[Nagiosplug-devel] N::P bug in handling >2 repeated arguments from .ini config

Thomas Guyot-Sionnest dermoth at aei.ca
Fri Nov 16 17:39:43 CET 2007

Hash: SHA1

On 16/11/07 08:21 AM, Ton Voon wrote:
> On 16 Nov 2007, at 12:42, Thomas Guyot-Sionnest wrote:
>>> I just added duplicate arguments support for a N::P plugin (=s@).  
>>> From
>>> command-line it works like a charm, but when using more than two
>>> repeated arguments in nagios-plugins.ini I get something like this:
>>> $VAR1 = [
>>>           'ARRAY(0x8545ee8)',
>>>           'string_from_last_argument'
>>>         ];
>>> I'm not sure if there is a reason for the particular syntax in
>>> lib/Nagios/Plugin/Config.pm but changing it to a simple push fixed  
>>> the
>>> problem. Since it's not much tested I'd like that someone review it
>>> before it goes in...
>> Ok, no comments yet and this is definitely broken. I'll commit this  
>> soon
>> is no one objects.
> Does look like a bug. Have you got a testcase that fails?

It applies on 3 and more repeated arguments from the ini file:

$ ./check_stuff -D foo,bar,baz
CHECK_STUFF OK - Arguments: foo,bar,baz

$ ./check_stuff -D foo -D bar -D baz
CHECK_STUFF OK - Arguments: foo,bar,baz

$ ./check_stuff --extra-opts=check_stuff_test1
CHECK_STUFF OK - Arguments: foo,bar,baz

$ ./check_stuff --extra-opts=check_stuff_test2
CHECK_STUFF OK - Arguments: ARRAY(0x9fd210),baz

Just put the ini file in /etc and run the commands above. I attached the
patch as well.

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