[Nagiosplug-devel] [Patch] Implement error-only for check_disk

Ian Duggan ian.duggan at demandtec.com
Sat Mar 8 04:19:05 CET 2003

check_disk for nagios-plugins-1.3.0 has the following unimplemented feature:

 -e, --errors-only
    Display only devices/mountpoints with errors

The attached patch implements this feature. If -e is given on the command 
line, only mountpoints that are in the threshold range will be displayed. 
This makes it easier to see which mounts have problems, rather than wading 
through 400 characters of text with your eyes.

If -v (verbose) is specified, it overrides this flag and causes all mounts to 
still be shown.

-- Ian

Ian Duggan    ian at ianduggan.net    http://www.ianduggan.net                    
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