[Nagiosplug-devel] Patch for check_procs

Покотиленко Константин Александрович casper at meteor.dp.ua
Fri Sep 9 10:03:01 CEST 2011

Hi, I've made a patch for check_procs (check_procs_perf) to add those

- Total warning and total critical thresholds ranges (options -x, -y)
   applied to summary metric across all processes that matched filter
- Extended status information for failed processes:
   pid, metric and value (not applicable for PROC metric)
- Added Global status (max of total and per-process) as well as
   total status and usual per-process status
- Performance data dependant on metric requested: PROC, VSZ, RSS, CPU
   -v as required to output performance data
   total warning and total critical are used as thresholds in
   performance data

Please tell what you think on this. Maybe consider including it as
separate test check_procs_perf
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