[Nagiosplug-devel] check_smtp plugin

Andre Boulianne andre.boulianne at notarius.com
Tue Jan 10 21:54:01 CET 2006

Hi, I have a simple question because I didn't find any place or information to solve my problem.  The problem is that I configure the check_smtp plugin to run as a service of one of my host and I intentionally put a bad response to produce an alarm.  But I can't receive any notifications because if I check in the web interface in the section "Service Status Details For All Host", I can see that the "Status Information" is tagged as "SMTP WARNING" but the "Status" hasn't change at all.  So it's still "OK" all the time.


Is there a way to link the SMTP WARNING to the "Status" column?



P.S.: I don't know if it's the right place to post that question...



Thank you and have a nice day


André Boulianne, ing. jr 
Chargé de projet TI - Sécurité

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