[Nagiosplug-devel] Kickoff for 1.5

sean finney seanius at seanius.net
Tue Mar 8 21:20:02 CET 2005

hi ton,

On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 08:03:27PM +0000, Ton Voon wrote:
> I don't personally use SNMP, but it does feel like there are a lot of 
> redundant pieces. There probably needs to be a bit of thought in how it 
> hangs together.

my thoughts exactly.  i don't claim to know the best way to proceed
with this, but would like to help find out :)

> What exactly do you think needs doing? Subendu is the resident expert 
> in SNMP, so I'll leave him to decide the direction here.

i think there are a few facets to this:

- availability/selection of snmp plugins

  bringing in as many snmp-like checks as possible.  for unix hosts
  there's all kinds of stuff in the ucd/net and host mibs.  i could
  build a list if it'd be helpful.

- consistancy of snmp plugin interface

  common cmdline interface, normalized cmd naming scheme.  there'll be
  some cmdline options that will be common to every plugin (community,
  snmp version, host, port), and some that aren't.

- consolidation of duplicate code

  depending on what we learn from the above two, it might make
  sense to develop a common code base to reduce code redundancy.

some thoughts, anyway

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