[Nagiosplug-devel] FW: check_mrtgtraf problem

Mark Dahmke MDahmke at 4w.com
Tue Aug 31 23:23:40 CEST 2010


Hello - I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong... why are the
averages shown by MRTG and check_mrtgtraf so different?

Thank you



This is from the MRTG report for daily, 5 minute average:


Max Average Current 

In 423.4 kb/s (0.4%) 76.0 kb/s (0.1%) 76.0 kb/s (0.1%) 

Out 3766.9 kb/s (3.8%) 1297.0 kb/s (1.3%) 1663.7 kb/s (1.7%)



This is what I'm seeing when I run check_mrtgtraf on the same log file:


Traffic OK - Avg. In = 9.1 KB/s, Avg. Out = 181.8 KB/s

Here's the log file:

1283287833 120412663 3392272079

1283287833 9325 186199 9325 186199

1283287532 10953 390273 10953 390273

1283287500 10576 382936 10953 390273

1283287200 7330 295385 7632 325535

1283286900 5123 57192 7099 105322

1283286600 8287 151067 17903 521191

1283286300 16308 470864 17903 521191

. . .


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