[Nagiosplug-devel] A new plugin...a thought

Pietro Bandera pietrob at lansystems.it
Thu Dec 12 01:39:03 CET 2002

Hi all

I found out a "new" or better a not well known command that could be
useful to make a "check_bandwith" or something similar command.....

The command is bing.....a simple command that tries to "feel" the
avaible bandwith between two net nodes....

So what i only thought is that...maybe we can use this command in a
similar way of the "check_ping" command.....but not in order to see if
the host is reachable and how is slow....but understand, as much as the
command bing can, the avaible bandwith to reach an host.......of course
with -c and -w command values.

This command could be useful f.e. to know if we got the right CIR on
frame relay or CDN net....or whatever we want....

Unfortunatly...i'm not a coder :(((...so my message is this...if you
think that my idea would be good...please take a look at it...


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