Propose of new version scheme

Holger Weiß holger at
Thu Mar 20 12:49:50 CET 2014

* Jan Wagner <waja at> [2014-03-20 12:38]:
> I`m proposing a new version scheme which could look like:
> <year>.<month>[.bugfixrelease]
> If you think this looks very familiar ... yes it`s used by ubuntu and
> may others.
> What maybe the benefits of a complete different release scheme:
> * there will probably no version number races between existing forks
>   (which is totally nonsense)
> * we can better identify, if a plugin is from our fork or no
>  - this might help when we get bugreports/complaints, especially when
>    forks are more diversing on code base

As you know, we currently have X.Y.Z, where Z is incremented for bug fix
releases, Y for backwards-compatible feature releases, and X for
backwards-incompatible releases.¹  The new scheme wouldn't allow for
distinguishing the latter two, but I could live with that.  I'm fine
with either scheme.



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