[Nagiosplug-devel] a check initscript plugin

Sam Tilders nagios-devel at jovianprojects.com.au
Wed Jan 8 20:46:03 CET 2003


While I'm at it, maybe you'd like the following plugin contribution.

The plugin is intented to return the status of a daemon run from an
/etc/init.d initscript.

It's compatible with the initscripts rpm provided with Mandrake 9 and Redhat
 8 and I've also had it work on RH 6.2, 7.2 and 7.3.

The script itself has some documentation in the comments.

-- Sam
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URL: <https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/archive/devel/attachments/20030108/f0cefb45/attachment.bin>

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