[Nagiosplug-devel] update for nagios-plugins and debian

sean finney seanius at seanius.net
Thu Oct 13 03:48:40 CEST 2005

hey folks,

just fyi, i've recently got my hands on the debian nagios-plugins
package, and have brought it under the umbrella of the debian nagios
packaging team.  i've now brought the package up to date with the
latest official release (was previously at 1.4).  i've also tackled a fair
number of bugs that were reported in the debian bts, which i've now
merged into CVS HEAD here.

most of the changes that have come through the debian bts will have
an entry in the cvs commit (and thus the changelog i guess) referencing
the bug number in the debian bts.  for those who are curious, you
can then visit the bug by going to http://bugs.debian.org/$bugnumber.
you can also see all bugs against nagios-plugins by visiting

btw, as i've mentioned, there's a "debian packaging team", which
consists of myself and a couple other individuals.  the team is
coordinated through "alioth"[1], which is essentially the same
thing as sourceforge, though we only use the cvs repositories and
mailing lists.  i'm trying to get as much of the "nagios family"
there, and make it a coordinated center for everything nagios
in debian.  if anyone would be interested in working in this group
(you don't have to be a debian developer) please let me know.  

note that this is not intended to be an alternate development tree
to nagios, but more like a tree of the "debian-refined" changes
made to the plugins.  also, it will include patches for bugfixes etc
from cvs HEAD here in between releases, and also serve as another
source for bugreports, which will result in fixes coming back this way.


[1] http://alioth.debian.org/projects/pkg-nagios
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