[Nagiosplug-devel] Obsoleted contrib and tarballs files

Stanley Hopcroft Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU
Wed Jul 6 15:47:21 CEST 2005

Dear Folks,

On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 11:03:32PM +0100, Ton Voon wrote:
> Guys,
> I really think we should unshackle ourselves from every plugin in the  
> world and setup a CPAN-like area (or promote the use of one). That  
> way support is kept with the plugin originators and they can update  
> them independently from this project. The Nagios Plugins will still  
> be for "core" functionality and showcasing new methods and techniques  
> of interfacing with Nagios.
> I have had resistance to this idea in the past and I want to reopen  
> the debate because I think this is the only way to go in future.

It was probably from me but I can't think why at the moment.

It is an advantageous proposal in that it 

1 allows development to concentrate on the official plugins

2 allows the donation of contributed code, without any commitment whatsoever
from the project

Such a facility may already exist (called 'Nagiosexchange').

OTOH doing so requires in my view

1 deciding what to do with contrib code that is already on the SF contrib

2 managing expectations: at least, updating the plugin developers guidelines.

Your comments about CPAN are interesting and seemingly consistent with a view
held by Perl developers that CPAN is

1 absolutely indispensable to the future of Perl because of the high quality
of __some__ of the modules

2 a dumping ground for other modules of lower quality

That said, no one is talking about 'reforming' CPAN. People are known by their
good code on CPAN (eg WWW::Mechanize, LWP, PAR, Inline etc etc). The only
thing I would like from CPAN is a 'nuke' button to obliterate from all
consciousness bad code I put there; Its absence means that I __must__ maintain

> Ton

Yours sincerely.

Stanley Hopcroft

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