[monitoring-plugins] check_mailq: unify tabs/spaces
Sven Nierlein
git at monitoring-plugins.org
Wed Nov 1 12:20:11 CET 2023
Module: monitoring-plugins
Branch: master
Commit: db76f6867c8e6af44eebb85fef0e5ac4e10c65c6
Author: Sven Nierlein <sven at consol.de>
Date: Thu Oct 26 11:20:00 2023 +0200
URL: https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/repositories/monitoring-plugins/commit/?id=db76f68
check_mailq: unify tabs/spaces
plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl | 1015 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 507 insertions(+), 508 deletions(-)
diff --git a/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl b/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl
index 26336b9..abdc773 100755
--- a/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl
+++ b/plugins-scripts/check_mailq.pl
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ use POSIX;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_v $verbose $PROGNAME $opt_w $opt_c $opt_t $opt_s $opt_d
- $opt_M $mailq $status $state $msg $msg_q $msg_p $opt_W $opt_C $mailq $mailq_args
- @lines %srcdomains %dstdomains);
+ $opt_M $mailq $status $state $msg $msg_q $msg_p $opt_W $opt_C $mailq $mailq_args
+ @lines %srcdomains %dstdomains);
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage );
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ $ENV{'PATH'}='@TRUSTED_PATH@';
$PROGNAME = "check_mailq";
-$mailq = 'sendmail'; # default
+$mailq = 'sendmail'; # default
$msg_q = 0 ;
$msg_p = 0 ;
# If appended, must start with a space
@@ -55,28 +55,28 @@ $state = $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
$status = process_arguments();
if ($status){
- print "ERROR: processing arguments\n";
- exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+ print "ERROR: processing arguments\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
if ($opt_s) {
- if (defined $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO && -x $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO) {
- $sudo = $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO;
- } else {
- print "ERROR: Cannot execute sudo\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
+ if (defined $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO && -x $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO) {
+ $sudo = $utils::PATH_TO_SUDO;
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: Cannot execute sudo\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
} else {
- $sudo = "";
+ $sudo = "";
if ($opt_d) {
- $mailq_args = $mailq_args . ' -C ' . $opt_d;
+ $mailq_args = $mailq_args . ' -C ' . $opt_d;
$SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
- print ("ERROR: timed out waiting for $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n");
- exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"};
+ print ("ERROR: timed out waiting for $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n");
+ exit $ERRORS{"WARNING"};
@@ -84,21 +84,21 @@ alarm($opt_t);
if ($mailq eq "sendmail") {
- ## open mailq
- if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
- if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
- print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
- unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
- print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- } else {
- print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
+ ## open mailq
+ if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
+ if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
+ print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
+ unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
+ print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
# single queue empty
##/var/spool/mqueue is empty
# single queue: 1
@@ -168,190 +168,189 @@ if ($mailq eq "sendmail") {
## /var/spool/mqueue is empty
## Total requests: 0
- my $this_msg_q = 0;
- while (<MAILQ>) {
- # match email addr on queue listing
- if ( (/<.*@.*\.(\w+\.\w+)>/) || (/<.*@(\w+\.\w+)>/) ) {
- my $domain = $1;
- if (/^\w+/) {
- print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = srcdomain = $domain \n" if $verbose ;
- $srcdomains{$domain} ++;
- }
- next;
- }
- #
- # ...
- # sendmail considers a message with more than one destiny, say N, to the same MX
- # to have N messages in queue.
