[monitoring-plugins] Added test file

Bernd Arnold git at monitoring-plugins.org
Thu Jul 26 07:40:15 CEST 2018

 Module: monitoring-plugins
 Branch: master
 Commit: 250adb31ef1849adea8b3bd7f66e92df1bbdd431
 Author: Bernd Arnold <wopfel at gmail.com>
   Date: Sun Jun  3 16:51:43 2018 +0200
    URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=250adb3

Added test file


 plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+)

diff --git a/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t b/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..410a080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins-scripts/t/check_uptime.t
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w -I ..
+# check_uptime tests
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 21;
+use NPTest;
+my $result;
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 3, "Missing parameters" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^Usage: check_uptime -w/', "Output for missing parameters correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime --help"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 3, "Help output requested" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY/', "Output for help correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -w 5 -c 2"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 3, "Warning greater than critical" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^Warning .*cannot be greater than Critical/', "Output for warning greater than critical correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -c 1000 -W 100 2>&1"
+	);
+like  ( $result->output, '/^Unknown option: W/', "Output with wrong parameter is correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -f -w 1 -c 2"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime higher than 2 seconds" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/Running for \d+/', "Output for the f parameter correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -s -w 1 -c 2"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime higher than 2 seconds" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/Running since \d+/', "Output for the s parameter correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -w 1 -c 2"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Uptime higher than 2 seconds" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^CRITICAL: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime higher than 2 seconds correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -w 1 -c 9999w"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 1, "Uptime lower than 9999 weeks" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^WARNING: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9999 weeks correct" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -w 9998w -c 9999w"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Uptime lower than 9998 weeks" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 9998 weeks correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;6046790400;6047395200;/', "Checking for performance output" );
+$result = NPTest->testCmd(
+	"./check_uptime -w 111222d -c 222333d"
+	);
+cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Uptime lower than 111222 days" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/^OK: uptime is \d+ seconds/', "Output for uptime lower than 111222 days correct" );
+like  ( $result->output, '/\|uptime=[0-9]+s;9609580800;19209571200;/', "Checking for performance output" );

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