[Nagiosplug-devel] Nagios::Plugin api

Ton Voon ton.voon at altinity.com
Thu Aug 31 11:29:56 CEST 2006

On 30 Aug 2006, at 21:04, Vonnahme, Nathan wrote:

> I like that, it is more intuitive.  Maybe it should default to UNKNOWN
> though-- you should explicitly throw CRITICAL or WARNING if it's an
> expected problem (the thing you're checking is down/excessive), and  
> just
> plain die() (which would return UNKNOWN) if it's something that keeps
> you from checking, like if a file your check script needs isn't there.

Agreed. UNKNOWN is a better default.

> What about even overloading the die and end handlers like this (I may
> not have it quite right... and you'd have to do it in the check  
> script,
> not the module) ?

I like the idea of overloading die - keeps it v simple - but only if  
it doesn't need to be specified at the plugin script (eg, can we get  
it automatically just by use Nagios::Plugin?).

Also, does that mean the object will return the data? Or all the  
setup stuff is class data?


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