- # we will only consider one in this code
- if (( /\s\(reply:\sread\serror\sfrom\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.$/ ) || ( /\s\(reply:\sread\serror\sfrom\s(\w+\.\w+)\.$/ ) ||
- ( /\s\(timeout\swriting\smessage\sto\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.:/ ) || ( /\s\(timeout\swriting\smessage\sto\s(\w+\.\w+)\.:/ ) ||
- ( /\s\(host\smap:\slookup\s\(.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\):/ ) || ( /\s\(host\smap:\slookup\s\((\w+\.\w+)\):/ ) ||
- ( /\s\(Deferred:\s.*\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.\)/ ) || ( /\s\(Deferred:\s.*\s(\w+\.\w+)\.\)/ ) ) {
- print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = dstdomain = $1 \n" if $verbose ;
- $dstdomains{$1} ++;
- }
- if (/\s+\(I\/O\serror\)/) {
- print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = dstdomain = UNKNOWN \n" if $verbose ;
- $dstdomains{'UNKNOWN'} ++;
- }
- # Finally look at the overall queue length
- #
- if (/mqueue/) {
- print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = $_ "if $verbose ;
- if (/ \((\d+) request/) {
- #
- # single queue: first line
- # multi queue: one for each queue. overwrite on multi queue below
- $this_msg_q = $1 ;
- $msg_q += $1 ;
- }
- } elsif (/^\s+Total\sRequests:\s(\d+)$/i) {
- if ($this_msg_q) {
- $this_msg_q = 0 ;
- } else {
- print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = $_ \n" if $verbose ;
- #
- # multi queue: last line
- $msg_q += $1 ;
- }
- }
- }
- ## close mailq
- close (MAILQ);
- if ( $? ) {
- print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
- }
- ## shut off the alarm
- alarm(0);
- ## now check the queue length(s)
- if ($msg_q == 0) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq is empty";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- } else {
- print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
- # overall queue length
- if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
- # check for domain specific queue lengths if requested
- if (defined $opt_W) {
- # Apply threshold to queue lengths FROM domain
- my @srckeys = sort { $srcdomains{$b} <=> $srcdomains{$a} } keys %srcdomains;
- my $srcmaxkey = $srckeys[0];
- print "src max is $srcmaxkey with $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages\n" if $verbose;
- if ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} >= $opt_W && $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} < $opt_C) {
- if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- } elsif (($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) || ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})){
- $msg .= " -and- $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- } else {
- $msg = "WARNING: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }
- } elsif ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} >= $opt_C) {
- if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C) -and- " . $msg;
- $msg =~ s/WARNING: //;
- } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}) {
- $msg .= " -and- $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- } else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
- } else {
- if ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} > 0) {
- $msg .= " $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} msgs. FROM $srcmaxkey is below threshold ($opt_W/$opt_C)";
- }
- }
- # Apply threshold to queue lengths TO domain
- my @dstkeys = sort { $dstdomains{$b} <=> $dstdomains{$a} } keys %dstdomains;
- my $dstmaxkey = $dstkeys[0];
- print "dst max is $dstmaxkey with $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages\n" if $verbose;
- if ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} >= $opt_W && $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} < $opt_C) {
- if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- } elsif (($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) || ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})){
- $msg .= " -and- $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- } else {
- $msg = "WARNING: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }
- } elsif ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} >= $opt_C) {
- if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C) -and- " . $msg;
- $msg =~ s/WARNING: //;
- } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}) {
- $msg .= " -and- $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- } else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
- } else {
- if ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} > 0) {
- $msg .= " $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} msgs. TO $dstmaxkey is below threshold ($opt_W/$opt_C)";
- }
- }
- } # End of queue length thresholds
- }
+ my $this_msg_q = 0;
+ while (<MAILQ>) {
+ # match email addr on queue listing
+ if ( (/<.*@.*\.(\w+\.\w+)>/) || (/<.*@(\w+\.\w+)>/) ) {
+ my $domain = $1;
+ if (/^\w+/) {
+ print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = srcdomain = $domain \n" if $verbose ;
+ $srcdomains{$domain} ++;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ #
+ # ...
+ # sendmail considers a message with more than one destiny, say N, to the same MX
+ # to have N messages in queue.
