[Nagiosplug-devel] Re: Nagiosplug-devel digest, Vol 1 #863 - 4 msgs (Ouf of Office (Auto Reply))

Karim Vaes kvaes at vangenechten.com
Sat Mar 5 20:19:07 CET 2005

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm currently out of the office, I'll be back on the 7th of March. For
urgent matters, don't hesitate to contact my colleagues
(helpdesk at vangenechten.com or +32(0)14/403720).

Kind regards

Karim Vaes

IMAS NV (part of the Vangenechten Group)
Raadsherenstraat 2 - BE-2300 TURNHOUT
Tel: +32(0)14 403730     fax: +32(0)14 403715
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