[Nagiosplug-devel] Plugins patches
Russell Scibetti
russell at quadrix.com
Mon Feb 10 10:49:05 CET 2003
I sent these to the list a while ago and haven't seen anything checked
in. Please take a look at these. They are based on the 1.3b2 release.
Fixed problem with the plugin not checking the default expect strings
for various service types. Also changed the check_pop expect string to
"+OK". It was "220", which means nothing for POP. You need to get a
+OK to know POP is responding.
Fixed a problem where the plugin was trying to read more args from the
argv array without first checking to see if there were anymore (caused
segfault). This whole section, designed to allow users to pass the
hostname to lookup and the dns server to use without using the proper -H
and -s tags, should probably be removed. Force the users to stick to
the plugin-defined structure and standards.
Hope these help! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help
the project. I have mentioned previously about doing work for Solaris
build (2.6 and 8). We are almost done setting up development
environments for both OS's here, so if you need help in that area,
please just let me know. Thanks.
Russell Scibetti
Russell Scibetti
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.
(732) 235-2335, ext. 7038
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