[Nagiosplug-devel] Patch: check_time returns OK if time is before or equal 1.1.1970

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest dermoth at aei.ca
Wed May 2 07:29:06 CEST 2007

On 01/05/07 10:15 AM, Matthias Flacke wrote:
> Hello list,
> if a machine - perhaps due to a crash - gets a date before 1970 
> check_time returns a wrong OK result even if the diff_time seems to be
> reasonable:
> $ date
> Thu Jan  1 00:01:01 CET 1970
> $ ./check_time -w 5 -c 10 -H ntp1.fau.de
> TIME OK - 3116935377 second time difference|time=0s;;;0 offset=-1178031919s;5;10;0
> The problem lies in the signed var diff_time which can get negative and
> then for sure is smaller than the positive thresholds warning_diff or 
> critical_diff.
> A small patch changes time_t diff_time into uint32_t and works fine for 
> me.

This seems to be very arch-specific; to reproduce it on both my x86_64
and i386 I had to replace time_t by int16_t.

I changed a bit your patch to:

1. Have server_time unsigned long as well (server_time comes from
ntohl() which return type ulong)
2. Remove unneeded casts

The attached patch have been committed to CVS.



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