[Nagiosplug-devel] Update to SSL cert age checks (-X for critical)

Mike Lindsey mike-nagios at 5dninja.net
Fri Dec 30 01:14:35 CET 2011

At my work it's a critical issue if an SSL cert is going to expire in 
less time than it takes to order and install the cert.  If the cert's 
actually expired, it's too late.

So, I went and added an option to have check_http throw a critical, 
instead of a warning on a soon-to-expire cert.  Since check_tcp and 
check_smtp both import sslutils.c, I added the feature there as well.  I 
would have loved to use -W and -C, but I didn't want to break backwards 
compatibility on any of these plugins.

Should I just be checking this into the Git repository?

Mike Lindsey

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