[Nagiosplug-devel] New Plugin: check_status

Russell Scibetti russell at quadrix.com
Thu Jan 9 14:55:04 CET 2003

Here is that plugin that I mentioned a while back.  It is run locally on 
a box to parse the status.log for HARD service or host problems and 
return an exit code and output depending on the # of problems found and 
the arguments provided.  There are a lot of arguments, and my concern is 
that people might not understand some of what the plugin is doing.  I 
tried to explain most of it in the --help output, but if there are any 
questions, please email me (russell at quadrix.com).

If this could be added to the contrib section of the nagiosplug tree 
(assuming you think its ok), I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

Russell Scibetti

Brandon Knitter wrote:

>Please submit it to the project, and to the mailing list.  If it takes a while 
>to be intergrated, I'd be very interested in making use of this for a command 
>line interface.

Russell Scibetti
Quadrix Solutions, Inc.
(732) 235-2335, ext. 7038

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