+ # we will only consider one in this code
+ if (( /\s\(reply:\sread\serror\sfrom\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.$/ ) || ( /\s\(reply:\sread\serror\sfrom\s(\w+\.\w+)\.$/ ) ||
+ ( /\s\(timeout\swriting\smessage\sto\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.:/ ) || ( /\s\(timeout\swriting\smessage\sto\s(\w+\.\w+)\.:/ ) ||
+ ( /\s\(host\smap:\slookup\s\(.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\):/ ) || ( /\s\(host\smap:\slookup\s\((\w+\.\w+)\):/ ) ||
+ ( /\s\(Deferred:\s.*\s.*\.(\w+\.\w+)\.\)/ ) || ( /\s\(Deferred:\s.*\s(\w+\.\w+)\.\)/ ) ) {
+ print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = dstdomain = $1 \n" if $verbose ;
+ $dstdomains{$1} ++;
+ }
+ if (/\s+\(I\/O\serror\)/) {
+ print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = dstdomain = UNKNOWN \n" if $verbose ;
+ $dstdomains{'UNKNOWN'} ++;
+ }
+ # Finally look at the overall queue length
+ #
+ if (/mqueue/) {
+ print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = $_ "if $verbose ;
+ if (/ \((\d+) request/) {
+ #
+ # single queue: first line
+ # multi queue: one for each queue. overwrite on multi queue below
+ $this_msg_q = $1 ;
+ $msg_q += $1 ;
+ }
+ } elsif (/^\s+Total\sRequests:\s(\d+)$/i) {
+ if ($this_msg_q) {
+ $this_msg_q = 0 ;
+ } else {
+ print "$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ = $_ \n" if $verbose ;
+ #
+ # multi queue: last line
+ $msg_q += $1 ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## close mailq
+ close (MAILQ);
+ if ( $? ) {
+ print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
+ }
+ ## shut off the alarm
+ alarm(0);
+ ## now check the queue length(s)
+ if ($msg_q == 0) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq is empty";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ } else {
+ print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ # check for domain specific queue lengths if requested
+ if (defined $opt_W) {
+ # Apply threshold to queue lengths FROM domain
+ my @srckeys = sort { $srcdomains{$b} <=> $srcdomains{$a} } keys %srcdomains;
+ my $srcmaxkey = $srckeys[0];
+ print "src max is $srcmaxkey with $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages\n" if $verbose;
+ if ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} >= $opt_W && $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} < $opt_C) {
+ if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ } elsif (($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) || ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})){
+ $msg .= " -and- $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ } else {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} >= $opt_C) {
+ if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C) -and- " . $msg;
+ $msg =~ s/WARNING: //;
+ } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}) {
+ $msg .= " -and- $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ } else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} messages in queue FROM $srcmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} > 0) {
+ $msg .= " $srcdomains{$srcmaxkey} msgs. FROM $srcmaxkey is below threshold ($opt_W/$opt_C)";
+ }
+ }
+ # Apply threshold to queue lengths TO domain
+ my @dstkeys = sort { $dstdomains{$b} <=> $dstdomains{$a} } keys %dstdomains;
+ my $dstmaxkey = $dstkeys[0];
+ print "dst max is $dstmaxkey with $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages\n" if $verbose;
+ if ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} >= $opt_W && $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} < $opt_C) {
+ if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ } elsif (($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) || ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'})){
+ $msg .= " -and- $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ } else {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} >= $opt_C) {
+ if ($state == $ERRORS{'OK'}) {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'WARNING'}) {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold C = $opt_C) -and- " . $msg;
+ $msg =~ s/WARNING: //;
+ } elsif ($state == $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}) {
+ $msg .= " -and- $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ } else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} messages in queue TO $dstmaxkey (threshold W = $opt_W)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} > 0) {
+ $msg .= " $dstdomains{$dstmaxkey} msgs. TO $dstmaxkey is below threshold ($opt_W/$opt_C)";
+ }
+ }
+ } # End of queue length thresholds
+ }
} # end of ($mailq eq "sendmail")
elsif ( $mailq eq "postfix" ) {
## open mailq
- if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
- if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args | " ) ) {
- print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args \n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
- unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
