));
-# Allow time for ssh tunnel to be created
-sleep 2;
-# To stop the death of ssh tunnel being defunct
-END { kill 'INT', $pid if $pid };
-my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=drupal;host=;port=25555", "drupal", $ENV{DRUPAL_PASSWORD});
-my @plugin_paths;
-push @plugin_paths, (grep { -x $_ && -f $_ } (<plugins-root/*>, <plugins/*>) );
-foreach my $plugin_path (@plugin_paths) {
-	my $plugin = $plugin_path;
-	$plugin =~ s%.*/%%;
-	my $help_option = "--help";
-	$help_option = "-h" if ($plugin eq "check_icmp");
-	my $help = `$plugin_path $help_option` || die "Cannot run $plugin -h";
-	$help =~ s/</</g;
-	$help =~ s/>/>/g;
-	my $rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE node SET created=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) WHERE title='$plugin'");
-	unless ($rows == 1) {
-		die "Cannot find $plugin in drupal to update - create book page first";
-	}
-	$dbh->do("UPDATE node_revisions SET timestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), log='Updated by update_online_manpage', teaser='$plugin --help',  body=? WHERE title='$plugin'",
-		{},
-		"<pre>".$help."</pre>");
-print "Finished\n";
diff --git a/tools/update_man_pages b/tools/update_man_pages
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c4a901..0000000
--- a/tools/update_man_pages
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use DBI;
-#$ENV{PERL5LIB}="plugins-scripts"; # Needed for utils.pm
-	die "Must set envvar for DRUPAL_PASSWORD";
-my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=www;host=", "www", $ENV{DRUPAL_PASSWORD});
-my @plugin_paths;
-push @plugin_paths, (grep { -x $_ && -f $_ } (<plugins-root/*>, <plugins/*>) );
-foreach my $plugin_path (@plugin_paths) {
-	my $plugin = $plugin_path;
-	$plugin =~ s%.*/%%;
-	my $help_option = "--help";
-	$help_option = "-h" if ($plugin eq "check_icmp");
-	my $help = `$plugin_path $help_option` || die "Cannot run $plugin -h";
-	$help =~ s/</</g;
-	$help =~ s/>/>/g;
-	my $rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE node SET created=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) WHERE title='$plugin'");
-	unless ($rows == 1) {
-		die "Cannot find $plugin in drupal to update - create book page first";
-	}
-	$dbh->do("UPDATE node_revisions SET timestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), log='Updated by update_online_manpage', teaser='$plugin --help',  body=? WHERE title='$plugin'",
-		{},
-		"<pre>".$help."</pre>");
-print "Finished\n";

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