[Nagiosplug-devel] check_udp

Ton Voon ton.voon at altinity.com
Fri Mar 24 08:33:01 CET 2006

On 24 Mar 2006, at 15:45, John P. Rouillard wrote:

> Doesn't something like
>    echo "test" | nc -u -p 3333 -l
>    check_udp -s '' -e test -p 3333 -H localhost
> work? You need to send the empty packet to provoke a response.

You're brilliant! That works really well now - t/check_udp.t now does  
tests for sending and receiving of packets. Just committed into CVS.

I seem to need to kill nc for the sending test. If I'm doing  
something wrong with nc, let me know.


T: +44 (0)870 787 9243
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