- print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- } else {
- print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
+ if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args | " ) ) {
+ print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args \n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
+ unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
+ print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
@lines = reverse <MAILQ>;
@@ -360,8 +359,8 @@ elsif ( $mailq eq "postfix" ) {
close MAILQ;
if ( $? ) {
- print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args",$/;
+ print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args",$/;
## shut off the alarm
@@ -370,11 +369,11 @@ elsif ( $mailq eq "postfix" ) {
# check queue length
if ($lines[0]=~/Kbytes in (\d+)/) {
$msg_q = $1 ;
- }elsif ($lines[0]=~/Mail queue is empty/) {
- $msg_q = 0;
+ }elsif ($lines[0]=~/Mail queue is empty/) {
+ $msg_q = 0;
- print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args output\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ$mailq_args output\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
# check messages not processed
@@ -390,194 +389,194 @@ elsif ( $mailq eq "postfix" ) {
$msg = "OK: $mailq mailq reports queue is empty";
$state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
} else {
- print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
- # overall queue length
- if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
- # check messages not yet preprocessed (only compare is $opt_W and $opt_C
- # are defined)
- #if (defined $opt_W) {
- # $msg .= "[Preprocessed = $msg_p]";
- # if ($msg_p >= $opt_W && $msg_p < $opt_C ) {
- # $state = $state == $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ? $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} : $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
- # }elsif ($msg_p >= $opt_C ) {
- # $state = $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
- # }
- #}
+ print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ # check messages not yet preprocessed (only compare is $opt_W and $opt_C
+ # are defined)
+ #if (defined $opt_W) {
+ # $msg .= "[Preprocessed = $msg_p]";
+ # if ($msg_p >= $opt_W && $msg_p < $opt_C ) {
+ # $state = $state == $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ? $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} : $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
+ # }elsif ($msg_p >= $opt_C ) {
+ # $state = $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+ # }
+ #}
} # end of ($mailq eq "postfix")
elsif ( $mailq eq "qmail" ) {
- # open qmail-qstat
- if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT && -x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT ) {
- if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT | " ) ) {
- print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT \n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT){
- unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT) {
- print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- } else {
- print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT is not defined\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- @lines = <MAILQ>;
- # close qmail-qstat
- close MAILQ;
- if ( $? ) {
- print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
- }
- ## shut off the alarm
- alarm(0);
- # check queue length
- if ($lines[0]=~/^messages in queue: (\d+)/) {
- $msg_q = $1 ;
- }else{
- print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT output\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- # check messages not processed
- if ($lines[1]=~/^messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: (\d+)/) {
- my $msg_p = $1;
- }else{
- print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT output\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- # check queue length(s)
- if ($msg_q == 0){
- $msg = "OK: qmail-qstat reports queue is empty";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- } else {
- print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
- # overall queue length
- if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
- # check messages not yet preprocessed (only compare is $opt_W and $opt_C
- # are defined)
- if (defined $opt_W) {
- $msg .= "[Preprocessed = $msg_p]";
- if ($msg_p >= $opt_W && $msg_p < $opt_C ) {
- $state = $state == $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ? $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} : $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
- }elsif ($msg_p >= $opt_C ) {
- $state = $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
- }
- }
- }
+ # open qmail-qstat
+ if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT && -x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT ) {
+ if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT | " ) ) {
+ print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT \n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT){
+ unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT) {
+ print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT is not defined\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ @lines = <MAILQ>;
+ # close qmail-qstat
+ close MAILQ;
+ if ( $? ) {
+ print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
+ }
+ ## shut off the alarm
+ alarm(0);
+ # check queue length
+ if ($lines[0]=~/^messages in queue: (\d+)/) {
+ $msg_q = $1 ;
+ }else{
+ print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT output\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ # check messages not processed
+ if ($lines[1]=~/^messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: (\d+)/) {
+ my $msg_p = $1;
+ }else{
+ print "Couldn't match $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT output\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ # check queue length(s)
+ if ($msg_q == 0){
+ $msg = "OK: qmail-qstat reports queue is empty";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ } else {
+ print "msg_q = $msg_q warn=$opt_w crit=$opt_c\n" if $verbose;
+ # overall queue length
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
+ # check messages not yet preprocessed (only compare is $opt_W and $opt_C
+ # are defined)
+ if (defined $opt_W) {
+ $msg .= "[Preprocessed = $msg_p]";
+ if ($msg_p >= $opt_W && $msg_p < $opt_C ) {
+ $state = $state == $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ? $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} : $ERRORS{"WARNING"} ;
+ }elsif ($msg_p >= $opt_C ) {
+ $state = $ERRORS{"CRITICAL"} ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
} # end of ($mailq eq "qmail")
elsif ( $mailq eq "exim" ) {
- ## open mailq
- if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
- if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
- print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
- unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
- print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- } else {
- print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- while (<MAILQ>) {
- #22m 1.7K 19aEEr-0007hx-Dy <> *** frozen ***
+ ## open mailq
+ if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
+ if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
+ print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
+ unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
+ print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ while (<MAILQ>) {
+ #22m 1.7K 19aEEr-0007hx-Dy <> *** frozen ***
#root at exlixams.glups.fr
- if (/\s[\w\d]{6}-[\w\d]{6}-[\w\d]{2}\s/) { # message id 19aEEr-0007hx-Dy
- $msg_q++ ;
- }
- }
- close(MAILQ) ;
- if ( $? ) {
- print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
- }
- if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
+ if (/\s[\w\d]{6}-[\w\d]{6}-[\w\d]{2}\s/) { # message id 19aEEr-0007hx-Dy
+ $msg_q++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ close(MAILQ) ;
+ if ( $? ) {
+ print "CRITICAL: Error code ".($?>>8)." returned from $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ",$/;
+ }
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
} # end of ($mailq eq "exim")
elsif ( $mailq eq "nullmailer" ) {
- ## open mailq
- if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
- if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
- print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
- unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
- print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- } else {
- print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- while (<MAILQ>) {
- #2022-08-25 01:30:40 502 bytes from <user at example.com>
- if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s+\d+\sbytes/) {
- $msg_q++ ;
- }
- }
- close(MAILQ) ;
- if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
- $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
- }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
- $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
- }else {
- $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
- $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
- }
+ ## open mailq
+ if ( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ ) {
+ if (! open (MAILQ, "$sudo $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ | " ) ) {
+ print "ERROR: could not open $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ \n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }elsif( defined $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ){
+ unless (-x $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ) {
+ print "ERROR: $utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not executable by (uid $>:gid($)))\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ } else {
+ print "ERROR: \$utils::PATH_TO_MAILQ is not defined\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ while (<MAILQ>) {
+ #2022-08-25 01:30:40 502 bytes from <user at example.com>
+ if (/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}\s+\d+\sbytes/) {
