[Nagiosplug-devel] A patch for check_file_ages_in_dirs

Jess Portnoy jessp at traiana.com
Thu Jul 21 13:38:47 CEST 2011

Hello list,

My patch consist of the following changes:
- Added support for single file monitoring [in addition to monitoring
all files in a given dir]
- Modified arguments for stat from:
  -                                       st_ctime=`stat --printf=%Y
  +                                       st_ctime=`stat -c%Y

Because the --printf flag doesn't exist in older Linux distros versions
[for instance RHEL 4].

- Fixed:
#  /usr/local/nagios_plugins/check_file_ages_in_dirs
-f /var/log/httpd/error_log -c 120 -w hhh
/usr/local/nagios_plugins/check_file_ages_in_dirs: line 228: [: hhh:
integer expression expected


Best regards,

Jess Portnoy
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