[Nagiosplug-devel] check_rta (next check_icmp) + public key

Andreas Ericsson ae at op5.se
Sat Jan 29 03:29:14 CET 2005

Ahoy all.

To all those who have tested and commented on check_rta, thanks.

I've fixed the SIGSEGV crash (I think, at least I can't reproduce it on 
my own system any more), and some timing issues causing check_rta to 
time out prematurely with an obscene packet loss even when rta is below 1ms.

Inspired by the check_traceroute (or check_route, I don't remember) perl 
plugin, I've also added an -l flag to specify time-to-live on outgoing 
packets. It should work where the perl plugin does.

The latest version is available from the usual places;

For those of you who have offered me access to Solaris and *BSD boxes, 
I've attached my public SSH-key. The following commands should work to 
allow me in without a password.
useradd -m exon
mkdir ~exon/.ssh
cp id_dsa.pub ~exon/.ssh/authorized_keys
chown exon:exon -R ~exon/.ssh
chmod 700 -R ~exon/.ssh

Send me a private email with the hostname/ip-address when you're done. 
I'd like to spend this day testing everything out so it can be in the 
1.4-release of the plugins and we can finally get rid of check_ping and 
the other output parsing ping plugins.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.ericsson at op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Lead Developer
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