+ $msg_q++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ close(MAILQ) ;
+ if ($msg_q < $opt_w) {
+ $msg = "OK: $mailq mailq ($msg_q) is below threshold ($opt_w/$opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ }elsif ($msg_q >= $opt_w && $msg_q < $opt_c) {
+ $msg = "WARNING: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold w = $opt_w)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'WARNING'};
+ }else {
+ $msg = "CRITICAL: $mailq mailq is $msg_q (threshold c = $opt_c)";
+ $state = $ERRORS{'CRITICAL'};
+ }
} # end of ($mailq eq "nullmailer")
# Perfdata support
@@ -590,130 +589,130 @@ exit $state;
sub process_arguments(){
- GetOptions
- ("V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
- "v" => \$opt_v, "verbose" => \$opt_v,
- "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
- "M:s" => \$opt_M, "mailserver:s" => \$opt_M, # mailserver (default sendmail)
- "w=i" => \$opt_w, "warning=i" => \$opt_w, # warning if above this number
- "c=i" => \$opt_c, "critical=i" => \$opt_c, # critical if above this number
- "W=i" => \$opt_W, "warning-domain=i" => \$opt_W, # Warning if above this number
- "C=i" => \$opt_C, "critical-domain=i" => \$opt_C, # Critical if above this number
- "t=i" => \$opt_t, "timeout=i" => \$opt_t,
- "s" => \$opt_s, "sudo" => \$opt_s,
- "d:s" => \$opt_d, "configdir:s" => \$opt_d,
- );
- if ($opt_V) {
- print_revision($PROGNAME,'@NP_VERSION@');
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- if ($opt_h) {
- print_help();
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- if (defined $opt_v ){
- $verbose = $opt_v;
- }
- unless (defined $opt_t) {
- $opt_t = $utils::TIMEOUT ; # default timeout
- }
- unless ( defined $opt_w && defined $opt_c ) {
- print_usage();
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- if ( $opt_w >= $opt_c) {
- print "Warning (-w) cannot be greater than Critical (-c)!\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- if (defined $opt_W && ! defined !$opt_C) {
- print "Need -C if using -W\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }elsif(defined $opt_W && defined $opt_C) {
- if ($opt_W >= $opt_C) {
- print "Warning (-W) cannot be greater than Critical (-C)!\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }
- if (defined $opt_M) {
- if ($opt_M =~ /^(sendmail|qmail|postfix|exim|nullmailer)$/) {
- $mailq = $opt_M ;
- }elsif( $opt_M eq ''){
- $mailq = 'sendmail';
- }else{
- print "-M: $opt_M is not supported\n";
- exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
- }
- }else{
- if (defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT
- && -x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT)
- {
- $mailq = 'qmail';
- }
- elsif (-d '/var/lib/postfix' || -d '/var/local/lib/postfix'
- || -e '/usr/sbin/postfix' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/postfix')
- {
- $mailq = 'postfix';
- }
- elsif (-d '/usr/lib/exim4' || -d '/usr/local/lib/exim4'
- || -e '/usr/sbin/exim' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/exim')
- {
- $mailq = 'exim';
- }
- elsif (-d '/usr/lib/nullmailer' || -d '/usr/local/lib/nullmailer'
- || -e '/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send'
- || -e '/usr/local/sbin/nullmailer-send')
- {
- $mailq = 'nullmailer';
- }
- else {
- $mailq = 'sendmail';
- }
- }
- return $ERRORS{'OK'};
+ GetOptions
+ ("V" => \$opt_V, "version" => \$opt_V,
+ "v" => \$opt_v, "verbose" => \$opt_v,
+ "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h,
+ "M:s" => \$opt_M, "mailserver:s" => \$opt_M, # mailserver (default sendmail)
+ "w=i" => \$opt_w, "warning=i" => \$opt_w, # warning if above this number
+ "c=i" => \$opt_c, "critical=i" => \$opt_c, # critical if above this number
+ "W=i" => \$opt_W, "warning-domain=i" => \$opt_W, # Warning if above this number
+ "C=i" => \$opt_C, "critical-domain=i" => \$opt_C, # Critical if above this number
+ "t=i" => \$opt_t, "timeout=i" => \$opt_t,
+ "s" => \$opt_s, "sudo" => \$opt_s,
+ "d:s" => \$opt_d, "configdir:s" => \$opt_d,
+ );
+ if ($opt_V) {
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'@NP_VERSION@');
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ if ($opt_h) {
+ print_help();
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ if (defined $opt_v ){
+ $verbose = $opt_v;
+ }
+ unless (defined $opt_t) {
+ $opt_t = $utils::TIMEOUT ; # default timeout
+ }
+ unless ( defined $opt_w && defined $opt_c ) {
+ print_usage();
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ if ( $opt_w >= $opt_c) {
+ print "Warning (-w) cannot be greater than Critical (-c)!\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ if (defined $opt_W && ! defined !$opt_C) {
+ print "Need -C if using -W\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }elsif(defined $opt_W && defined $opt_C) {
+ if ($opt_W >= $opt_C) {
+ print "Warning (-W) cannot be greater than Critical (-C)!\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $opt_M) {
+ if ($opt_M =~ /^(sendmail|qmail|postfix|exim|nullmailer)$/) {
+ $mailq = $opt_M ;
