[Nagiosplug-devel] Fwd: Patch proposal for check_icmp

Ton Voon ton.voon at altinity.com
Thu Dec 20 17:24:26 CET 2007


I got this email from Harald re: check_icmp specifying a source  
address. I don't know too much about check_icmp, so can anyone else  
look over this?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Harald Jenny <harald.jenny at lin.at>
> Date: 20 December 2007 08:29:55 GMT
> To: tonvoon at users.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Patch proposal for check_icmp
> Dear Tom Voon,
>    I got the advise to contact you from Ingo Lantschner in order to  
> get a little patch into the official nagios-plugins. What the patch  
> does is to give the option of binding check_icmp to a specific ip  
> address. Main purpose for me is to be able to to icmp-tests trough a  
> vpn-tunnel but I'm fairly sure that there are other uses to (for  
> example when pinging from interfaces with multiple ip addresses).  
> The patch in this form cleanly applies to nagios-plugins-1.4.11 from  
> the nagios-website and also compiles (at least under debian etch)  
> without problems. As I just allow specifing an ip but not an  
> interface no changes in dropping of root-privileges where necessary.  
> Please reply and tell me wether inclusion is possible.
> Regards
> Harald Jenny
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Name: check_icmp+source-ip.patch
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URL: <https://www.monitoring-plugins.org/archive/devel/attachments/20071220/ad428e65/attachment.patch>
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