[Nagiosplug-devel] [patch] check_swap for NetBSD/OpenBSD

sean finney seanius at seanius.net
Sat Aug 14 18:18:10 CEST 2004

hey there,

after taking a look to see how it was done with the swap/swapinfo
commands, i've added the functionality to the configure script
to detect the NetBSD/OpenBSD swapctl command and configure
itself accordingly.  i've kept the patch as minimal as possible
(basically copying what was done for swap/swapinfo in configure.in),
and it's based off of a cvs checkout from earlier this afternoon.

fwiw, i've tested this on NetBSD macppc and i386, as well as 
OpenBSD i386.

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--- configure.in.old	2004-08-14 00:40:12.000000000 -0400
+++ configure.in	2004-08-14 00:42:51.000000000 -0400
@@ -1362,6 +1362,32 @@
 dnl end if for PATH_TO_SWAPINFO
+if (test -n "$PATH_TO_SWAPCTL")
+if [$PATH_TO_SWAPCTL -l 2>&1 >/dev/null]
+	ac_cv_have_swap=yes
+	ac_cv_swap_command="$PATH_TO_SWAPCTL -l"
+	if [$PATH_TO_SWAPCTL -l 2>/dev/null | \
+		egrep -i "^Device +1K-blocks +Used +Avail +Capacity +Priority" >/dev/null ]
+	then
+		ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %llu %*d %llu %*d"]
+		ac_cv_swap_conv=1024
+		AC_MSG_RESULT([using 1K BSD format swapctl])
+	elif [$PATH_TO_SWAPCTL -l 2>/dev/null | \
+		egrep -i "^Device +512-blocks +Used +Avail +Capacity +Priority" >/dev/null ]
+	then
+		ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %llu %*d %llu %*d"]
+		ac_cv_swap_conv=2048
+		AC_MSG_RESULT([using 512 byte BSD format swapctl])
+	fi
+dnl end if for PATH_TO_SWAPCTL
 if test "x$ac_cv_have_swap" != "x" 
 	AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SWAP,1,[Define if swap/swapinfo command is found])
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