[Nagiosplug-devel] Plugin guideline suggestion

Jason Martin jhmartin at toger.us
Tue Jan 18 08:20:44 CET 2005

On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 08:23:52AM -0000, Voon, Ton wrote:
> While I think this suggestion has merit, we usually use check_xxx --version
> to grab the version number (which also displays the release version too). Is
> there a specific reason you want the what identifiers?
I've found that --version isn't uniformly handled in the
plugins. Some look for -V, --version, -v, and so on.  Adding
support for --version to all the plugins would entail making
some large enhancements to some of them as they aren't using
getopts at all (such as many of the contrib ones). Adding the
what/ident idenfiers is very easy to do in all languages since
one just has to either enter a comment or define a string
variable. Updating all the existing plugins to do this would be
very easy.

--version also requires that the plugin work. If there are any
libraries / modules missing then the plugin can't execute to
return the data. what/ident does not require the plugin be in
working order.

-Jason Martin
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