[Nagiosplug-devel] (No output error in Centreon) // no problem in console mode

Erwan Boulard ivibration at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 19 10:18:21 CET 2008

Hi list
I have a problem with my plugin nagios => check http connexion login/passd and check the presence of a word in the next page.
In console mode , i have no problem my plugin work well , but in Centreon i have the answer => (no output!).
It's possible that in Centreon process the plugin d'ont work because of the use of a specific library (WWW:mechanize)??
I join the code of the plugin :
#! /usr/bin/perl -w#################################################       TEST CONNEXION HTTPS ITIM## Description : Script perl Verifiant l etat de disponibilite #               de l application ITIM en testant une URL en #               saisissant un user/password et verifiant la #               page de retour## Author      : Erwan Boulard################################################
use utils qw(%ERRORS $TIMEOUT);use Getopt::Long;use strict;use WWW::Mechanize;use vars qw($o_uri $o_login $o_passwd $o_host $o_port $o_vers $o_help);
# Sortie Verbose#sub verb { my $t = shift; print $t, "\n" if defined($o_verb); }
# parse command line options    Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling");    GetOptions(        'h'             => \$o_help,        'help'          => \$o_help,        #'v'             => \$o_verb,        #'verbose'       => \$o_verb,        'H:s'           => \$o_host,        'hostaddress:s' => \$o_host,        'u:s'           => \$o_uri,        'uri:s'         => \$o_uri,        'i:s'           => \$o_login,        'identifiant:s' => \$o_login,        'm:s'           => \$o_passwd,        'motdepasse:s'  => \$o_passwd,        'p:i'           => \$o_port,        'port:i'        => \$o_port,    );if ( defined($o_help) )    { &help();  exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"} }
my $output;my $statut;
# URL/identifiant/motdepasse obligatoireif ( !defined($o_uri) || !defined($o_login) || !defined($o_passwd) || !defined($o_host)) {    &print_usage;    print "\nErreur : Une variable n a pas ete definie \n";    exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'};}
########## MENU PRINCIPAL #######
{      my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new;    my $url;    if(defined($o_port)){    $url = 'http://'.$o_host.':'.$o_port.$o_uri;    }    else {     $url = 'http://'.$o_host.$o_uri;      }       # formulaire de login    #print $url;    $m->get($url);    if($m->success){       # remplissage et validation    $m->set_fields(        useralias => $o_login,        password => $o_passwd,    );    $m->click;    die $m->res->status_line unless $m->success;    if($m->content =~ m/Host Stats/) {        $output="OK - Test de connexion";        $statut='OK';    }    else {        $output="KO - Test de connexion";        $statut='CRITICAL';    }    }    else {       $output="KO - Test de connexion";       $statut='CRITICAL';    }print $output;exit $ERRORS{$statut};}sub print_usage {print "Usage : ./check_itim_testconnexion.pl -H[--hostaddress]HostAddress -u[--uri]URI -i[--identifiant]IDENTIFIANT -m[--motdepasse]MOT DE PASSE  -p[--port]Port \n";}
sub help {print <<EOT;    ******************************************************************************* Verification de l etat de disponibilite de l application ITIM Version 0.1  ** by Erwan Boulard                                                           *******************************************************************************Usage : ./check_itim_testconnexion.pl -H[--hostaddress]HostAddress -u[--uri]URI -i[--identifiant]IDENTIFIANT -m[--motdepasse]MOT DE PASSE  -p[--port]Port    
 -v, --verbose             Affichage du mode debug -h, --help                Affichage de l aide -H, --hostaddress         IP de l host -u, --uri=STRING          URI de l application ITIM -i, --identifiant=STRING  Identifiant -m, --motdepasse=STRING   Mot de passe -p, --port=INTEGER        Port
  Exemple : ./check_itim_testconnexion3.pl -H -u /oreon/index.php -i admin -m admin -p 80 EOT}
Thk you for your help!!
- boulard erwan (katachana)
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