[Nagiosplug-devel] RFC: Plugin API Changes

Jason Martin jhmartin at toger.us
Tue Feb 28 10:53:02 CET 2006

On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 12:10:02PM -0600, Ethan Galstad wrote:
> Line1: "Short output | Perf1"
> Line2: "Long output 1"
> Line3: "Long output 2"
> Line4: "Long output3 | Perf2"
> Line5: "Perf3"
> Line6: "Perf4"
> $SERVICEOUTPUT$="Short output"
> $PERFDATA$="Perf1 Perf2 Perf3 Perf4"
> $LONGSERVICEOUTPUT$="Long output 1\nLong output2\nLong output3\n"
How does Nagios differentiate between Line2 being 'long output'
and line5 being perfdata? Both follow a line with a | character
in it.

Thank you,
-Jason Martin
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