+ }elsif( $opt_M eq ''){
+ $mailq = 'sendmail';
+ }else{
+ print "-M: $opt_M is not supported\n";
+ exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};
+ }
+ }else{
+ if (defined $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT
+ && -x $utils::PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT)
+ {
+ $mailq = 'qmail';
+ }
+ elsif (-d '/var/lib/postfix' || -d '/var/local/lib/postfix'
+ || -e '/usr/sbin/postfix' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/postfix')
+ {
+ $mailq = 'postfix';
+ }
+ elsif (-d '/usr/lib/exim4' || -d '/usr/local/lib/exim4'
+ || -e '/usr/sbin/exim' || -e '/usr/local/sbin/exim')
+ {
+ $mailq = 'exim';
+ }
+ elsif (-d '/usr/lib/nullmailer' || -d '/usr/local/lib/nullmailer'
+ || -e '/usr/sbin/nullmailer-send'
+ || -e '/usr/local/sbin/nullmailer-send')
+ {
+ $mailq = 'nullmailer';
+ }
+ else {
+ $mailq = 'sendmail';
+ }
+ }
+ return $ERRORS{'OK'};
sub print_usage () {
- print "Usage: $PROGNAME -w <warn> -c <crit> [-W <warn>] [-C <crit>] [-M <MTA>] [-t <timeout>] [-s] [-d <CONFIGDIR>] [-v]\n";
+ print "Usage: $PROGNAME -w <warn> -c <crit> [-W <warn>] [-C <crit>] [-M <MTA>] [-t <timeout>] [-s] [-d <CONFIGDIR>] [-v]\n";
sub print_help () {
- print_revision($PROGNAME,'@NP_VERSION@');
- print "Copyright (c) 2002 Subhendu Ghosh/Carlos Canau/Benjamin Schmid\n";
- print "\n";
- print_usage();
- print "\n";
- print " Checks the number of messages in the mail queue (supports multiple sendmail queues, qmail)\n";
- print " Feedback/patches to support non-sendmail mailqueue welcome\n\n";
- print "-w (--warning) = Min. number of messages in queue to generate warning\n";
- print "-c (--critical) = Min. number of messages in queue to generate critical alert ( w < c )\n";
- print "-W (--warning-domain) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate warning\n";
- print "-C (--critical-domain) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate critical alert ( W < C )\n";
- print "-t (--timeout) = Plugin timeout in seconds (default = $utils::TIMEOUT)\n";
- print "-M (--mailserver) = [ sendmail | qmail | postfix | exim | nullmailer ] (default = autodetect)\n";
- print "-s (--sudo) = Use sudo to call the mailq command\n";
- print "-d (--configdir) = Config file or directory\n";
- print "-h (--help)\n";
- print "-V (--version)\n";
- print "-v (--verbose) = debugging output\n";
- print "\n\n";
- print "Note: -w and -c are required arguments. -W and -C are optional.\n";
- print " -W and -C are applied to domains listed on the queues - both FROM and TO. (sendmail)\n";
- print " -W and -C are applied message not yet preproccessed. (qmail)\n";
- print " This plugin tries to autodetect which mailserver you are running,\n";
- print " you can override the autodetection with -M.\n";
- print " This plugin uses the system mailq command (sendmail) or qmail-stat (qmail)\n";
- print " to look at the queues. Mailq can usually only be accessed by root or \n";
- print " a TrustedUser. You will have to set appropriate permissions for the plugin to work.\n";
- print "";
- print "\n\n";
- support();
+ print_revision($PROGNAME,'@NP_VERSION@');
+ print "Copyright (c) 2002 Subhendu Ghosh/Carlos Canau/Benjamin Schmid\n";
+ print "\n";
+ print_usage();
+ print "\n";
+ print " Checks the number of messages in the mail queue (supports multiple sendmail queues, qmail)\n";
+ print " Feedback/patches to support non-sendmail mailqueue welcome\n\n";
+ print "-w (--warning) = Min. number of messages in queue to generate warning\n";
+ print "-c (--critical) = Min. number of messages in queue to generate critical alert ( w < c )\n";
+ print "-W (--warning-domain) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate warning\n";
+ print "-C (--critical-domain) = Min. number of messages for same domain in queue to generate critical alert ( W < C )\n";
+ print "-t (--timeout) = Plugin timeout in seconds (default = $utils::TIMEOUT)\n";
+ print "-M (--mailserver) = [ sendmail | qmail | postfix | exim | nullmailer ] (default = autodetect)\n";
+ print "-s (--sudo) = Use sudo to call the mailq command\n";
+ print "-d (--configdir) = Config file or directory\n";
+ print "-h (--help)\n";
+ print "-V (--version)\n";
+ print "-v (--verbose) = debugging output\n";
+ print "\n\n";
+ print "Note: -w and -c are required arguments. -W and -C are optional.\n";
+ print " -W and -C are applied to domains listed on the queues - both FROM and TO. (sendmail)\n";
+ print " -W and -C are applied message not yet preproccessed. (qmail)\n";
+ print " This plugin tries to autodetect which mailserver you are running,\n";
+ print " you can override the autodetection with -M.\n";
+ print " This plugin uses the system mailq command (sendmail) or qmail-stat (qmail)\n";
+ print " to look at the queues. Mailq can usually only be accessed by root or \n";
+ print " a TrustedUser. You will have to set appropriate permissions for the plugin to work.\n";
+ print "";
+ print "\n\n";
+ support();
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