[Nagiosplug-devel] check_http - support for critical levels when checking certs

Andy Mayhew amayhew at verisign.com
Tue Nov 4 11:05:05 CET 2003

We wrote up this simple shell script which uses curl and openssl to 
validate CRL files, which you might be interested in using.

--Andy Mayhew

Terry wrote:

>I found that check_http didn't have support for
>notifying a critical level after a number of days when
>checking certs:
>check_http -C 60 -c 30 -ssl $ARG1$
>This was very easy to implement.  Could this be added
>to the next release? I have no clue how to generate a
>patch and don't really have the time to learn how but
>I find this 'feature' useful.
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