[Nagiosplug-devel] 1.4.0-alpha3 check_dhcp build failure on HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00
Stanley Hopcroft
Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Sat Dec 18 01:00:02 CET 2004
Dear Sir,
I am writing to thank you for your letter and say, Woo-hoo !
On Sat, Dec 18, 2004 at 03:01:20AM +0100, Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> >Go to http://www.hp.com/dspp
> >Click "Register for DSPP membership" in the "I want to" section of links
> >in the middle of the page. You can get shell (telnet, for some reason)
> >and ftp access to several different versions and flavours of *BSD,
> >HP-UX, OpenVMS, Linux and whatnot, running on a multitude of different
> >architectures. If you have special build requirements you can request
> >installation of certain software (which is usually denied, but still...).
> >
> >I've got accounts for all of their compile-farm machines. If, for some
> >reason, your registration isn't approved, I might be able to take a look
> >at it for you (although they're usually under some pretty heavy load so
> >it's not very fast going).
HP may have streamlineed their procedures, I got the rego ack within 5
minutes of filling out the form (who are you and what systems do you
want only).
From: <testdrive AT hp.com>
To: shopcroft AT IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Subject: Thanks for registration
Thanks for your interest in the HP Testdrive Program. Information
regarding howto access the systems offered via Testdrive will arrive in an email
If you do not receive a follow-up message, please send an email to
testdrive AT hp.comwith your selected username and a brief description of the problem you
are having.
> Sorry about that. It's at http://www.testdrive.hp.com
> Apparently they have updated the web structure since I signed up.
This is great: strange architectures and OS's to the max (must be slow
... I suppose; what a wonderful service from HP [BTW, a shameless plug
is that Jeremy Allison, one of the senior Samba developers ,is an HP
Thanks very much for sharing this. I think _no one_ has had ready access
to Tru 64, HP-UX etc. Great news !
Nagios on OpenVMS anyone ?
Yours sincerely.
Stanley Hopcroft
IP Australia
Ph: (02) 6283 3189 Fax: (02) 6281 1353
PO Box 200 Woden ACT 2606
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